"i need j-pop star cocco to step on me, beat me up, dominate me, stab me with a fork, turn my face into a bloody steak" - shinya tsukamoto while conceiving this film presumably. Pellicola incredibilmente suggestiva ed interessante, alterna con estrema facilità momenti frenetici, spesso accompagnati dallo splatter, a momenti tranquilli, spesso accompagnati dal canto della protagonista, questo appunto gioca un ruolo incredibilmente importante nell'opera, si noti attentamente come gli unici momenti in cui questa non è sovrappensiero in alcun modo sono quando canta. This FAQ is empty. Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto. SCREENED/AWARDED AT: Venice Film Festival, ...Kotoko (2011).
Synopsis. A body that refuses to die. She is suspected of being a child abuser when things get out of control and her baby is taken away. Kotoko (stylized as KOTOKO, born January 19) is a Japanese J-pop musician, singer and songwriter from Sapporo, Hokkaido.Kotoko began her singing career as a member of I've Sound in 2000, and was later signed to Rondorobe under Geneon from 2004 to 2010. Singer/actress Cocco gives an amazing performance in the lead role and her singing throughout the film is absolutely haunting. This was extremely unnerving and it reminded me a lot of Dancer in the Dark. if that makes any sort of sense. She is suspected of being a child abuser when things get out of control and her baby is taken away. While Cocco’s performance lends to that greatly, it’s Tsukamoto’s direction that really just fucks you up. الجودة: WEB-DL. Beautifully filmed with a clear dynamic sound track, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 6, 2014. Kotoko has strange fantasies where she sees two of everyone; Kotoko has no control over this. Add the first question. He doesn't remember why he is there or how he got there. Being given such a strong personality, the film gets quite a lot of mileage out of her. See reviews & details on a wide selection of Blu-ray & DVDs, both new & used. Written by Report this film. Kotoko’s fears are exaggerated through the shaky camera and frantic visions. The vast majority of the film is a character study so those expecting traditional jump-scares or slashings will be disappointed. As the prevalent peace and tranquility are sure ... See full summary », A man sees his life changed forever when his fiancee shoots herself. At the same time, a famous author (played by Tsukamoto) who hears Kotoko's singing on a bus begins to stalk her, mesmerized by what he hears. The problem is she can't tell which one is real, and is constantly moving from apartment to apartment as she assaults neighbours she fears are out to harm her or her baby. A Japanese soldier endures illness, starvation and brutality in the Philippines at the tail end of WW2. The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s.
A man wakes up to find himself locked in a cramped concrete maze of corridors, in which he can barely move. There was a perfect balance between the painful screams and the almost serene silence, and in that balance lies Kotoko, slitting her wrists. One was evil while the other was reality. For when you want to wallow in despair. so much of it just feels like an all out assault on the senses, as if the movie is screaming at you or beating you to a pulp. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. She is suspected of being a child abuser when things get out of control and her baby is taken away. Every Horror Film Made from 1895 - present, Disturbing, Controversial, Shocking, Bizarre and Messed Up Films, The Chronological History of the Cinematic Macabre, The Most Comprehensive List of Japanese Movies Ever...Maybe. A successful doctor, Yukio's picture perfect life is gradually wrecked, and taken over by his avenging twin brother, who bumps off his family members one by one and reclaims his lover who is now Yukio's wife. the altogether rigorous approach to the progression of madness, mixed with warmth and beautiful colours and sights... At moments I thought her performance was on the verge of being unbelievable and over the top, and that's why i think she was so freakin amazing and authentic. Un grandissimo applauso al regista del film e ad i suoi collaboratori nonché all'attrice protagonista per il grandissimo lavoro svolto nei rispettivi ambiti, visione non per tutti, ma sicuramente consigliata se si desidera qualcosa di introspettivo e particolare di suo. Review by Lily Elizabethecowboy ★★★★★, i want to curl up in a ball and cry forever.
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