forgotten hill: fall graveyard

Warleggan Church from the grave yard near to Warleggan, Cornwall, Great Britain.

Some photos made me sad. The weeds were thick. Among crooked cedars and white birch trees, there were several piles of rocks marking the graves. It looks like it’s not too far gone. They give me hope that this planet will always be filled with beautiful humans and happy tomorrows. Neglected and abandoned graveyards can be found everywhere in the world. Older maps show this building … I love those people who care enough to spend hours upon hours doing this!

More lost and forgotten tombstones at the Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY by H.L.I.T. on flickr. I noticed that a few plots were dated only a decade or so ago. Here is one of the better-preserved cairns. Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY by H.L.I.T. We use cookies to optimize our website and give you a better experience. The dilapidated church brown one was my favorite. I’d love to see the pics you took of the cemetery–you should upload them to your site. Someone just tweeted out something about abandoned cemeteries on Twitter, and when I couldn’t find the tweet, I Googled it and your blog popped up! I come across them in my area too. I had to stop somewhere and the above grave markers are so terribly creepy, yet interesting. Photo copyright Alby on It’s called the “Dwyer Hill Pioneer Roman Catholic Burial Ground” and was in use up to around 1867.

Glad you found me here. Thanks for sharing, Thank you Lisa!! We would have taken more photos but the bugs were too much to handle. And just as we were about to turn back, we spotted this in a clearing up ahead…. Photo by Wolfgang Glock on Wikimedia Commons, Abandoned graves at the old cemetery at the Sanctuary of Sacromonte, Amecameca, Mexico State. You can not imagine simply how a lot time I had spent for this info! The remnants of shallow graves were covered by large stones, once marked by wooden planks that have since decayed and disappeared. ( Log Out /  Photo by Darwinek on Wikimedia Commons. I was heartened to see this bus load of volunteers preparing to clean up the graveyard! Photo by HENG FU MING on Wikimedia Commons, Grave monument of abandoned Schmelz cemetery in Langmaisgasse, Vienna’s 15th district. Follow this blog for updates from Lis, new book announcements, more abandoned imagery, and giveaways! I hope the peoples of Worcestershire come together and restore the building so that its historical significance won’t be lost and forgotten.

I spent many years going to each cemetery where my family/ancestors are buried and took pictures of each headstone.

Reblogged this on Home | The Cemetery Mom and commented:

I’m glad I brought three new souls into this world. I came here by accident, as I was researching information about a long abandon rural church in my neck of the woods. The cemetery promised to tell me what they find in records when I call back tomorrow. Thanks again, Thanks for visiting here, Carol! I love and all those volunteers are doing to help families find their lost and forgotten ancestors in cemeteries across the U.S. There’s something so poignant about abandoned things and places, but there’s also something very joyous and uplifting about the sweet cry of a newborn baby, the perfect petals of flowers in spring, the first blanket of snow in winter. Abandoned church in Dickens, Nebraska. It was hot. Entire set of images from this graveyard.

I know why I didn’t drag any new souls onto this planet. Thanks!|, Wonderful abtiquated pictures of the past. When a cemetery is full, I would imagine the care should still fall to the county, parish, or city in which it sits. Learn how your comment data is processed. You can also share them on for long lost family members to maybe connect with their ancestors. I was searching for abandoned churches. The last remaining marker was for a Mrs. Gorman who died in childbirth at age 41, according to one reference I found.At least one of the graves looked like it had been opened at one point. Bayside – Acacia Cemetery Gate, Queens, NY by H.L.I.T. ( Log Out /  Would like to see more churches with their history. I hope you found the records of your grandfather, Mark! The dog was protesting.

There is a small blurb on here about McIntire Cemetery from Lycoming County, PA. Join the Newsletter. Cool nonetheless. Living with Permanent or Persistent Atrial Fibrillation?

It was the area’s Irish Catholic cemetery until a formal church and cemetery were built nearby circa 1860s. on Flickr. Do you think you could find it in the winter? Other then that, excellent blog! Perhaps marking less-distinct graves? The cemeteries where I’m from are administered to by the township trustee who is either appointed or voted into office. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. it has some overlapping. Over 40 local restaurants at your finger tips offering take-out, pick-up and delivery – support our local restaurants.

Photo by Oast House Archive on

I would recommend searching for it in the fall or winter when the bugs and weeds aren’t as bad. Photo by Ammodramus on Wikimedia Commons. Photo Copyright Roger Geach. It is very sad Lucy to see so many people and families markers and grave site have fallen into ruins. Anyone with information on this site please email, I hope that one day the residents realise the significance of this place and will get the chapel listed and properly restored.

Big Jim, Excuse me for misspelling your name. We followed the directions and crossed under the power lines across a field.

It always makes me so sad to see old headstones, especially when they are so worn away you can’t tell who is buried there. Photo by Alexandar Stamboliyski on Images of Bularia. Bladen County abandoned church along NC Highway 20 between Tar Heel and St. Pauls, North Carolina. I often think about people who lived lives, had hopes and dreams, loved and were loved, and except for the resurrection to come for some there is now nothing and everything they did is totally forgotten. You’re right and it’s sad. Perhaps people have started uploading pictures and information from Bayside/Acacia on Churches whose once devout congregations have dwindled to nothing, leaving their houses of worship to waste away into nothingness, eventually to be swallowed up by the earth from which they sprang. Sad thought, Sven.

We hiked to it on Saturday afternoon, wading through waist-high weeds and fighting off mosquitos and deer flies. Old graves. It’s doubly sad when a deceased person died alone and without any family to care.

Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY by H.L.I.T. I believe the graves from long ago, especially the creepy ones, were not taken care of because all of their loved ones probably died off. I was heartened to see this bus load of volunteers preparing to clean up the graveyard! Thanks for caring enough to post that material. They usually hire someone to care for, sell plots, and arrange for burials in the cemeteries within their jurisdiction. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It’s really quite sad. Fragment of dug-in grave at the abandoned Jewish cemetery in Český Těšín (Czeski Cieszyn). on flickr. If I couldn’t read it, I took a stiff brush to it then poured water on it so the letters would stand out. A 1975 description of the site brought us to O’Neil Road, just off of Dwyer Hill Road where the railroad tracks cross.

Photo by Antonia on, An abandoned church in a Vietnamese refugee camp on a deserted island in Malaysia. This is just the beginning.

Abandoned Church near to St. Colmac, ARgyll And Bute, Great Britain. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The site isn’t hard to locate on a map, but it was a challenging hike into the bush. Stay tuned! Hi, I think your website might be having browser compatibility issues. Post navigation.

Rodney Cemetery, Rodney (Jefferson County), Mississippi. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The ruined medieval church next to Llanbedr Hall, first recorded in 1254, was abandoned when the Victorian church in the modern village of Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd was built. Older maps show this building on the inside of the sharp bend in Cruise Hill lane as a church although today it looks forlorn and abandoned.

Forgotten Hill: Fall, a free online Adventure game brought to you by Armor Games. Abandoned christian [Presbyterian] church, Taiban, New Mexico.

Tintern Abbey, near to Chapel Hill, Monmouthshire/Sir Fynwy, Great Britain – Photo by Gareth James on Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its part of the rich and varied history of Worcestershire. He was once entirely right. We hiked to it on Saturday afternoon, wading through waist-high weeds and fighting off mosquitos and deer flies. Maybe you can find some help in that house up on the hill. Bayside – Acacia Cemetery, Queens, NY by H.L.I.T. Thanks for this. Sadly, Utterly Abandoned Churches & Cemeteries. There are some town graveyards that are professionally maintained, of course, but as can be seen in these pics there are many that are just forgotten they even exist. Let us know if your hunt was successful! Photo by David Stowell on, Abandoned church and gravestones near to Longhorsley, Northumberland, Great Britain. “In the fall of 1995, a four-member survey crew working for the then-regional government located the pioneer cemetery, hidden in a thick maple and hardwood bush.

Amazing, and sad, pictures. No worries on the name! I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! FORGOTTEN HILL: PUPPETEER. This put up truly made my day. One day the last human will die, there will be nobody left to bury him or her. Photo by Gerry Dincher on flickr. Moss-covered, with trees sprouting all around. Jim B, My brother recommended I would possibly like this web site. I am just curious. The heart-breaking Duffy’s Cut Mass Grave, Philadelphia, PA. Photo by Parabat4868 on Flickr.

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