A slightly higher than average number of commuters in 98661 can expect to fall in that range. Administratively Washington is divided into 3,201 cities and towns and 39 counties.
After it shows
ZIP code 98683 is located in southwest Washington and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. U.S. ZIP Code Database Get all US ZIP Codes and their information in one easy to use database. Rentals in 98661 are most commonly 2 bedrooms. It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment. It also has a large population density. The majority of household are rented. #129 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #131 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #159 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #160 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #171 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #175 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, #177 Best ZIP Codes to Live in Washington, Niche requires Javascript to work correctly.
It also has a large population density. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes.
Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS. Please make sure you have panned and zoomed to the area that you
The percentage of children under 18 living in the 98661 ZIP code is slightly higher than average compared to other areas of the country. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, High school graduate (includes equivalency), Public transportation (including taxicab), Male to Female Ratio in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Female to Male Ratio in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Population Density in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Average Population Age in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Children Under 10 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Seniors Over 65 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Whites in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Blacks (African Americans) in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Natives in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Asians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Indians (Asian) in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Chinese in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Filipinos in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Japanese in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Koreans in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Hispanics in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Mexicans in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Cubans in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Students in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of College Students in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Graduates in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of College Graduates in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Arabs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Czechs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Danish in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Dutch in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of English in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of French in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of French Canadians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Germans in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Greeks in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Hungarians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Irish in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Italians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Lithuanians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Norwegians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Poles in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Portuguese in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Russians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Scotts in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Slovaks in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Swedes in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Swiss in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Ukrainians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Welsh in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of West Indians in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Labor Force in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Males in Labor Force in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Females in Labor Force in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Military in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Not in Labor Force in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Government Employees in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Self-Employed Individuals in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Unemployment Rate in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Management and Professional Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Service Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Sales & Office Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Farming, Fishing & Forestry Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Construction Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Production & Transportation Jobs in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Agriculture in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Construction in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Manufacturing in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Retail in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Transportation in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Information Technology in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Finance, Insurance & Real Estate in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Professional & Scientific industry in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Education & Social Services in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Arts, Recreation & Entertainment industry in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Under $10,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $100,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $200,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Median Household Income in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Average Income per Person in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Below Poverty Level in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Families Below Poverty Level in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Working from Home in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Walking to Work in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Taking Public Transit to Work in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Driving to Work in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Carpooling to Work in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Average Commute Time in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Owner in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Tenant/Renter in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Vacant Housing Units in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Detached Homes in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Apartment Buildings & Condos in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Average Number of Rooms per Housing Unit in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Utility Gas in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Bottled Gas in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Electricity in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Fuel, Oil or Kerosene in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Coal or Coke in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Wood in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Solar in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $200,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $500,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $500,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $1,000,000 in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties without a Mortgage in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least one Vehicle in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least two Vehicles in Vancouver, WA by Zip Code, Population 3 years and over enrolled in school, Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business, Management, professional, and related occupations, Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations, Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations, Production, transportation, and material moving occupations, Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining, Transportation and warehousing, and utilities, Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing, Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services, Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services, Other services (except public administration), Average household size of owner-occupied unit, Average household size of renter-occupied unit, Mortgage payment as a percentage of income.
would like to have printed using the map on the page. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 98661 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences. Explore the best ZIP Codes to live in the U.S. based on public schools, cost of living, job opportunities, and local amenities. It is also low compared to nearby ZIP codes. There are also a small number of families and a large number of single adults. In the most recent US census the population of Vancouver was 161791. the area that you are interested in, select from the options below
The state's population in 2013 was 6,971,406, making it the 13th most populous state in America. Read more on how this ranking was calculated. The rent for 2 bedrooms is normally $750-$999/month including utilities. Vancouver, WA Stats and Demographics for the 98661 ZIP Code.
In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour.
The people living in ZIP code 98683 are primarily white. Get the NPA NXX (area code and prefix) as well as much more data for VANCOUVER, WA. As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. Based on cost of living factors for an area including housing costs, tax rates, and cost of essentials like food and fuel.
The city for 98661 is usually the name of the main post office. The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby. For Season Recreational Or Occasional Use. The median household income of $39,665 is compared to the rest of the country. ZIP-Codes.com Products. While money isn't everything, residents in ZIP code 98661 earn less than in other parts of town. Ranking based on county data from the U.S. Census, BLS, CDC, and other sources. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. ZIP code 98661 has a small percentage of vacancies.
Homes in ZIP code 98661 were primarily built in the 1970s or the 1990s. 2020 list of ZIP Codes in Vancouver, WA based on crime, public schools, cost of living, real estate, and local amenities. Explore Vancouver, Washington zip code map, area code information, demographic, social and economic profile. Below is a list of Vancouver WA zip codes.For your research we have also included Vancouver Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Clark County FIPS Code.
Please. ZIP code 98661 is located in southwest Washington and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. ZIP Code 98661 is in the following school districts: Wa State Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss School District, Office of the Governor (School for Blind) School District, Vancouver School District, Educational Service District 112 School District, and Private. Ranking based on county data from the U.S. Census, BLS, CDC, and other sources.
Explore the best ZIP Codes to live in the U.S. based on public schools, cost of living, job opportunities, and local amenities. 98661 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas.
ZIP+4 ZIP Code Database Covering every address in the U.S., get the +4 information you need. It also has a large population density. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of young adults is large.
Based on data including state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, as well as reviews from students and parents. The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 98661. The people living in ZIP code 98661 are primarily white. Lookup area code information for VANCOUVER, WA. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. City/Zip code State. to print your map. Looking at 98661 real estate data, the median home value of $193,500 is slightly higher than average compared to the rest of the country. Each Vancouver Washington zip code has a center Longitude / Latitude point (the Vancouver center is -122.67099761963 / 45.640201568604). There are 20 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 98661. Zip Codes; VANCOUVER Zip Code (WA) Vancouver is a city of Clark, Washington in the Northwest region of the USA.
For more information, see Vancouver, WA house value.
The people living in ZIP code 98661 are primarily white. Zip Code: 98664 : Population: 21,771: Area Code: 360: Households per Zip Code: 8,964: City: VANCOUVER: Average House Value: $261,800: State: WA: Avg. For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Vancouver observes Daylight Savings time. Vancouver, WA Stats and Demographics for the 98683 ZIP Code. Read more on how this ranking was calculated.
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