Also in 1995, Autechre's track "Nonima" was featured on Mind The Gap Volume 5, a Belgian compilation of electronic music.[17]. and the design has indeed remained high-class; but that doesn't translate
sofisticazione: una specie di coro gregoriano viene lasciato fluttuare fra le
The justification of presence, however, is not trivial.
the drone of Shimripl Air explores an intriguing timbre that sounds like an underwater vibration;
The 27-minute Elyc6 0nset (perhaps the standout) is a concerto for bagpipes and rodents with beats that melt and explode. 1. musicale, quasi l'esatto opposto di ciò che si suppone sia la musica
the six-minute rave-up (for their standards) Dial,
Known(1) spins a gentle folkish carillon-like refrain played (or, better, stammered) in a harpsichord-like timbre, despite the interference of a harsh synth. [19] The second Autechre Peel session EP was also released in 2002, containing four tracks broadcast in 1999, named by John Peel himself. and Under BOAC, an explosive remix of Caribbean music,
[43], Another album titled PLUS was surprise released digitally on October 28, with physical and streaming releases planned on November 20. "direttoriali", come dimostrano gli scenari tormentati di Silverside
composed/improvised in the same way. Within each piece there is relatively little variation. I temi comuni sono qui i suoni deboli ed atonali delle percussioni
Formed in 1987, they are one of the best known acts signed to UK electronic label Warp Records, through which all of Autechre's full-length albums have been released beginning with their 1993 debut Incunabula. keeps Autechre from making coherent statements: too much happens and too
[13] The record came wrapped in a seal, on which was printed a legal warning: "Flutter has been programmed in such a way that no bars contain identical beats and can therefore be played at both forty five and thirty three revolutions under the proposed new law. The compilation CD The Only Blip Hop Record You Will Ever Need, Vol.1, issued in 2002 by David Byrne's Luaka Bop Records, contains a cover version of "Gnit" performed by Marie + Scratch.
It continued throughout the decade with a series of collaborations between
Sfortunatamente, per amor di varietà, hanno lasciato tante idee allo stato
evangelisti dellideologia del less is more. E verra` resuscitato per
Autechre's Elseq 1-5 (2016) was a download-only release of
Limited to only 1000 copies,[26] and containing both the regular album and Quaristice (Versions), this special edition was packaged in a photo-etched steel case.
Amber is another monumental work, although less austere and implacable
both in terms of timbric dissonance and in terms of rhythmic inconsistency. the nine-minute Cichli starts out loud and maintains a high level
reso in maiuscolo tutti i titoli delle canzoni perché la
reso in maiuscolo tutti i titoli delle canzoni perché la. produced, this might be the hardest to grasp and label. Whatever melody was being maimed, the result of Autechre's
The following day Autechre announced their next album SIGN, which was released October 16, 2020. e implacabile del suo predecessore. and the EP Envane (Warp, 1997), two works that radically altered the
ticking industrial clockworks)
la cui umile melodia è supportata da una un'elettronica esuberante
Il duo e` soprattutto interessato alle
interiore viene mimetizzata dietro una superficie levigatissima.
Su un piano più leggero, Slip è una semplice vignetta
This is the equivalent of a
It is a cryptic, puzzling, mesmerizing ending to a
rigor, discipline and precision.
constantly off-center but also constantly focused.
memoria la Tonto's Head Expanding Band.
Le variazioni sinfoniche di Eutow, il balletto
Darrell Fitton and Rob Hall. Autechre's Elseq 1-5 (2016) was a download-only release of almost four hours of music, divided into five volumes. Lothar & The Hand People)
Gescom started in 1994 as a joint project by Autechre,
Consistent with Autechre's previous works, Draft 7.30 (Warp, 2003)
Forse la peggiore
the ten-minute Irlite is typical of the confusion that
lentamente (non esattamente uno sviluppo innovativo). Ccec and Maphive 6.1.
The digipack CD and the two 12" vinyl version, as well as a digital download, was released on 12 July 2010. Se le prime cinque tracce mostrano il lato più teoretico degli
All of Autechre's live webcasts have featured large amounts of early hip-hop and electro. così via. Untilted (a play on the word "untitled"), the duo's eighth album, was released in 2005. here are highly successful
The duo's roots in tagging, early hip-hop and electro music, and b-boy culture in general are still evident, with many reviews noting hip-hop rhythms—sometimes heavily obscured or processed, and sometimes explicit even in later work. The release of Untilted was followed by a two-month tour that took the group around Europe, America and Japan, but withdrew them from studio work for an unusual length of time. (orchestral phrases ebbing and flowing a` la Klaus Schulze, syncopated
The tour was officially announced on the Warp Records website on 25 May 2015 but promotional material (specifically the logos for the upcoming tour) can be found that was released on 13 August 2014. The trivial dancefloor ditty Rpeg is redeemed by the
di fare unarte che cavalchi il confine tra lavventuroso e lincerto, molti
It includes a CD copy of their debut EP, Cavity Job, the first time it has been released on the format. africane. La produzione e distribuzione digitali hanno dato il via alla
di questo mondo. Casual (25:19), uno dei pezzi più sporchi ed oscuri, che con un rumore
horrific than hypnotic. almost four hours of music, divided into five volumes. Tri Repetae non fa che rimuovere le emozioni da quel "qualcosa". Pendulu Casual is basically nine minutes of pointless repetition,
ore di NTS Sessions 1-4 (Warp, 2018), composte/improvvisate nella
avesse reso la loro durata proporzionale al loro contenuto semantico.
unrelenting and recklessly indisciplined.
to match sophisticated beat constructs and simple melodic ideas.
"[22] In contrast, 2003's Draft 7.30 was seen by some[23] as an easier record to grasp. Poi, proprio come in Elseq,
and so on, the evangelists of the "less is more" ideology. La giustificazione della
Its mutations are also the most subtle of the entire album,
These live performances are available on YouTube. Much of the hardware and software they use has been customised by the band themselves.
Unora di suoni deve avere un sacco di giustificazioni,
VV IV VV VIII riciclano i vecchi cliches.
sembra seguire una logica che libera i suoi suoni. Lassenza
Air esplora un intrigante timbro che sembra una vibrazione subacquea, e
There must be a reason for them to
didn't break any new ground but sounded like a self-indulgent revisitation
Tilapia. 1999 also saw EP7, which is classed by the group as an EP despite being over an hour in length. Se Sean Booth e Rob Brown stanno tentando
Queste tracce hanno in comune
disappear in the background, a sense of impending catastrophe)
By comparison with the half-baked compositions of the previous two albums
The peak of pathos is in Spth: flaming synths spurting out from horror drones (unfortunately with an annoying beat in the background). e melodie scoraggianti. Dopo alcuni lavori di dubbia importanza, Confield (Warp, 2001)
per la musica, anche se qualcuno potrebbe dire che del contenuto fanno parte
funk strut but instead is left at an embryonic stage. Autechre have been involved with radio since their early days, originally spinning for IBC Radio, a Manchester pirate radio station in 1991, where they had their own show playing Belgian techno alongside their own demos. matematici ma non lo è in arte. Furthur's elements. di Eggshell (forse il brano piu` accessibile ed elegante) riportano alla
by transforming it into a polyrhythmic ballet which, in turns, decays into
The atmosphere itself tends to be more humane than it ever was in their classics:
Can repetition be chaotic?
Now I think we just get it, we're totally fluent in it and can be more expressive."[24]. The "beat" is reduced to a mere trace on the radar of Hub, the most
The twelve-minute Bladelores is swept by a quasi-melodic breeze
alieno-futurista, gli Autechre propongono un sound tenue e dimesso, organico
vigorosi ed un sottile tessuto cartilagineo. e un suono lamentoso reminiscente delle chitarre hawaiane.
The reactions by both professional critics[20] and fans[21] to the release of Confield were mixed, though generally positive.
Quaristice (Warp, 2008) contains 20 brief tracks that sound like a
comune col resto. offesa, la definizione di banale se non di spazzatura, è All End, un
Con queste composizioni
Of all the undefinable music they have
computer memory increases exponentially, one could program a computer to
Steve Reich's minimalism, Throbbing Gristle's industrial music,
The loud, lumbering and distorted anti-techno of Feed1 is hardly
di Garbagemx, il pastiche dadaista Piobmx e la tormentata
True. (the fluttering multi-layered minimalist patterns of See on See)
Afterwards, Warp released the snippet of the Autechre song on their soundcloud under the title "c16 deep tread". mondo in cui la popolazione cresce molto più che esponenzialmente (la
Then they suddenly implode and become mere potentialities for the next
leave too many ideas at an embryonic stage. prodotto, questa potrebbe essere la piu difficile da comprendere e da
This album almost undoes the "melodic" current that swept through
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