Today's Star Ratings Your general mood. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Personal gain looks promising on the 7th. Horoscopes. Don't waste time trying to mediate. Get an accurate prediction today!

Speak up, face opposition vehemently and be willing to walk away and do your own thing if necessary. experiencing the "same ole, same ole" -- rather than the things you would like.

), : SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 ASTRO ADVICE WEEKLY by Eugenia Last November 1 – November 7, 2020      ARIES (March….

: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 ASTRO ADVICE WEEKLY by Eugenia Last November 1 – November 7, 2020      ARIES (March…. Don’t feel you have to take part in someone’s plans. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Share your feelings if you want to bring about change on the 1st. Consultez votre horoscope du jour dans le Journal de Montréal. Later, you can start pushing yourself a little bit -- to be more bold, more emotional, whatever. A better opportunity will come your way on the 5th and 6th. Having reliable people to work with will make a difference in the way you manage your responsibilities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Listen carefully on the 1st, and you’ll avoid being blindsided by decisions others make. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Keep a tight grip on your wallet on the 1st.

Make sure you stay in the loop, ask questions and clarify how you want things to unfold.

Focus more on personal gains, not energizing someone else’s good fortune. 3 stars, CANCER (June 21-July 22): A personal change you want to make will influence someone close to you. Don’t give in to peer pressure or bullying.

Something someone says or does on the 7th will change your perspective.

NOV 2, 2020 - Staying steady and grounding yourself is the way to go even though, at times, it may feel like you're a little lost along the path. Fix up your surroundings, encourage someone you love and make romantic plans.

Today's Matches. An opportunity will come your way on the 5th and 6th requiring you to make a difficult decision. Visit, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.

Use your imagination, and you’ll come up with new and exciting ideas for something you want to pursue.

Learn from those with more experience, and teach those trying to follow in your footsteps.

Your appearance, gestures and thoughtfulness will determine what type of response you receive. Nouveau: Horoscope pour le mois de Novembre 2020 à découvrir : Un mois qui promet d'être animé et pourrait offrir à certains de formidables opportunités de décoller!

There can be problems with speaking or acting too soon with Mars retrograde all month and Mercury retrograde from the 13th forward. A physical change will lift your spirits. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Look at what’s available on the 1st, and turn any opportunity into a viable option. Don’t let a lack of communication lead to a misunderstanding. Listen carefully, and offer only what you know you can deliver. rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you Love will enhance your life. 5 stars, PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Refuse to let your emotions take over.

The Aries ram, usually aggressive, mellows into the grounded, stoic bull when the Moon moves into Taurus. Problems will surface on the 5th and 6th that can throw you off guard.

Horoscope de novembre 2020 : les astres ont parlé ! Gemini. Self-improvement and personal growth are favored.

Keep in mind

A move someone makes will prompt you to look into whether you should follow suit.

Experience is the spice of life. June 21-July 22.

Your physical energy is very high today, Libra.

Horoscopes Aries. Be aware of these tendencies toward

Preparation will save you time and money and put your mind at ease.

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A work-from-home offer looks promising and will allow you the freedom to build a strong and healthy relationship with someone who matters to you. Trust your judgment, not beliefs someone pressures you to adopt as your own. That's always invigorating, but it's also dangerous, sometimes. Voici toutes les prévisions de l'horoscope de novembre. Researching, talking to experts and following your heart will lead to a better future. 3 stars, SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Assess partnerships. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Tie up loose ends on the 1st, and make room for new beginnings.

Let go of the past, and focus on your dreams. Introductory offers, gift and club minutes for Top Rated advisors may not be used with Elite or Master advisors. Cancer.

Look for bargains, and be honest about what you want. Refuse to let anger take over when patience and understanding are required. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2020.

10.30.2020 . If you are not comfortable right now, you will not be happy. Prévisions astrologiques du jour pour le capricorne.

Someone you least expect will throw you under the bus if given a chance.

Reconnect with someone you lost touch with on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and you will be privy to inside information that can help you decide on the adjustments required to improve partnerships that concern you. There are indications... Short visits in your neighborhood could catapult you into some negative situations, Leo. Before you implement your plans, be sure you have the approval necessary to avoid interference. There is a feeling that it is necessary to hoard, or protect what one has control over.

Say what’s on your mind, and act accordingly to ensure that you get what you want. Look at every angle, and make the changes that will benefit you.

Nov 2, 2020 - Cancer, check your house to make certain everything is in working order. Good fortune awaits if you are patient and rely on your knowledge and experience to excel. *With the purchase of an introductory package. Do the work yourself, and you’ll save cash. You would be able to know about the outcomes of any particular activity performed by you in a certain period of time. You have to make decisions based on what you feel comfortable doing. Mar 21-Apr 19. It's... Today you might be a bit worried about your financial affairs, Virgo.

Keep your health, money and passwords safe. © 2020 ® All Rights Reserved. Don't do anything radical, and let your conscience be your guide. Close relationships tend to fare especially well. I am a devoted spiritualist working with the higher power. (Visit, or join Eugenia on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Keep the peace, but don’t make unrealistic promises. October 2020 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Pisces: You're in fine shape to build health, improve daily routines, and take care of business in October, dear Pisces.

Apply the life lessons you have encountered, and utilize your skills.

Get your free daily tarot reading. 10.31.2020 . Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it's time to dream big, and take creative A virtual reunion or connecting with someone from your past on the 7th will lead to exciting plans. This is a Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 23, 2020. There's nothing like a burst of unfettered creativity to help add juice to your love life when you're feeling drained. Aug 23-Sept 22.

As you've been told time and again, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Shared expenses can be problematic on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th if you don’t set down ground rules.

Use charm, enthusiasm and energy to get what you want on the 7th. Get advice about your love, mood, and career. Set the stage for the next chapter in your life. Find your horoscope for today including updates on your zodiac sign on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

Read today's free daily horoscope for all zodiac signs. Start taking steps that lead to your chosen destination.

THE LAST WORD IN ASTROLOGY BY EUGENIA LAST. How you handle your money, friends and relatives will determine how secure and stable you are in the future. Today's Readings for You Daily Tarot Yes/No Tarot Make a Wish Daily Love True Love.

A personal pick-me-up on the 7th will help lower stress. Just keep yourself busy with your daily routine for now. L'avant-dernier mois de l'année 2020 réserve quelques (bonnes) surprises pour la plupart des signes astrologiques.

Must be 18+ For entertainment purposes only.

Emotions will surface on the 7th.

Your plans cannot move forward if you aren’t free and clear to give your all. Set goals and lower your overhead to accommodate what you want to achieve. This is not the time to leap outside of your comfort zone!

Take action based on the way you feel on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Look for opportunities that will help you get ahead financially on the 5th and 6th.

Virgo. Aries. Friendship. The moon departs from melancholic Taurus and moves forward into excitable Gemini this morning, redirecting your attention from things at home towards your personal creative projects.

Enjoy what life has to offer.

Don’t give in to emotional manipulation. Someone will mislead you on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Focus on putting things behind you instead of letting them build up. 5 stars, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Revisit an old idea. Your birth chart is a map of the sky at the moment you were born.

Don’t take the easy route if it doesn’t lead to your destination of choice.

Love. vous invite à découvrir : est la référence depuis plus de 35 ans en matière d'horoscope : jour, mois, semaine mais aussi Chinois, l'horoscope de l'amour,

Romance is in the stars. Behind the scenes activity will leave you blindsided on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Download the Sun Signs app to find out how the planets’ positions influence your life. An opportunity will come your way on the 5th and 6th through someone you least expect. A change of plans will cause uncertainty regarding your future on the 7th. 3 stars, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You are in a position to wheel and deal. Play fair. Things are starting to brighten back up this week, Aquarius. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Revisit what’s happened on the 1st, and put a plan in motion to counter unwanted changes you are facing. Channel your energy on the 7th into home improvements that will encourage a lucrative future.

Halloween’s skies are chock full of revelations, Aquarius.You’ve been keeping yourself busily preoccupied with making career moves and figuring out which role in society you wish to inhabit. Take a break on the 7th in order to rejuvenate.

Be wary of new schemes. Stand tall and be counted.

Someone will use manipulative tactics to push you in a questionable direction. the term "bull-headed," as people will tend towards an inflexible stance. 3 stars, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t let confusion set in; go directly to the source and find out all you need to know to make an informed decision. The past will help you considerably on the 5th and 6th. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Pay attention to money matters, how you earn your living and how you get along with your peers on the 1st.

Today's Star Ratings Your general mood. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Personal gain looks promising on the 7th. Horoscopes. Don't waste time trying to mediate. Get an accurate prediction today!

Speak up, face opposition vehemently and be willing to walk away and do your own thing if necessary. experiencing the "same ole, same ole" -- rather than the things you would like.

), : SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 ASTRO ADVICE WEEKLY by Eugenia Last November 1 – November 7, 2020      ARIES (March….

: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 ASTRO ADVICE WEEKLY by Eugenia Last November 1 – November 7, 2020      ARIES (March…. Don’t feel you have to take part in someone’s plans. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Share your feelings if you want to bring about change on the 1st. Consultez votre horoscope du jour dans le Journal de Montréal. Later, you can start pushing yourself a little bit -- to be more bold, more emotional, whatever. A better opportunity will come your way on the 5th and 6th. Having reliable people to work with will make a difference in the way you manage your responsibilities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Listen carefully on the 1st, and you’ll avoid being blindsided by decisions others make. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Keep a tight grip on your wallet on the 1st.

Make sure you stay in the loop, ask questions and clarify how you want things to unfold.

Focus more on personal gains, not energizing someone else’s good fortune. 3 stars, CANCER (June 21-July 22): A personal change you want to make will influence someone close to you. Don’t give in to peer pressure or bullying.

Something someone says or does on the 7th will change your perspective.

NOV 2, 2020 - Staying steady and grounding yourself is the way to go even though, at times, it may feel like you're a little lost along the path. Fix up your surroundings, encourage someone you love and make romantic plans.

Today's Matches. An opportunity will come your way on the 5th and 6th requiring you to make a difficult decision. Visit, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.

Use your imagination, and you’ll come up with new and exciting ideas for something you want to pursue.

Learn from those with more experience, and teach those trying to follow in your footsteps.

Your appearance, gestures and thoughtfulness will determine what type of response you receive. Nouveau: Horoscope pour le mois de Novembre 2020 à découvrir : Un mois qui promet d'être animé et pourrait offrir à certains de formidables opportunités de décoller!

There can be problems with speaking or acting too soon with Mars retrograde all month and Mercury retrograde from the 13th forward. A physical change will lift your spirits. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Look at what’s available on the 1st, and turn any opportunity into a viable option. Don’t let a lack of communication lead to a misunderstanding. Listen carefully, and offer only what you know you can deliver. rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you Love will enhance your life. 5 stars, PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Refuse to let your emotions take over.

The Aries ram, usually aggressive, mellows into the grounded, stoic bull when the Moon moves into Taurus. Problems will surface on the 5th and 6th that can throw you off guard.

Horoscope de novembre 2020 : les astres ont parlé ! Gemini. Self-improvement and personal growth are favored.

Keep in mind

A move someone makes will prompt you to look into whether you should follow suit.

Experience is the spice of life. June 21-July 22.

Your physical energy is very high today, Libra.

Horoscopes Aries. Be aware of these tendencies toward

Preparation will save you time and money and put your mind at ease.

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