Their foliage can be dark green, light green, silver-blue or have golden hues. Chinese junipers grow in a variety of colors and shapes, including “Spartan,” which grows rapidly to 20 feet tall in a conical form. Water: Water immediately after planting and once per week for the first twelve months, unless it rains. When to Plant: Spring is best, though Junipers can also be planted in late fall with proper mulching.

As with all plants, they are only drought tolerant after they have been planted long enough to establish a good root system.

Upright Juniper and Arborvitae can both be used for the same purposes. Juniper Trees can be drought tolerant. The Repanda (J. communis “Repanda”) grows from 12 to 16 inches tall with a 5-foot spread.

A welcome alternative to the tall cypress of Italy, this column of green foliage can be pruned into a variety of topiary forms.

UConn Plant Database: Juniperus Chinensis, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Junipers in Florida, Washington State University Extension: Hollywood Juniper, Horticopia: Juniperus Chinensis "Sylvestris", Fast-Growing Evergreen Bushes for Landscaping, Drought-Tolerant Bushes to Make Into a Topiary.

Common name: Upright blue juniper, Rocky Mountain blue juniper, Botanical name: Juniperus scopulorum; cultivars with strong shape and blue color include ‘Blue Heaven’, ‘Blue Arrow’ and ‘Wichita Blue’, Season: Year-round for silvery blue foliage and upright form. Multi-Branched Evergreen Bushes That Grow Tall, Fast-Growing, Deer-Resistant Evergreen Trees, University of California Sonoma County Master Gardeners: Top Plants for Sonoma County, Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute: Juniperus, Oregon State University: Juniper (Juniperus), Juniperus of the World: Taxa of Juniperus - 67 Species, 28 Varieties, 7 Formas, Save the Redwoods League: Bennett Juniper Stewardship Project, Ohio State University Horticulture & Crop Science: Juniperus. Junipers tolerate many soil types but prefer well-draining soil and sunny locations. These smaller shrubs do well when planted along property lines, and the Juniper Wichita Blue can be planted closer to homes. They aren't the tradtional long, slender needles like you see on pines or spruce. These trees can still be seen in the oldest part of many cemeteries. Scientifically known as Juniperus communis, junipers have a wide range of excellent uses and benefits.

There are several species native to North America.

Upright conifers have many uses, from hedges and screens to specimen plants. There are 12 species within the genus Juniperus which grow well in the United States, including the privacy screen or hedge k… Mulch can be beneficial, as natural mulch will both enable water and oxygen transference to the soil surrounding the Juniper Tree. Junipers are grouped as spreaders and uprights. A few varieties are even tolerant of salt. Juniper Trees are hardy and adaptable trees, but they still have their preferences for water needs, soil types, and location areas. Prairie Pillar Juniper Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images. With every size, from a low-shrub to a tall tree, Junipers will fit the needs for most homeowners.

So, while no plant is completely deer proof, these two varieties don’t set at the top of the deer food pyramid. Did you know?

The hole should be three times the size of the Juniper’s root ball. These should be planted far away from foundations and fences; on the other hand, the Juniper Wichita Blue can reach 30 feet, but is often pruned to less than 10 feet, enabling it to remain a tall hedge acting as a privacy screen.

USDA Zones 3–7. Once established, Juniper Trees are relatively tolerant of drought and can go without water for short, dry spells. Sun: Plant in full sun. The berries (which are actually a fleshy cone, not a berry) are used to flavor gin. Regardless of the height, Juniper Tree planters can find a species suitable to the land’s needs. Although the Juniper Wichita Blue is a great fit for those looking to create privacy screens and hedge barriers, the Spartan Juniper and Hollywood Juniper are taller and planted to offer a hardy tree, reminiscent of a Cypress. Use large junipers to create screens, windbreaks, tall hedges or as specimen shrubs. adroll_version = "2.0"; Junipers are fragrant and in the country, are often cut and used as Christmas trees.

Neither likes saturated soils although the Arborvitae will tolerate boggier conditions while Junipers will tolerate drier conditions. There are litereally hundreds of Juniper varieties. adroll_current_page = "search_page";

They make excellent screens, hedges, windbreaks, ground covers, foundation plants and specimens. "Hetzii Columnaris" grows well in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9 and can readily be shaped into topiary. Junipers grow in a variety of sizes, colors and forms, from low-growing ground covers that create dense mats of living foliage to towering, long-lived -- up to 4,000 years -- trees. Commonly, people use juniper berry and Juniper berry oil to make medicine extracts. Both are Gymnosporangia or cone-bearing plants, even though Junipers produce female cones with unusually fleshy scales that are fused together to give the appearance of berries.

Junipers are among one of the toughest plants for the landscape. Both "Sea Green" and "Grey Owl" have a moderate growth rate in USDA zones 4 through 9. Powered by.

Shape – Arborvitae are well known for their pyramidal shape.

It is best to observe the changes in the Juniper to assess whether too much or little water is received by the tree.

This gray-green shrub grows to 2 feet tall and spreads to 8 feet. Read about the essential facts on the Juniper Tree below. With every size, from a low-shrub to a tall tree, Junipers will fit the needs for most homeowners.

Height – Of course, the final height of the plant depends on the cultivar, but large Arborvitae cultivars can grow taller than large juniper cultivars. It has silver-striped needles and is hardy in USDA zones 6 to 9. "Wilton" has silver-blue foliage and grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10.

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upright juniper varieties

The blue color is most pronounced on ‘Wichita Blue’ and ‘Blue Heaven’, while ‘Blue Arrow’ is more of a dusky green-blue.

Shrubs, Upright Junipers Vs. Arborvitae (Reviews). All rights reserved. They will tolerate a wide range of soil pH. Are they actually the same genus?

adroll_keywords = "Juniper Trees"; These junipers prefer sandy soils with good drainage and full sun. Juniper Trees do not do well with excessive watering, which is, in part, why the soil consistency matters significantly. After making its home on Junipers, it will damage Apple Trees, decreasing produce significantly.

Their foliage can be dark green, light green, silver-blue or have golden hues. Chinese junipers grow in a variety of colors and shapes, including “Spartan,” which grows rapidly to 20 feet tall in a conical form. Water: Water immediately after planting and once per week for the first twelve months, unless it rains. When to Plant: Spring is best, though Junipers can also be planted in late fall with proper mulching.

As with all plants, they are only drought tolerant after they have been planted long enough to establish a good root system.

Upright Juniper and Arborvitae can both be used for the same purposes. Juniper Trees can be drought tolerant. The Repanda (J. communis “Repanda”) grows from 12 to 16 inches tall with a 5-foot spread.

A welcome alternative to the tall cypress of Italy, this column of green foliage can be pruned into a variety of topiary forms.

UConn Plant Database: Juniperus Chinensis, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Junipers in Florida, Washington State University Extension: Hollywood Juniper, Horticopia: Juniperus Chinensis "Sylvestris", Fast-Growing Evergreen Bushes for Landscaping, Drought-Tolerant Bushes to Make Into a Topiary.

Common name: Upright blue juniper, Rocky Mountain blue juniper, Botanical name: Juniperus scopulorum; cultivars with strong shape and blue color include ‘Blue Heaven’, ‘Blue Arrow’ and ‘Wichita Blue’, Season: Year-round for silvery blue foliage and upright form. Multi-Branched Evergreen Bushes That Grow Tall, Fast-Growing, Deer-Resistant Evergreen Trees, University of California Sonoma County Master Gardeners: Top Plants for Sonoma County, Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute: Juniperus, Oregon State University: Juniper (Juniperus), Juniperus of the World: Taxa of Juniperus - 67 Species, 28 Varieties, 7 Formas, Save the Redwoods League: Bennett Juniper Stewardship Project, Ohio State University Horticulture & Crop Science: Juniperus. Junipers tolerate many soil types but prefer well-draining soil and sunny locations. These smaller shrubs do well when planted along property lines, and the Juniper Wichita Blue can be planted closer to homes. They aren't the tradtional long, slender needles like you see on pines or spruce. These trees can still be seen in the oldest part of many cemeteries. Scientifically known as Juniperus communis, junipers have a wide range of excellent uses and benefits.

There are several species native to North America.

Upright conifers have many uses, from hedges and screens to specimen plants. There are 12 species within the genus Juniperus which grow well in the United States, including the privacy screen or hedge k… Mulch can be beneficial, as natural mulch will both enable water and oxygen transference to the soil surrounding the Juniper Tree. Junipers are grouped as spreaders and uprights. A few varieties are even tolerant of salt. Juniper Trees are hardy and adaptable trees, but they still have their preferences for water needs, soil types, and location areas. Prairie Pillar Juniper Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images. With every size, from a low-shrub to a tall tree, Junipers will fit the needs for most homeowners.

So, while no plant is completely deer proof, these two varieties don’t set at the top of the deer food pyramid. Did you know?

The hole should be three times the size of the Juniper’s root ball. These should be planted far away from foundations and fences; on the other hand, the Juniper Wichita Blue can reach 30 feet, but is often pruned to less than 10 feet, enabling it to remain a tall hedge acting as a privacy screen.

USDA Zones 3–7. Once established, Juniper Trees are relatively tolerant of drought and can go without water for short, dry spells. Sun: Plant in full sun. The berries (which are actually a fleshy cone, not a berry) are used to flavor gin. Regardless of the height, Juniper Tree planters can find a species suitable to the land’s needs. Although the Juniper Wichita Blue is a great fit for those looking to create privacy screens and hedge barriers, the Spartan Juniper and Hollywood Juniper are taller and planted to offer a hardy tree, reminiscent of a Cypress. Use large junipers to create screens, windbreaks, tall hedges or as specimen shrubs. adroll_version = "2.0"; Junipers are fragrant and in the country, are often cut and used as Christmas trees.

Neither likes saturated soils although the Arborvitae will tolerate boggier conditions while Junipers will tolerate drier conditions. There are litereally hundreds of Juniper varieties. adroll_current_page = "search_page";

They make excellent screens, hedges, windbreaks, ground covers, foundation plants and specimens. "Hetzii Columnaris" grows well in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9 and can readily be shaped into topiary. Junipers grow in a variety of sizes, colors and forms, from low-growing ground covers that create dense mats of living foliage to towering, long-lived -- up to 4,000 years -- trees. Commonly, people use juniper berry and Juniper berry oil to make medicine extracts. Both are Gymnosporangia or cone-bearing plants, even though Junipers produce female cones with unusually fleshy scales that are fused together to give the appearance of berries.

Junipers are among one of the toughest plants for the landscape. Both "Sea Green" and "Grey Owl" have a moderate growth rate in USDA zones 4 through 9. Powered by.

Shape – Arborvitae are well known for their pyramidal shape.

It is best to observe the changes in the Juniper to assess whether too much or little water is received by the tree.

This gray-green shrub grows to 2 feet tall and spreads to 8 feet. Read about the essential facts on the Juniper Tree below. With every size, from a low-shrub to a tall tree, Junipers will fit the needs for most homeowners.

Height – Of course, the final height of the plant depends on the cultivar, but large Arborvitae cultivars can grow taller than large juniper cultivars. It has silver-striped needles and is hardy in USDA zones 6 to 9. "Wilton" has silver-blue foliage and grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10.

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