The BCB pay Chandika Hathurasingha five times the basic salary of their top player; similarly Mickey Arthur is paid three times as much as a top category Pakistan player; Sri Lanka were paying their last full-time coach, Graham Ford, twice what their top player was paid. ZjA2ZDE2Zjc3OGI4ZWQxOWZmMzliOWVmOTM3NDQwNDRmNWZjNGIzNGZkMjhh Australia and England, not coincidentally, both have well established player bodies, but the examples of South Africa, New Zealand and West Indies are instructive. A raw deal for Pakistan? Four divisions, not two The average salary per player per game is $361,350. ZWMzODVmNmM5M2NmMzc3ZGM2NTA2MjI3NDIzYmZlNzI1NTRmYzc1MTIzYzU0 It is a bum rap, not least in the evidence of how well it pays those who do play Test cricket. The figures are based on international cricket, and do not take into account player earnings from T20 leagues, other domestic engagements or endorsements. It will be interesting to see who the most expensive players will be this season. MmQ0MzMyYjI2NzExMGU4ZTExYmVhZTU1OTgzYTQ1OTM5ZWU2YWZlMTA0MDA1 South Africa's top contract is worth $363,000 per year, in the Caribbean the top contract is worth $140,000, and in New Zealand it is $143,533. Size (of the pool) matters NDQ4ZjMwZThhNzgxZTg3NTFjMTE3MjA1NGJiNzYzODgwN2E5NjExNzk1OGZh We can see them in detail below. OGE2NDEwNTBjYzBiZDNiNTc4NGFhYjA1ZTg3NmYwMTUxMjZmN2YyMmZiYjQ3 NTQ4N2RiMTUzNjY2MmJhNmZlZDU4NjlkZjg4ODVmZjJkMzkwZjhhZmNkZDA2 Y2VhMTNlNDlkMDY0MWY2MjBkOGJmNmI3MjMxZDczMTk3NTA3ZmQxYWZkMzUw It's the coach, stupid Let that sink in (Ireland's top salary retainer is also higher than those of Bangladesh and Zimbabwe). Cricket claims to be among the world's leading and most popular sports, and its stated aim is to become the world's favourite sport. This payment, however, is linked to commercial obligations each player fulfils, and so varies from player to player. The top Indian earners in international cricket are Virat Kohli, the captain, who pulled in approximately $1 million this year, and coach Ravi Shastri, whose annual salary of $1.17 million is comparable to that of any of the game's top players. ZWNlM2YwZGM3N2Y1ZTY4Mjk3NTk3ZjhkOTZiNTVlNGY1MzExZjYwOTg2MzRk Ravi Shastri, at $1.17 million per year, is the world's best-paid coach, and on his salary alone, he earns less only than what the top player from Australia, England and India earns in a year. A player like Sarfraz Ahmed, Pakistan's captain, will end up earning more in a year, of course - and he quadruples his base salary in 2017 - because he plays more often and plays across three formats. Mjg3YzgyNDU4NzAzODNiMjNmZmY3OTQyODIzMmUzOWUwZjQzODI4OCJ9 NGE2YmI4N2I3ZjcyNjhhMDY5ZmNlMzcxZmIxNzg4M2VkZDgyZjU0NGEwM2Nm But Pakistani players will argue their plight is compounded by a lack of access to the richest domestic league in the sport, or an especially bountiful payout from the PCB's commercial rights. In the new pay structure model presented by Anil Kumble to the BCCI in May, while he was still coach, he had argued the team should get a share from the board's media rights. 2 Crore per year. The NFL is at second place at $182,047. OGY0MTFhYmRmNjgyMjljZTU2MzVmMWRkOWYyZjhlMmVhMzViNzk0NTQ4NGFk If you look only at the contract retainers (and not match-fees payments), Australia and England pay their top players nearly four and three times as much as India - where the top-grade contract is worth $311,745 - and even cash-strapped CSA pays its top player more. NmY5ZDgxYWMxNjNlMzY0NTFjMDI3ODM0NDQzMmNlYTY1MTIyMThkMDE1MTY2 Posted on March 8, 2019 by wpadmin. If it measured itself in terms of how well its players are paid, it would be laughed off the field. ZDUzMzZhZWVmZDFiMjkxOWExNjA5YjZkZTVkM2FhZTQ1NzdhOTZlMTRhMjMz What the total earnings figures show (based on the top-earning player in each country), however, is that there are actually four segments: an elite three of Australia, England and India; an upper-middle-class from South Africa; a middle-class quartet of Sri Lanka, Pakistan, West Indies and New Zealand; and finally, a working-class duo of Bangladeshi and Zimbabwean cricketers. NDYzYjViMzBjYjQ5NTBiN2RhNmU3NjcxZDIxMGFhMDNlMDJjNjIwOGJhNDYy
The BCCI contract list for the period from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 was announced by the Board of Control for Cricket on Thursday (January 16). Factoring all those in might shuffle the rankings, but that is likelier to happen at the top of the list. David Gower is a cricket player from England, United Kingdom. Just like the other teams, England cricket players also earn bonus, there is 10% extra salary for the bowler who took (5 wickets haul) in a match, a batsman who score (100, 200+ runs in Test) match make 15% extra bonus money with his salary. ODRmMjA3Y2E4NjQ4YmNjN2I1YTRiNTI5YTcxNWI2M2VhYzMwZTY0ZDhiOGEy The IPL has is one of the most lucrative leagues in the world. They are worth plenty to most boards, a number of whom pay them a basic salary several times that of their top players. ZGY2Nzg2ZDdmYjI0MjAxODQxOTczYmQ1ODQ4YWViMjk4ZTdlYWUxZTJiZWE0
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