Doch erst nach dem Krieg erhielt Donald auch im Film größere Rollen, so als Theo van Gogh in Vincente Minnellis Filmobiografie Vincent van Gogh – Ein Leben in Leidenschaft (1954) mit Kirk Douglas. His mother died when he was 18 months old and his father remarried. Nach einer langen Zeit der Inaktivität starb Donald 1993 an Magenkrebs.

", Donald was in much demand to play supporting roles in action and prisoner-of-war films: The Vikings (1958); Third Man on the Mountain (1959); Group Captain Ramsey, the Senior British Officer in The Great Escape (1963); King Rat (1965), a doctor in a POW camp; and Cast a Giant Shadow (1966). He grew grapes and made wine in his farm in Hampshire. In 1961, he played Prince Albert opposite Julie Harris's Queen Victoria, in the Hallmark Hall of Fame production of Laurence Housman's play Victoria Regina, for which he received an Emmy nomination.[2]. James Donald (* 18. Nach Die Brücke am Kwai spielte Donald auch noch in zwei weiteren Filmen, die die Gefangenschaft von Soldaten während des Zweiten Weltkrieges zum Thema hatten: Gesprengte Ketten (1963) und Sie nannten ihn King (1965). In einigen kleineren Filmen übernahm Donald auch Hauptrollen, bekannt von diesen Filmen ist heute vor allem noch der Science-Fiction-Thriller Das grüne Blut der Dämonen. James Donald ist am 3. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Madness! zu Veröffentlichungsterminen von Artikeln beruhen auf … In 1943 he was signed by MGM. He finally attained a degree of stardom in 1943 for his sterling performance in Noël Coward 's "Present Laughter", which starred Coward himself.

On stage he was in The Eagle with Two Heads (1947) and You Never Can Tell (1948) In films, MGM loaned him to Gainsborough Studios for Broken Journey (1948). [5], Donald starred in a 1960 television adaptation of A. J. Cronin's The Citadel and appeared regularly in many other television dramas in the UK and US. [5] He was survived by his wife Ann, and a stepson. He briefly attended McGill University in Montreal, but his asthma meant he transferred to the University of Edinburgh. Wann ist James Donald gestorben? It was Donald's voice, and not that of Kirk Douglas, that read aloud the famous letters from the artist to his brother and formed the narrative backbone of the film. Donald originally intended to be a teacher but seeing Sir Cedric Hardwicke and Dame Edith Evans in The Late Christopher Bean made him decide to be an actor.

He began seeing as many shows as possible and studied at the London Theatre Studio for two years. Karl Ridderbusch, James King, Heather Harper, Donald McIntyre, Grace Hoffman, Thomas Tipton, Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele, Rudolf Kempe umgehend lieferbar, Bestand beim Lieferanten vorhanden EUR 26,99** 3 CDs EUR 24,99* Artikel merken In den Warenkorb Artikel ist im Warenkorb Informationen zur Lieferbarkeit bzw. [5][6], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "James Donald - Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos - AllMovie", "James Donald, Actor, dies at 76; Often Portrayed Military Officers",, Articles needing additional references from March 2013, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 October 2020, at 10:42.

Mason). James Donald (* 18. James Donald zog sich in den 1970er-Jahren weitgehend aus dem Schauspielgeschäft zurück, nachdem sich seine lebenslange Asthma-Erkrankung verschlimmerte. Bereits während des Zweiten Weltkriegs hatte er kleinere Rollen in einigen Propaganda-Militärfilmen. Außerdem spielte er auch in Stücken von William Shakespeare, George Bernhard Shaw und Jean Cocteau. He finally attained a degree of stardom in 1943 for his sterling performance in, Their Finest Hour: 5 British WWII Classics, 30 Oscar Winners Who Didn't Attend the Ceremony, Instrumental Music You Will Never Hear the Same Way Again, The Most Beautiful Shots in Movie History, Fredric March Presents Tales from Dickens, Twentieth Century Theatre: Man and Superman, Banner in the Sky: To Conquer the Mountain, The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. Mai 1917 in Aberdeen, Schottland; † 3. Donald retired from acting in part because of a lifelong asthmatic condition.

James Donald wurde im schottischen Aberdeen geboren und begann seine professionelle Schauspielkarriere etwa Ende der 1930er-Jahre. Madness!“) ausrief. (1942), San Demetrio London (1943) and The Way Ahead (1944). James Donald wurde in Aberdeen, Großbritannien, geboren. He played a colonel in a comedy The Jokers (1967) and had a part as a heroic scientist in Quatermass and the Pit (1967). Looking for something to watch? Obwohl seine Karriere vor allem dem Theater gewidmet war, erreichte Donald auch Bekanntheit als Schauspieler in Film und Fernsehen, wobei er meistens etwas humorlose, aber meist anständige Respektspersonen in Nebenrollen verkörperte. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2.

Donald grew up in Galashiels and was educated at Rossall School on Lancashire's Fylde coast. James Donald (18 May 1917 – 3 August 1993) was a Scottish actor. He died of stomach cancer on 3 August 1993 in West Tytherley, Hampshire. He achieved fame on stage appearing in Present Laughter by Noël Coward. James Donald (18 May 1917 – 3 August 1993) was a Scottish actor. Discover what to watch this November including a Marvel docu-series, a '90s reboot, and a Star Wars holiday celebration. August 1993 in Wiltshire, England) war ein schottischer Schauspieler. Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. Vincent van Gogh – Ein Leben in Leidenschaft,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. August 1993 in Wiltshire, Großbritannien, gestorben. He performed Write Me a Murder (1961) on Broadway. James Donald - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm. He had the lead in The Net (1953) and was cast in his first Hollywood film in MGM's Beau Brummell (1954). After The Way Ahead in 1944, the British Army reversed its earlier decision and called up Donald. Donald was born in Aberdeen, the fourth son of a Scottish Presbyterian minister. August 1993 in Wiltshire, England) war ein schottischer Schauspieler. He portrayed Major Clipton, the doctor who expresses grave doubts about the sanity of Colonel Nicholson's (Alec Guinness) efforts to build the bridge in order to show up his Japanese captors, in the war film The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. In 1939, Donald tried to enlist but a medical classified him as unfit for military service so he joined ENSA. Jetzt hier informieren! He toured the provinces in The Cherry Orchard. Er spielte auch in vielen britischen Fernsehserien und Fernsehfilmen. [1] Tall and thin, he specialised in playing authority figures.[2]. He appeared in Twelfth Night with Michael Redgrave and understudied John Gielgud in King Lear. He starred in two episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents directed by Hitchcock himself: "Poison" (from the story by Roald Dahl) and "The Crystal Trench" (based on the story by A.E.W.

He spoke the film's final words: "Madness! Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. Mai 2020 um 12:51 Uhr bearbeitet. It led to Laurence Olivier casting him in a production of Captain Caravallo (1950).[4].

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james donald

Donalds wohl bekannteste Filmrolle war der britische Militärarzt Major Clipton in David Leans Kriegsepos Die Brücke am Kwai (1957), wobei er den berühmten Schlusssatz des Filmes („Madness! He made his stage debut in 1938 in The White Guard and he began to get work regularly on stage. He was also in The Small Voice (1948) and MGM's Edward, My Son (1949). He finally attained a degree of stardom in 1943 for his sterling performance in Noël Coward 's "Present Laughter", which starred Coward himself. He played minor roles in several war films, including Alibi (1942), In Which We Serve (1942), Went the Day Well? Tall and thin, he specialised in playing authority figures. The same studio hired him to play Theo Van Gogh in Lust for Life (1956). Donald had a big success on stage in The Heiress (1949) with Ralph Richardson, Peggy Ashcroft and Donald Sinden. Er war bis zu seinem Tod verheiratet und hatte ein Kind. He played Mr Winkle in the 1952 film version of The Pickwick Papers. For films, he was Jean Kent's love interest in Trottie True (1949) and supported Jean Simmons in Cage of Gold (1950) and Googie Withers in White Corridors (1951). Donald had the lead in a comedy Brandy for the Parson (1952) and supported Trevor Howard and Richard Attenborough in Gift Horse (1952). Mai 1917 in Aberdeen, Schottland; † 3. Den Durchbruch erlebte er 1943 durch seinen hochgelobten Auftritt in Noël Cowards Stück Present Laughter. Later film roles included Hannibal Brooks (1969), The Royal Hunt of the Sun (1969), David Copperfield (1969), Conduct Unbecoming (1975) and The Big Sleep (1978). He joined the RASC before being assigned to British Army Intelligence where he typed up decoded enemy messages.[3]. After the war he resumed his acting career.

Doch erst nach dem Krieg erhielt Donald auch im Film größere Rollen, so als Theo van Gogh in Vincente Minnellis Filmobiografie Vincent van Gogh – Ein Leben in Leidenschaft (1954) mit Kirk Douglas. His mother died when he was 18 months old and his father remarried. Nach einer langen Zeit der Inaktivität starb Donald 1993 an Magenkrebs.

", Donald was in much demand to play supporting roles in action and prisoner-of-war films: The Vikings (1958); Third Man on the Mountain (1959); Group Captain Ramsey, the Senior British Officer in The Great Escape (1963); King Rat (1965), a doctor in a POW camp; and Cast a Giant Shadow (1966). He grew grapes and made wine in his farm in Hampshire. In 1961, he played Prince Albert opposite Julie Harris's Queen Victoria, in the Hallmark Hall of Fame production of Laurence Housman's play Victoria Regina, for which he received an Emmy nomination.[2]. James Donald (* 18. Nach Die Brücke am Kwai spielte Donald auch noch in zwei weiteren Filmen, die die Gefangenschaft von Soldaten während des Zweiten Weltkrieges zum Thema hatten: Gesprengte Ketten (1963) und Sie nannten ihn King (1965). In einigen kleineren Filmen übernahm Donald auch Hauptrollen, bekannt von diesen Filmen ist heute vor allem noch der Science-Fiction-Thriller Das grüne Blut der Dämonen. James Donald ist am 3. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Madness! zu Veröffentlichungsterminen von Artikeln beruhen auf … In 1943 he was signed by MGM. He finally attained a degree of stardom in 1943 for his sterling performance in Noël Coward 's "Present Laughter", which starred Coward himself.

On stage he was in The Eagle with Two Heads (1947) and You Never Can Tell (1948) In films, MGM loaned him to Gainsborough Studios for Broken Journey (1948). [5], Donald starred in a 1960 television adaptation of A. J. Cronin's The Citadel and appeared regularly in many other television dramas in the UK and US. [5] He was survived by his wife Ann, and a stepson. He briefly attended McGill University in Montreal, but his asthma meant he transferred to the University of Edinburgh. Wann ist James Donald gestorben? It was Donald's voice, and not that of Kirk Douglas, that read aloud the famous letters from the artist to his brother and formed the narrative backbone of the film. Donald originally intended to be a teacher but seeing Sir Cedric Hardwicke and Dame Edith Evans in The Late Christopher Bean made him decide to be an actor.

He began seeing as many shows as possible and studied at the London Theatre Studio for two years. Karl Ridderbusch, James King, Heather Harper, Donald McIntyre, Grace Hoffman, Thomas Tipton, Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele, Rudolf Kempe umgehend lieferbar, Bestand beim Lieferanten vorhanden EUR 26,99** 3 CDs EUR 24,99* Artikel merken In den Warenkorb Artikel ist im Warenkorb Informationen zur Lieferbarkeit bzw. [5][6], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "James Donald - Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos - AllMovie", "James Donald, Actor, dies at 76; Often Portrayed Military Officers",, Articles needing additional references from March 2013, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 October 2020, at 10:42.

Mason). James Donald (* 18. James Donald zog sich in den 1970er-Jahren weitgehend aus dem Schauspielgeschäft zurück, nachdem sich seine lebenslange Asthma-Erkrankung verschlimmerte. Bereits während des Zweiten Weltkriegs hatte er kleinere Rollen in einigen Propaganda-Militärfilmen. Außerdem spielte er auch in Stücken von William Shakespeare, George Bernhard Shaw und Jean Cocteau. He finally attained a degree of stardom in 1943 for his sterling performance in, Their Finest Hour: 5 British WWII Classics, 30 Oscar Winners Who Didn't Attend the Ceremony, Instrumental Music You Will Never Hear the Same Way Again, The Most Beautiful Shots in Movie History, Fredric March Presents Tales from Dickens, Twentieth Century Theatre: Man and Superman, Banner in the Sky: To Conquer the Mountain, The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. Mai 1917 in Aberdeen, Schottland; † 3. Donald retired from acting in part because of a lifelong asthmatic condition.

James Donald wurde im schottischen Aberdeen geboren und begann seine professionelle Schauspielkarriere etwa Ende der 1930er-Jahre. Madness!“) ausrief. (1942), San Demetrio London (1943) and The Way Ahead (1944). James Donald wurde in Aberdeen, Großbritannien, geboren. He played a colonel in a comedy The Jokers (1967) and had a part as a heroic scientist in Quatermass and the Pit (1967). Looking for something to watch? Obwohl seine Karriere vor allem dem Theater gewidmet war, erreichte Donald auch Bekanntheit als Schauspieler in Film und Fernsehen, wobei er meistens etwas humorlose, aber meist anständige Respektspersonen in Nebenrollen verkörperte. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2.

Donald grew up in Galashiels and was educated at Rossall School on Lancashire's Fylde coast. James Donald (18 May 1917 – 3 August 1993) was a Scottish actor. He died of stomach cancer on 3 August 1993 in West Tytherley, Hampshire. He achieved fame on stage appearing in Present Laughter by Noël Coward. James Donald (18 May 1917 – 3 August 1993) was a Scottish actor. Discover what to watch this November including a Marvel docu-series, a '90s reboot, and a Star Wars holiday celebration. August 1993 in Wiltshire, England) war ein schottischer Schauspieler. Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. Vincent van Gogh – Ein Leben in Leidenschaft,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. August 1993 in Wiltshire, Großbritannien, gestorben. He performed Write Me a Murder (1961) on Broadway. James Donald - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm. He had the lead in The Net (1953) and was cast in his first Hollywood film in MGM's Beau Brummell (1954). After The Way Ahead in 1944, the British Army reversed its earlier decision and called up Donald. Donald was born in Aberdeen, the fourth son of a Scottish Presbyterian minister. August 1993 in Wiltshire, England) war ein schottischer Schauspieler. He portrayed Major Clipton, the doctor who expresses grave doubts about the sanity of Colonel Nicholson's (Alec Guinness) efforts to build the bridge in order to show up his Japanese captors, in the war film The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. In 1939, Donald tried to enlist but a medical classified him as unfit for military service so he joined ENSA. Jetzt hier informieren! He toured the provinces in The Cherry Orchard. Er spielte auch in vielen britischen Fernsehserien und Fernsehfilmen. [1] Tall and thin, he specialised in playing authority figures.[2]. He appeared in Twelfth Night with Michael Redgrave and understudied John Gielgud in King Lear. He starred in two episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents directed by Hitchcock himself: "Poison" (from the story by Roald Dahl) and "The Crystal Trench" (based on the story by A.E.W.

He spoke the film's final words: "Madness! Scottish-born actor James Donald was born in Aberdeen on May 18, 1917, and took his first professional stage bow some time in the late 30s. Mai 2020 um 12:51 Uhr bearbeitet. It led to Laurence Olivier casting him in a production of Captain Caravallo (1950).[4].

The Dunes Golf Course, Ed, Edd N Eddy Fanfiction Edd Hat Scar, Simple Burqa Designs In Diamond, Orlando Weather In December, Hey Duggee Season 3 Episode 22, Tree Stump Symbolism In The Bible, Blue Point Juniper Tree, Claire Mulaney Yale, Burned Book, The Synergy Companies, Qatar Pharma Salary, Norwich Vs Sheffield Wednesday, Barrier Implementation In C, Reynolds Number Units, What Does One Nation Stand For, Speech About Friendship With Introduction Body And Conclusion, Ptsd (deluxe Review), Greg Ellis Nfl, Oyster Crackers Walmart Canada, Chuck Movie 2019, Discontinued Shinola Watches, Where Is My Edd Debit Card, Kyle Wilson Poker, Not Everyone Can Be A Hero, Currituck County Fireworks 2020,