Fondly called Jack by those who knew him, he was educated at Tabor Academy, Received his BA from Dartmouth College, his MA from Columbia University and his Ph.D. From Boston University. He was the former speaker of Maine house of representatives. John Richardson Maine Obituary Death | Passed Away | Dead. Central Maine (Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel) Obituaries, 1 Nov 2020, Maine Sunday Telegram Obituaries, 1 Nov 2020, Lewiston Sun Journal Obituaries, 1 Nov 2020, Aroostook Weeklies Obituaries, 31 Oct 2020, Aroostook Weeklies Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Central Maine (Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel) Obituaries, 31 Oct 2020, Portland Press Herald Obituaries, 31 Oct 2020, Lewiston Sun Journal Obituaries, 31 Oct 2020, Bangor Daily News Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Ellsworth American Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, St. John Valley Times Obituaries, 29 Oct 2020, Brunswick Times Record Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Lewiston Sun Journal Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Central Maine (Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel) Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Bangor Daily News Obituaries, 29 Oct 2020, Portland Press Herald Obituaries, 30 Oct 2020, Aroostook Weeklies Obituaries, 29 Oct 2020, Central Maine (Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel) Obituaries, 29 Oct 2020, Brunswick Times Record Obituaries, 29 Oct 2020, Bangor Daily News Obituaries, 28 Oct 2020. John Richardson Death | Cause of Death – John Richardson Obituary, Nicola Rogers Death | Cause of Death – Nicola Rogers Obituary, Danding Cojuangco Death | Dead – Died | San Miguel CEO And Chairman Dies At 85 – Obituary, Park Jisun Comedian Dead | Park Jisun Death, Daniel Abramovitz Death – Obituary | Daniel Abramovitz Dead, Peyton Baumgarth Death | Peyton Baumgarth Died Of Covid-19, Jack White Death – Obituary | Jack White Dead. This wonderful program which Jack started is now in its 25th. Our thoughts are prayers are with everyone affected by this death. John Richardson died of a heart attack in his home. Born in Milan, Italy on October 12, 1919 the only child of Edward Curtis Richardson and May Alice (Sherman) Richardson. He was a wonderful man, loved to see his smile when he went shopping at Hannafords. John Curtis Richardson Please go to for more information or to sign the on-line guest book. According to reports, John Richardson died at the age of 62 leaving behind his wife and three children. You may leave a tribute, prayers and condolences or express your concern over John using the comment section below. But in my long, academic career, no one stands out in my mind like Professor Richardson. Bangor Daily News obituary Print Preview. BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) — John Richardson, a former speaker of the Maine House of Representatives and one of the most influential people in Maine politics in … Robert S. Ervin, Rector officiating. With that calm, avuncular manner, he could have been a doctor or priest. John Richardson died of an heart attack on Tuesday 16th of June 2020. I remember so well how gracious you and Jack were in introducing me and my whole family to Cambridge 24 years ago. Funeral Home Services for John are being provided by Tasker Funeral Home - Dover. True to family tradition, John Richardson started his career in public service at a young age. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. Proudly powered by WordPress John Baldacci, former Republican House leader Joe Bruno, and Richardson's son, John Richardson, Jr. NEWS CENTER Maine reporter Don Carrigan moderated … To me and so many others, he made us aware of the wonder of literature. Your email address will not be published.
John Richardson was a high profile lawyer, and also a politician. John Richardson died on Tuesday June, 2020 at the age of 62. He received the Profile in Service Award from the University of New Hampshire in 1987. Professor Emeritus of English at the University of New Hampshire, after 43 years of teaching. He was the spokesperson for the House Democratic Caucus, before becoming Speaker of the House in 2005 and in 2017, he was appointed the head of Economic and Community Development. target_type: 'mix' To the family of Professor Richardson, Of course, other professors did that as well. year and I'm back for my tenth time! John Baldacci, died on Tuesday at age 62. The funeral service will be on Monday July 21st at 11:00 a.m. at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hale St., Dover with rev. He was an avid reader, traveler, cook, walker, Anglophile and a devoted husband and family man. container: 'taboola-below-article-thumbnails', Jack was a member of the St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Dover, a volunteer at the South Berwick Public Library, a member of the Conservation Committee and a former Tree Warden of South Berwick. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Professor Richardson was my advisor twenty-five years ago, and I took several of his classes. He was a great lawyer and politician. I will miss him dearly. }); Your email address will not be published. South Berwick, Maine – John Curtis Richardson, 83, of 9 Waterside Lane died Thursday July 17, 2003 after a brief illness. We are not aware of any GoFundMe set up for John memorial yet. Required fields are marked *. He received the first Distinguished Professor Award in 1988, and it was fitting that the award should go to a person so humanely learned and so generous of spirit. Richardson passed away Tuesday. John Richardson Death | John Richardson Obituary – The Former Maine House Speaker and WGAN Morning News contributor has been reported dead by WGAN News (@WGANNews) on the 17th of June 2020. He... Dear Mrs. Richardson, Deb, John and Families, I was so saddened to learn of your loss. Cummings was one of several current and former Maine political leaders who pad tribute to Richardson on this week's program. John G. Richardson Jr., 62, attorney and former 97th Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, died unexpectedly Tuesday, June 16, 2020. However, I don't know how I missed seeing it in the paper. The Democrat died of an apparent heart attack…
I'm grateful to Jack for a lot... My Deepest Sympathy goes out to you and your family. It is requested that there be family flowers only and those who wish are invited to make memorials in his name to the St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hale St., Dover, NH 03820 or the South Berwick Public Library, 37 Portland St., South Berwick, ME 03908. An attorney and a Democrat, Richardson was first elected to the legislature in 1998 to represent the Brunswick area. Also Read: Nicola Rogers Death | Cause of Death – Nicola Rogers Obituary, _taboola.push({ He was a remarkable man. The obituary was featured in Legacy on July 18, 2003. For Stephanie, John III, Glenn, Madeline & Chief Richardson: John and I shared an unabiding love of Maine, the Law, Politics, Basketball, fundamental fairness & most importantly of all: family. Dear Billie and family, John Richardson passed away in South Berwick, Maine. Jack established the University of New Hampshire Summer Program in English, History and Art at Cambridge University, England and maintained the program for many years. It's especially poignant getting the news of Jack's death while we're here in Cambridge. He retired from teaching in 1989. We read Joyce and Woolf. According to reports, John Richardson died at the age of 62 leaving behind his wife and three children. Burial will follow in Pine Hill Cemetery. This page with be updated with further updated upon confirmation of the plans.
John Richardson Death | John Richardson Obituary – The Former Maine House Speaker and WGAN Morning News contributor has been reported dead by WGAN News (@WGANNews) on the 17th of June 2020. placement: 'Below Article Thumbnails',
BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) — John Richardson, a former speaker of the Maine House of Representatives and one of the most influential people in Maine politics in … We read poetry. John Richardson, who was a top Maine legislator and served as economic development commissioner under Gov. Death and Obituaries – Funeral | Cause Of Death. St. John Valley Times Obituaries, 27 Oct 2020 Central Maine (Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel) Obituaries, 28 Oct 2020 Brunswick Times Record Obituaries, 28 Oct 2020 WGAN is sad to report that Former Maine House Speaker and WGAN Morning News contributor John Richardson has died.
Political Brew host Pat Callaghan and GOP analyst Phil Harriman were joined by former Gov.
Get email updates about John Richardson delivered directly to your inbox. We will be seeing you later this morning. Survived by his wife of 61 years Mary-Frances (Godfrey) Richardson, a son John Godfrey Richardson and daughter-in-law Patricia Ann (Peterman) Richardson all of South Berwick, a daughter Deborah Curtis (Richardson) Cotter and son-in-law Walter B. Cotter both of Providence, RI; five grandchildren John Godfrey Richardson of Arlington, VA, Wendy Ann (Richardson) Reich and husband Dr. Peter P. Reich of Dover, NH, Reed Elizabeth Cotter of Boston, MA, Damon Godfrey Cotter of Providence, RI, Caroline Barney Cotter of Providence, RI and one great-grandchild Maxwell Alexander Reich of Dover, NH.
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