===================================================. This was supposed to signal the creation of the 5th world. Scarlet Witch can resurrect the death, but it's not directly from her since she don't have full control of her power during that time, it's more like the resurrection is a side effect. ======================================================. I don't think anyone less than LT, from marvel, can beat mxy. I would say meet somewhere in the middle with him if u want to be nice. Myx, he literally pulled a universe outside of his hat. The Scarlet Witch sinks into a trance. Otherwise make mine the Phoenix Force. Both are infinite. The Phoenix is gonna need Jean and go White phoneix if what I hear about Mxy is correct. For mortals, the IMPS have no limits, but for higher dimensional spaces, that are higher in the hierarchy than Mxy and the 5th dimension, Mxy and the 5th-dimension are both maggots. Actually no the IG is multiversal (well the classic version is). Infinite-D concepts won't really scratch him, since he, as a 5th dimensional IMP, is surperior to it by several layers. If this is your first visit, be sure to
And lastly like Remender said tapping into Chaos Energy, "The air goes cold and electric around her.
If you argue ''The rest of the IMPS have no limits too'', you basically argue for an omnipotent race, which is in theory impossible. Firstly current Wanda and HOM Wanda are one and the same person. Honestly this so called "true darkseid" is a myth and something used to retcon away some of his low showing. Scarlet Witch just got tired of one too many jokes. You may have to register
It doesn't matter what the writer says in that case, all that matters in VS debates are on-screen feats. Infinite creationism power and the override capabilities of whatever made the concept of Imagination in the first place. Man I studied MBA and have made a dozen plus cases and presentations professionally. "So when Wanda opens the well of chaos to draw in a certain amount of energy there is a danger", "She allowed the chaos to fill her and if that went sideways, if she held on for too long, or if some part of chaos of that power were to twist, she could overload and it could fry her mind", "She could become a Chaos demon or she could become a vegetable", This was directly shown on panel just as well in Uncanny Avengers # 4. Superman Prime did it to a depowered Mxy. This was nothing to do with Darkseid power, he was the last of 4th generation of gods [ The 4th World] to die.
True Form Darkseid is probably somewhere between Trigon (whom he ROFLstomps) and Mxy (whom he probably barely loses to). People are by now well aware of Wanda feat, she tried to change 616 reality but in doing so the energy ripped outside 616, formed a tsunami of unfathomable power which nearly tore apart from omniverse, we see various alternate realities destroyed on panel, and was finally stopped by Meggan, who was at the time tapping in powers from Earth, Otherworld (nexus of all energy in the multiverse) and powers from Beyond (most likely reference to Beyonderverse from where the energy for a cosmic cube comes in). If you notice Rick said something else up there to, than in a battle scenario Wanda can only use Chaos Magic. The Law of Order give way to disruption of pure chaos. Though usually not shown this way or never has full power at his command for various reasons. But, the concept of authority override is where that ends, simply to say "no, your power is now muted, despite your infinite control over physics.". This so called "true darkseid" , in the way comicvine keeps talking about frankly does not exist.
Scans below are from Uncanny Avengers # 4. That makes him, by definition, still limited within a larger cosmology. I am simply asking you to provide proof based on the era and scan that I posted. Similarly, to Monitors. "Because that power is so unpredictable though she also needs to make sure that she's got spells".
But as it stand, current IG is different are its as universal as it gets, it doesnt even work outside its native universe, despite the fact that we have seen IG work all the way outside marvel multiverse into malibu multiverse or during Infinity War when Magus starts screwing things around, first guess from Thanos or Adam Warlock was, is he using Infinity Gauntlet from a different universe? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. This complete made up things gets on my nerve at time [ the true phoenix being another one of such nonsesne]. "All Energy can be easily transmogrified. He holds back half the time yet does ridiculous things and uses his powers for "fun" lol if he went all out forget about it lol. Stop with that mental gymnastics. One would say that he seems to be having more limits, than her.
show 1 reply . Darkseid at BEST is skyfather level though more times then not is just Superman level. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Mxy sealed off the fifth dimension to avoid the crisis.
Remember Emperor Joker? I would hate to have you as an opponent or a competing presenter/arguer in my professional life. @michaeljulius: Sorry, but to describe a multiversal character with ''no limits, omnipotent, etc'' is nothing new today in fiction. For the shock effect or something.They basically ignored what Mxy said about his own powers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I want to see evidence and objective proof to validate user opinions. Morals: Off. How could Mr. Mxyzpltk win that fight, when all she would have to do is to say: "No more annoying little dwarfs"? He further went on to explain about Wanda powers. "So my understanding is that Wanda can do anything she's done in the pastwith appropirate power source and time to cast the spell", "That's the way i reconcile all the version of Wanda we've seen", Also note he references how per powers are very unpredictible. He simply has more authority, like a police officer has no authority compared to his Chief. That’s when the Joker tricked Mxy into giving him 99% of his power by figuring out his real name. View Profile View Forum Posts BANNED Join Date Jun 2016 Posts 4,155. lol that's getting to be a old gag. You know somebody has to. Judging by that (if that's still the same) in this fight we would have a guy with advanced tech, against a woman, who bends the reality as it suits her. @killemall: doesn't true from darksied has only anti feats like got destroyed by supermans singing ? EmptyHand 1 y 6 mo 30 d . So when she is tapping into Chaos Power , which of course is the very power Chthon draws upon who is well a whole different level compared to Thor, there are few limitation shown directly on panel as well. WF Mxy on other hand is comparable to top powers ever shown in DC.
Rick Remender, the person who is currently writing Scarlet Witch in his awesome Uncanny Avengers series confirmed that in the interview, he even went on in great detail on what Wanda's power level is and what her potential is. @michaeljulius: You basically approve to my point, lol. However WF Mxy curbstomps in turn. Okay. He could leave the story and just erase SW from the panel. HOM Scarlet Witch (if we are using this version in this thread). Darkseid vs Mr. Mxyzptlk? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. What i am however going to upload is the detail discussion Rick Remender put in, in his interview about Wanda power level and what she can and what she cant do.
"An overindulgence so dangerous it could unhinge her mind", "Its her only hope. I don't think so, the IG is universal, Mxy is multiversal. Deadpool is able to break the fourth wall as well. No technology, no magic, but actual reality warping at its finest. As for the power of Imagination, the only logical way to describe what can defeat Infinite Imagination power is what created it in the first place. "..... in a field of battle though were she can really only draw upon chaos energy, probability hexes and the occasional elemental spell". LOL, alone the fact that dimensional spaces are beyond his compharizon refutes the ''no limits'' claim. its a dumb little imp, I'm sure Wanda could outsmart him. It's weird because when Joker possessed less than 100% of Mr. Mxyzptlk's power, he is capable of killing and tormenting Batman over and over again. Mxy wins here.
Haven't read much Mxy, but hasnt he been beaten by Superman a lot of times? That would be the comical fourth wall breaking, which Deadpool can do as well, but he isn't erasing his enemies either.Mxy leaving the story and erasing Scarlet Witch would mean that he is having more power than TOAA (the writer himself) and that isn't happening.In my opinion Scarlet Witch wins this, because she is an actual reality warper, who does not have limits, while Mxy's reality warping powers are based on tech and that tech seems to be having move limits than actual reality warping, since he can't resurrect the dead.But then again, it's just my take on it and in this case I understand if someone wants to put his feats above Scarlet Witch's feats and ignores the death-limitation, while doing so.
Or, is this just your opinion? PlasmaticPlays 1 y 8 mo 13 d .
That is also substatiated by on panel fight between Scarlet Witch and Thor, where the fight went exactly like you would expect based on what Rick Remender said.
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