Speed Walk synonyms.
48. Swagger: walk with aggressive self-confidence Hoof it: see “foot it” I trying to find word for walking at a very fast pace, and one in particular for a hurried, frentic pace. But strange that synonyms exist for walking slow and so much mo’ but not thus far found for the speedy type. Bounce: walk energetically 12. to make a sudden quick movement somewhere, to go somewhere, especially quickly and quietly without people noticing you or stopping you, to be pushed along very slowly by the movement of air or water, to move in a fast careless way, often hitting people or things, informal to move very quickly in a deliberate or determined way, to go somewhere quickly, especially when you do not wish to be seen, Britishinformal to move somewhere very quickly, Britishinformal to move somewhere very quickly, especially in a vehicle, Americanspoken to leave or move somewhere quickly, to move quickly and with a lot of energy, as if you are very happy, to travel, move, or progress very quickly and easily, to go somewhere quickly with other people, or to make people do this, to do something or go somewhere quickly, usually because you are very busy, mainly American to move forwards quickly and suddenly, going from side to side in an uncontrolled way, to move forwards very quickly in an uncontrolled way, to move quickly and smoothly through something, to move very quickly in a particular direction or into a particular position, especially to avoid something, to move quickly into or behind something, especially to avoid being seen, to go quickly into a place for a specific purpose, to move quickly from one place to another without stopping long, Britishinformal to go somewhere very quickly, informal to go somewhere fast or in an urgent way, to move your body with speed and force in a particular direction, or to be moved in this way, to move very quickly, especially in an uncontrolled way, American to move in a quick effective way, to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way, to make a journey in a shorter time than you expected, Britishinformal to go somewhere quickly and for only a short time, to go faster or do something better than someone else, to move quickly in an uncontrolled way, or to make someone or something move in this way, informal to go somewhere quickly or for a short time, mainly journalism to move very quickly, so that you defeat others, formal to fall or be thrown forwards quickly in a particular direction, or to make someone do this, to work or move at a faster speed than usual, to move quickly towards someone or something, especially in order to attack them, to move somewhere quickly and in a way that is not graceful, to move quickly over the surface of something, or to make something do this, to move quickly from one place or thing to another, British to turn and move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction, or to make something move in this way, to move quickly without anyone noticing you, mainly literary to jump or move in a particular direction, quickly and with a lot of energy, to run, swim etc at a very fast speed for a short period, if a person steams somewhere, they move quickly in a particular direction, if a crowd of people surges, they all move forwards together very quickly, to move forwards as a large mass very quickly, to move or spread quickly through an area, to move quickly and smoothly without stopping for anyone or anything, to move somewhere very quickly, especially in an excited or uncontrolled way, informal to move or to travel very quickly, informal to move very quickly somewhere, often making a sound like the wind when it blows, mainly literary to move or to travel quickly, to go or to be sent quickly from one place to another, informal to send or move something very quickly, or move in this way, informal to move fast with a quiet high sound, informal to move very quickly, or to make something move very quickly. Trip: walk lightly; see also stumble 40.
Foot it: depart or set off by walking 6.
Good writing! 58. 18. If you want, here is a small list: 41. Top synonyms for fast walking (other words for fast walking) are brisk walk, brisk walking and power walking. 5. 8. 29. 59. 44. -scurry Pace: walk precisely to mark off a distance, or walk intently or nervously, especially back and forth Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises!
Or, if none of these ideas work, use hurry, or just say ‘he was walking at a hurried, frantic pace’, then go back to it later once you find a better word to use. Pound: see lumber Pussyfoot: walk stealthily or warily (also, be noncommittal) Troop: walk in unison, or collectively Tromp: see lumber 55. Totter: see stagger (also, sway or become unstable) “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Van Shuffle: see scuff (also, mix, move around, or rearrange) Clump: walk heavily and/or clumsily
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. 16. Stalk: walk stealthily, as in pursuit
46. Walk Fast synonyms. Synonym 62: Sidle, as in walk in a furtive, unobtrusive, or timid manner, especially sideways or obliquely. 43. 7. Join our early testers!
"You'll be too proud to walk with your ould mother," said Mrs. Malone. Shamble: see scuff 38. Falter: walk unsteadily Free thesaurus definition of to move somewhere quickly from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. I had hard work to get them along, and at last they would not walk. Foot it: depart or set off by walking They may walk, to be sure, but it is exactly the inducement to walk that they require. Words used to describe fast movement; To hurry, or to make someone hurry; Ways of telling someone to hurry; Situations in which people hurry; To make a sudden or quick movement; Ways of telling someone not to hurry; To go faster, or to make something go faster; To move at a particular speed; To run; Sudden and quick movements Sashay: see parade Find more ways to say walk, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Hi, thanks so much for the excellent and detailed list. -bolt Early this morning we continued on, Windich's horse scarcely able to walk.
To the disgust of the latter, Robert actually had the presumption to walk home with Hester. 4. 45. I think I'll walk down to Hanford's and have the matter adjusted. Hobble: walk unsteadily or with difficulty; see also limp Mr. Gladstone was in good health, and in the afternoon went out for a walk. Leg it: see “foot it” 22. 37. Clump: walk heavily and/or clumsily 4.
6. 51. Prance: walk joyfully, as if dancing or skipping Strides – it makes you easily pass through obstacles. 47. 31. 42. Walking Quickly synonyms. Peregrinate: walk, especially to travel 23. 24. Footslog: walk through mud Perambulate: see stroll; also, travel on foot, or walk to inspect or measure a boundary 13. Stroll: see saunter Tiptoe: walk carefully on the toes or on the balls of the foot, as if in stealth Lurch: walk slowly but with sudden movements, or furtively
Scuff: to walk without lifting one’s feet Falter: walk unsteadily 5. Tread: walk slowly and steadily 28. Traipse: walk lightly and/or aimlessly Lumber: walk slowly and heavily Find more ways to say move fast, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 57. Top synonyms for speed walk (other words for speed walk) are brisk walking, power walking and fast walk. -dart Stump: see lumber Amble: walk easily and/or aimlessly 2. Stride: walk purposefully, with long steps Parade: walk ostentatiously, as if to show off The word gets more and more useful as one gets older. Fast Walking synonyms. Step: walk, or place one’s foot or feet in a new position 50. To go faster, or to make something go faster. Roam: see ramble
30. 21. "I'll walk a bit with you," said his sister, donning her jacket and a cap. 3. 10. 49. Stagger: walk unsteadily (also, confuse or hesitate, or shake) Promenade: see parade Trudge: see plod Mince: walk delicately What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Another word for move fast. 33. 32. Mosey: see amble; also, used colloquially in the phrase “mosey along” 52. 35. Gimp: see limp 39. Stumble: walk clumsily or unsteadily, or trip At Percival's suggestion of a walk, Miss Milbrey was delighted. 26. Hike: take a long walk, especially in a park or a wilderness area Another word for walk. Waddle: walk clumsily or as if burdened, swinging the body Bounce: walk energetically 3. Ramble: walk or travel aimlessly (also, talk or write aimlessly, or grow wildly) Top synonyms for walk fast (other words for walk fast) are walk quickly, goes fast and brisk walking. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
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