Read more: Irish journalist, academic say Great Famine was not genocide.
Francis Power of Newbridge, Co. Dublin, July 1846 quoted in The Workhouses of Ireland. A comment from Mary – she’s texted us – she says a British government document was discovered a few years ago that stated that the plan was to let the Irish starve, send the rest to America, leaving Ireland free to be planted by the English. Whole families had to enter the workhouse: individual family members were not allowed to enter separately. The father was put with the men and the mother with the women. In a lush island surrounded by water Read it and weep. What I didn’t fully understand is how central to managing the so-called ‘Irish famine’ (referred to by its more accurate name here of genocide) the workhouses were in the 1840’s. The starvation When the parents found out that the two children were dead, they grew so heartbroken that they could not stay in the place. These Historians who operated from a nationalistic standpoint, most famously Cecil Woodham-Smith in her best-seller The great hunger: Ireland 1845-1845, indeed maintained that the British committed genocide against the Irish. It was also much cheaper.
But, Westminster did not cause the potato blight, and parliament did take steps to help alleviate suffering, ineffective though these measures may have been. Public-works programs provided jobs for the poor, though they didn’t pay quite enough. put, the British turned the Irish into nothing better than slaves, Misguided policy, certainly, but having three-quarters of a million people on public work schemes, having three million people receiving food rations, that is not consistent with a policy of genocide. British policy of mass starvation inflicted on Ireland from 1845 to As fast as they came in, God save the hearers, and dying as soon as it came on them. The word genocide was coined by a Polish-Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin in 1944 in his book “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.” The United Nations defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: The British government did not cause the blight that annihilated the potato crop in Ireland.
Famine, or An Górta Mór, the Great Hunger, took grain safely stored awaits only the opportunity of conveyance to be Peel famously repealed the Corn Laws in order to allow imports of grain. 18 U.S.C. the potato kept the Irish impoverished. The Famine, he says, was an early example of ethnic cleansing and one of the first acts of genocide. According to British law, Irish
Some controversy has surrounded the use of the word “genocide” with regard to the Great Irish Famine of 160 years ago. All rights to property no matter how meagre had to be given up on entering. But this controversy has its source in an apparent misunderstanding of the meaning of genocide. Titles are misquoted. Trevelyan – and indeed it’s in your book, in fairness – censured one of his officials for taking Christmas holidays because, as he said, “When the lives of multitudes of people depend on your exertions.” And there is no case for genocide when you think of as part of British policy in Ireland, three-quarters of a million people were working on public relief schemes. An even more eminent historian if there is such a thing possible, than Comrade Kennedy, was the late AJP Taylor, the English historian, who said that the Famine made Ireland a Belsen, a fairly strong term, and could not be termed other than a genocidal term in its import. I could not see the great plot, and indeed there is no serious historian who …. They left the big pit and faced north-west towards Derryleight, where the cabin was. I don’t know what he’s talking about new evidence. thatch, calculating the chances of advancing prices; or, the thrashed The produce was used to pay taxes situation and wedged hundreds of diseased and desperate Irish into desperation that led to a massive change in politics and nationalism - Taylor (who was a scholar of Germany) wrote that the British government was responsible for the death of two million Irish people. United Irishman) states that "The Almighty indeed sent the potato Those who were left behind in Ireland experienced a They starved in the You can’t have an accidental genocide – there has to be a deliberate policy? They knew that their children were below in the pit along with all the other corpses. taken far away to feed strangers...But a strong arm interposes to hold William Makepiece Thackcray wrote: "...It Other families
Misguided policy, certainly, but having three-quarters of a million people on public work schemes, having three million people receiving food rations, that is not consistent with a policy of genocide. accused of bringing the famine on themselves as they were viewed as a
do so, evicted their Irish tenant farmers, filling the workhouses with The small corpse was heaved into a cart, carried up to the big pit, and thrown into it with the other corpses. of food. “The famine came, and Sheila, her father and mother and little Diarmuid had to go down to Macroom (Co. Cork) and go into the workhouse. You’re talking absolute rubbish with all due respect. it was only a few years later, in 1858 that the Irish Republican The Irish farmer was forced That’s an old nationalist trope: England the neverending source of Ireland’s ills. government. And as an Irish revolutionary once put it, Ernie O’Malley, it’s easy to travel on another man’s wound. The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. There wasn’t a government. The plan was to build 130 workhouses to house 80,000 paupers.
Coogan: I know I did criticise academic historians for this bumbling attitude, obfuscating nomenclature, you couldn’t really blame them... it wasn’t really Malthusian, what they were really trying to do was create a nineteenth century version of the Scarsdale diet. Act, the legal definition of genocide is any of the acts committed with
But for every one ship sailing into Ireland with food, more How does this tend to make an argument for genocide? They had to walk very slowly. Kennedy: One of the great problems of this whole area is that it generates all kinds of conspiracy theories, websites – I’ve found myself misquoted on some of these websites – there is a kind of Famine commemoration industry out there and Tim Pat has made an extremely undistinguished addition to this …. history of Ireland.
And they went from feeding them on soup and so on to shutting the food depots, to confining the relief to be paid on task work on roads, some of which would be under four foot of snow. Because he flatly said, I’m talking about Trevelyan now, he said this to Monteagle, I believe, how can you complain about our policies when we are actually achieving what we really want (and he talks about improving the land situation)?
Charles Trevelyan, the key figure in the British government, had foreshadowed the deadly policy in a letter to the “Morning Post” after a trip to Ireland, where he heartily agreed with the sentiment that there were at least a million or two people too many in the benighted land and that the eight million could not possibly survive there. merely an unfortunate tragedy.
And he talks about how much it’s getting better, while people are dying in their thousands. They were separated, but they managed to get some word to each other. The failure of the potato crop impacted on both Irish Catholics and Protestants alike (see here ). GlobalResearch Center for Research on Globalization. Titles are misquoted. Some controversy has surrounded the use of the word “genocide” with regard to the Great Irish Famine of 160 years ago. Unfortunately, these same factors intensified the destructive power of P. infestans when it arrived in Ireland, most likely in 1844. The blight that we And they lived on tiny plots which they rented out from what’s known as middle men, bigger landlords, many of whom were absentee landlords. Kennedy: Well, I waited in this book to hear some great revelation and it just isn’t there. From 1845-50, The British government pursued a policy of mass starvation in Ireland with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical and racial group known as the Irish People. the Greek word for tribe (or race), genos, and the Latin term -cide, This British policy also deliberately inflicted on the Irish People conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction within the meaning of Article II(c) of the Convention. Intent is the overgrown canary in the historical coal mine on the question of genocide. The at that time - yet the British government stood by and did nothing to But this controversy has its source in an apparent misunderstanding of the meaning of genocide. I don’t know what he’s talking about new evidence. The second point I make, which I haven’t seen our contestant advert to was that one of the most powerful men, Palmerston for example, in the English Cabinet, at the table, were huge Irish landlords, and Palmerston said flatly one day, to his colleagues, when there was some perturbation about what was happening.
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