The earliest documentary evidence associating the Lynch’s with Summerhill in particular is a document of 1485, … ". The Pale boundary here was defined along a line from Trim through Dangan demesne to Kilcock. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The detail above of the current castle ruins is a possible link to the Gaelic tradition and the pre-Norman links of Cnoc na Loinsigh, which is eloborated further below.

The author returned to Ireland in 1847–49 to help with famine relief and recorded those experiences in the rather harrowing: Annals of the Famine in Ireland is Asenath Nicholson's sequel to Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. One of the fourteen ruling Tribes of Galway, the Lynches erected this structure as a means of protection from attack. All the best authorities, ancient and modern, have been consulted in the explanations of the text, and compilation of the notes' .. Built by the powerful Lynch family as a protection from raids, parts of the limestone building may date back to the 14th century but the bulk of it was built in the 16th century. The Irish name is Midhe, or, according to some authorities, Meidhe, which signifies a neck, because it was formed by a portion or nerh taken from each of the four provinces. He held his castle and lands at the Knock as tenant to his feudal chief, Wellesley, of Dangan Castle (due north of Summerhill). Its decorations, ornamental mouldings and picturesque cornices denote its Spanish character, which less than a century ago was noticeable in most of the chief buildings of the city. The book is also available in Kindle.

A survey of the present day ruins of Lynch's castle (picture of which is … Among them are Lynch Castle, a townhouse once owned by one of Galway’s prominent merchant families. LYNCH'S CASTLE.—The city of Galway at one time carried on a large commerce with Spain, an intercourse that has shown its effects to the present in the appearance and character of the people, and the buildings and streets of the town.

The spiral staircase in the NW corner has a newel and gunloops. Lynch's Castle here depicted was the home of the family for several generations. Built around 1500, it was converted into a bank in the 1960s.

...The following also were clans of note .. in Meath O'Laingseachs, or O'Lynches .. and others. The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel. Her account is not a history of the famine, but personal eyewitness testimony to the suffering it caused. There was a prior, pre 16th Century, castle on the grounds of current day Lynch castle in Summerhill, County Meath. In the 1845 published edition of the Annals of the Four Masters by Owen Cornelian Esq, there are extensive footnotes which flesh out the detail of the pre-Norman, Gaelic aristocracy. An American widow’s account of her travels in Ireland in 1844–45 on the eve of the Great Famine: Sailing from New York, she set out to determine the condition of the Irish poor and discover why so many were emigrating to her home country. The Lynchs were one of the thirteen so-called Tribes of Galway, all of whom were of Anglo-Norman descent; their prominence may be measured by the fact that during a period of 169 years, 84 members of the family were mayors of the city. Among the buildings the only perfectly preserved example of Spanish architecture is Lynch's Castle, a large, stately edifice, at the corner of Shop and Abbeygate … It relates the circumstances under which the great exodus to the New World began, the trials and tribulations faced by these tough American pioneers and the enduring influence they came to exert on the politics, education and religion of the country. History Rioters breaking into a parish prison during anti-Italian lynchings in New Orleans , Louisiana, in 1891 Every society has had forms of extrajudicial punishments, including murder. Although the facade has been altered many times, you can pick out elements of old stone work such as … Another mention in the 'copious notes' of Owen Cornelian's book of the Annals of the Four Master, references another branch of the Lynchs, as part of the Red Branch Knights in Ulaid (Ulster) - the O'Neill homeland and powerbase through the six plus centuries of their high-kingship of Ireland: "The chiefs and clans of Dalaradia or Ulidia, and the territories which they possessed in the twelfth century, as collected from O'Dugan's Topography, are as follows : The Craobh Ruadh, or the portion of the Sedhranch Knights of Ulster ..The principal chiefs of the Craobh Ruadh were .. O'Labhradha ; O'Leathlobhra ; O'Luingsigh, or Lynch ..". A survey of the present day ruins of Lynch's castle (picture of which is above, and on the above right) mentions the following: "The sixteenth-century castle at Summerhill has a four-storey tower. There are fine upper windows with dished spandrels and hoodmoulds. His account of the journey provides invaluable eyewitness testimony to the trauma and tragedy that many emigrants had to face en route to their new lives in Canada and America. The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel is based upon the diary of Robert Whyte who, in 1847, crossed the Atlantic from Dublin to Quebec in an Irish emigrant ship. For that reason, it conveys the reality of the calamity in a much more telling way. Mrs Nicholson’s recollections of her tour among the peasantry are still revealing and gripping today. From Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland (1900), « County Fermanagh | Book Contents | County Kerry », Description of County Galway | Clifden Cascade | Eyre Square | Kylemore Castle | St. Nicholas Church | Lynch's Castle | West Bridge | Fish Market | Claddagh | Galway Map. (You can also see virtual reality views of the castle on Abandoned - here (inside) and here (outside) ), The first individual Lynch we find record of at Cnoc na Loingsigh was an Andrew Lynch (circa 1200 AD) and his descendents remained there until the dispossession of a Gerald Lynch in 1650 by Cromwell's forces. Histories tell us that this older castle was demolished sometime in the 1700s. There was a prior, pre 16th Century, castle on the grounds of current day Lynch castle in Summerhill, County Meath. Four storeys high and incredibly striking, this castle draws its name from those who built it back in the late 1500s - the influential and all-powerful Lynch family. In his foreward he says 'To render these Annals one of the most important works ever published on Irish History and Antiquities, no trouble has been spared, or no available information neglected,and great expense has been incurred. This all ties in with the mentions of the Lynch's and their links to the O'Neill High Kingship, on the present-day in-situ Tourist notice in Summerhill, and also may well be the reason for the presence of the O'Neill coat of arms in the present day ruins of Lynch's Castle, on 'Cnoc na Loinsigh'. There are a lot, of very detailed notes, with long long lists of sources. So in the midst of all this for our Lynchs in Summerhill, in Meath, I found the following mentions of interest: "The ancient kingdom of Meath was formed in the second century by Tuathal Teachtmar, (or Tuathal the Acceptable,) who was monarch of Ireland from A.D. 130 to A.D. 160, by the combination of a portion from each of the then four provinces or kingdoms, and their annexation to Meath : hence it became a Cuigeadh, or fifth province, which term was afterwards and has been to the present applied to a province.  History of Lynch's castle Where is lynch's Castle? The book is also available in Kindle. And the last of the O'Neill dynasty was overthrown in 1166 by an O'Connor, who was the High King at the time of the Norman invasion.

LYNCH'S CASTLE.—The city of Galway at one time carried on a large commerce with Spain, an intercourse that has shown its effects to the present in the appearance and character of the people, and the buildings and streets of the town. Others derive it from Midhe, who was chief Druid to Nemedius, and by whom the first sacred fire was kindled in Ireland at U'wieach.

Some further detail on this family history is on this linked page here, Pre-Norman Records of the Lynch's in Meath and links to O'Neill Dynasty. Histories tell us that this older castle was demolished sometime in the 1700s. The O'Neill / Ui Neill / Hy Neill High Kingship of Ireland did run for 600 years, but it didn't all end with Brian Boru. ‘Peter Lynch of the Knock’ was among the list of the ‘Marchers’ of the English Pale in 1524.

The Lynch Family's Coat of Arms can still be seen today, as can other proprietors of the house Henry and the Fitzgerald's of Kildare. Attached to the SW corner is a range, possibly T-plan, bearing a plaque with the O’Neill arms. This incredible limestone building is a fine example of an Irish gothic style. Families of this name are historically associated with Cork, Clare and Sligo. The Scotch-Irish in America tells the story of how the hardy breed of men and women, who in America came to be known as the ‘Scotch-Irish’, was forged in the north of Ireland during the seventeenth century. After Boru another O'Neill regained title of High King of a somewhat more divided kingdom of Ireland. The undaunted American widow returned to Ireland in the midst of the Great Famine and helped organise relief for the destitute and hungry. .. The Lynches, of Anglo-Norman descent, were one of the powerful 14 tribes who ruled Galway.

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lynch castle history

Among the buildings the only perfectly preserved example of Spanish architecture is Lynch's Castle, a large, stately edifice, at the corner of Shop and Abbeygate Streets. Lynch's Castle was once the home to the most powerful family in Galway. The earliest documentary evidence associating the Lynch’s with Summerhill in particular is a document of 1485, which refers to Christopher Leynce of the Knock.

..From the fifth to the eleventh century, during a period of six hundred years, the Hy Nialls held exclusive possession of the Irish monarchy, until A.D.1002, when Brian Boroimhe, king of Munster became monarch of Ireland. Lynch Castle was built in 1320 and they formed many branches of the same name.” The second root of the name Lynch is from the Gaelic O'Loinseach.

The chiefs and clans of ancient Meath were, with few exceptions, of the race of the southern Hy Nialls.".

The earliest documentary evidence associating the Lynch’s with Summerhill in particular is a document of 1485, … ". The Pale boundary here was defined along a line from Trim through Dangan demesne to Kilcock. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The detail above of the current castle ruins is a possible link to the Gaelic tradition and the pre-Norman links of Cnoc na Loinsigh, which is eloborated further below.

The author returned to Ireland in 1847–49 to help with famine relief and recorded those experiences in the rather harrowing: Annals of the Famine in Ireland is Asenath Nicholson's sequel to Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. One of the fourteen ruling Tribes of Galway, the Lynches erected this structure as a means of protection from attack. All the best authorities, ancient and modern, have been consulted in the explanations of the text, and compilation of the notes' .. Built by the powerful Lynch family as a protection from raids, parts of the limestone building may date back to the 14th century but the bulk of it was built in the 16th century. The Irish name is Midhe, or, according to some authorities, Meidhe, which signifies a neck, because it was formed by a portion or nerh taken from each of the four provinces. He held his castle and lands at the Knock as tenant to his feudal chief, Wellesley, of Dangan Castle (due north of Summerhill). Its decorations, ornamental mouldings and picturesque cornices denote its Spanish character, which less than a century ago was noticeable in most of the chief buildings of the city. The book is also available in Kindle.

A survey of the present day ruins of Lynch's castle (picture of which is … Among them are Lynch Castle, a townhouse once owned by one of Galway’s prominent merchant families. LYNCH'S CASTLE.—The city of Galway at one time carried on a large commerce with Spain, an intercourse that has shown its effects to the present in the appearance and character of the people, and the buildings and streets of the town.

The spiral staircase in the NW corner has a newel and gunloops. Lynch's Castle here depicted was the home of the family for several generations. Built around 1500, it was converted into a bank in the 1960s.

...The following also were clans of note .. in Meath O'Laingseachs, or O'Lynches .. and others. The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel. Her account is not a history of the famine, but personal eyewitness testimony to the suffering it caused. There was a prior, pre 16th Century, castle on the grounds of current day Lynch castle in Summerhill, County Meath. In the 1845 published edition of the Annals of the Four Masters by Owen Cornelian Esq, there are extensive footnotes which flesh out the detail of the pre-Norman, Gaelic aristocracy. An American widow’s account of her travels in Ireland in 1844–45 on the eve of the Great Famine: Sailing from New York, she set out to determine the condition of the Irish poor and discover why so many were emigrating to her home country. The Lynchs were one of the thirteen so-called Tribes of Galway, all of whom were of Anglo-Norman descent; their prominence may be measured by the fact that during a period of 169 years, 84 members of the family were mayors of the city. Among the buildings the only perfectly preserved example of Spanish architecture is Lynch's Castle, a large, stately edifice, at the corner of Shop and Abbeygate … It relates the circumstances under which the great exodus to the New World began, the trials and tribulations faced by these tough American pioneers and the enduring influence they came to exert on the politics, education and religion of the country. History Rioters breaking into a parish prison during anti-Italian lynchings in New Orleans , Louisiana, in 1891 Every society has had forms of extrajudicial punishments, including murder. Although the facade has been altered many times, you can pick out elements of old stone work such as … Another mention in the 'copious notes' of Owen Cornelian's book of the Annals of the Four Master, references another branch of the Lynchs, as part of the Red Branch Knights in Ulaid (Ulster) - the O'Neill homeland and powerbase through the six plus centuries of their high-kingship of Ireland: "The chiefs and clans of Dalaradia or Ulidia, and the territories which they possessed in the twelfth century, as collected from O'Dugan's Topography, are as follows : The Craobh Ruadh, or the portion of the Sedhranch Knights of Ulster ..The principal chiefs of the Craobh Ruadh were .. O'Labhradha ; O'Leathlobhra ; O'Luingsigh, or Lynch ..". A survey of the present day ruins of Lynch's castle (picture of which is above, and on the above right) mentions the following: "The sixteenth-century castle at Summerhill has a four-storey tower. There are fine upper windows with dished spandrels and hoodmoulds. His account of the journey provides invaluable eyewitness testimony to the trauma and tragedy that many emigrants had to face en route to their new lives in Canada and America. The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel is based upon the diary of Robert Whyte who, in 1847, crossed the Atlantic from Dublin to Quebec in an Irish emigrant ship. For that reason, it conveys the reality of the calamity in a much more telling way. Mrs Nicholson’s recollections of her tour among the peasantry are still revealing and gripping today. From Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland (1900), « County Fermanagh | Book Contents | County Kerry », Description of County Galway | Clifden Cascade | Eyre Square | Kylemore Castle | St. Nicholas Church | Lynch's Castle | West Bridge | Fish Market | Claddagh | Galway Map. (You can also see virtual reality views of the castle on Abandoned - here (inside) and here (outside) ), The first individual Lynch we find record of at Cnoc na Loingsigh was an Andrew Lynch (circa 1200 AD) and his descendents remained there until the dispossession of a Gerald Lynch in 1650 by Cromwell's forces. Histories tell us that this older castle was demolished sometime in the 1700s. There was a prior, pre 16th Century, castle on the grounds of current day Lynch castle in Summerhill, County Meath. Four storeys high and incredibly striking, this castle draws its name from those who built it back in the late 1500s - the influential and all-powerful Lynch family. In his foreward he says 'To render these Annals one of the most important works ever published on Irish History and Antiquities, no trouble has been spared, or no available information neglected,and great expense has been incurred. This all ties in with the mentions of the Lynch's and their links to the O'Neill High Kingship, on the present-day in-situ Tourist notice in Summerhill, and also may well be the reason for the presence of the O'Neill coat of arms in the present day ruins of Lynch's Castle, on 'Cnoc na Loinsigh'. There are a lot, of very detailed notes, with long long lists of sources. So in the midst of all this for our Lynchs in Summerhill, in Meath, I found the following mentions of interest: "The ancient kingdom of Meath was formed in the second century by Tuathal Teachtmar, (or Tuathal the Acceptable,) who was monarch of Ireland from A.D. 130 to A.D. 160, by the combination of a portion from each of the then four provinces or kingdoms, and their annexation to Meath : hence it became a Cuigeadh, or fifth province, which term was afterwards and has been to the present applied to a province.  History of Lynch's castle Where is lynch's Castle? The book is also available in Kindle. And the last of the O'Neill dynasty was overthrown in 1166 by an O'Connor, who was the High King at the time of the Norman invasion.

LYNCH'S CASTLE.—The city of Galway at one time carried on a large commerce with Spain, an intercourse that has shown its effects to the present in the appearance and character of the people, and the buildings and streets of the town. Others derive it from Midhe, who was chief Druid to Nemedius, and by whom the first sacred fire was kindled in Ireland at U'wieach.

Some further detail on this family history is on this linked page here, Pre-Norman Records of the Lynch's in Meath and links to O'Neill Dynasty. Histories tell us that this older castle was demolished sometime in the 1700s. The O'Neill / Ui Neill / Hy Neill High Kingship of Ireland did run for 600 years, but it didn't all end with Brian Boru. ‘Peter Lynch of the Knock’ was among the list of the ‘Marchers’ of the English Pale in 1524.

The Lynch Family's Coat of Arms can still be seen today, as can other proprietors of the house Henry and the Fitzgerald's of Kildare. Attached to the SW corner is a range, possibly T-plan, bearing a plaque with the O’Neill arms. This incredible limestone building is a fine example of an Irish gothic style. Families of this name are historically associated with Cork, Clare and Sligo. The Scotch-Irish in America tells the story of how the hardy breed of men and women, who in America came to be known as the ‘Scotch-Irish’, was forged in the north of Ireland during the seventeenth century. After Boru another O'Neill regained title of High King of a somewhat more divided kingdom of Ireland. The undaunted American widow returned to Ireland in the midst of the Great Famine and helped organise relief for the destitute and hungry. .. The Lynches, of Anglo-Norman descent, were one of the powerful 14 tribes who ruled Galway.

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