february meaning and symbolism

The Aquarian is very free-spirited and forward-looking, however they can also come across as distant emotionally. They could hold the ceremonies in honor of a Celt goddess Brigid who was also the goddess of fertility and abundance. The other term that is similar to February bears the meaning of cleansing. Around the 21st of February, ancient Romans honored their ancestors, the souls of their deceased (also known as “Manes”). So, when you see the violet flower know that spring is just about to take over. The Birthstone for the month of February is the Amethyst crystal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They would also invoke the Rowan tree in February to help them get clear visions of their lives. Seeing a patch of primroses is a landmark or gateway into the fairie lands. These are just a few thoughts about February Meaning and February symbolism geared to inspire you to look more deeply into the pearls of potential nestled in the womb of this month.

Another theory links Valentine’s day with Lupercalia, an ancient festival (also Roman) of fertility and purification. Doing so will elicit a levity within your heart – promoting elevated states and blissfulness. The Celts knew this, and Imbolc is a festival honoring the transition unique to the birth process of the seasons – particularly the transition between winter and spring. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Alternatively, the day is from the Lupercalia that was one of the ancient festivals. The days which contain the most favourable energy shifts for the month of February are the 11th and 15th, 20th, and 24th. It is one of the flowers that will blossom just before the beginning of spring. There is legend that states Romans eventually neglected the public feast of Feralia, and ultimately, the result was Rome’s decline.

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Spiritual meaning of February- Photo Ian Scott Numerology February. The hustle-bustle of the holidays are left behind – February finally sees many of us getting our first breath of fresh air. May all your moments in February blossom with good fortune. Here are a few: RowanIn the ancient Celtic way thought, trees offer magnificent wisdom and open up new branches of understanding about everything, including phases of the year. The Celts would use the Rowan tree as witching sticks. Love symbols profoundly assist us in describing the often elusive emotion that consumes us when considering love itself. It is the month that gives you reprieve to check if you are following on the new year resolutions that you had.

The best way for you to grasp the February symbols is by taking a look at its etymology. When invoked in February, the Rowan can help us clarify our vision and seek advantageous routes upon our life’s journey. It was the time that they would mark the beginning of the new agricultural year. The Zodiac signs for February are Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) and Pisces (February 19 to March 20).

In-line with many festivals of renewal in February, the Ash is also symbolic of rebirth.

February meaning might best be kicked off with a quick look at the etymology of the month’s moniker. Go to your library, search the internet, do your own research into the possible meanings of February and make deep symbolic connections every day this month. See “good luck” symbols here. The Month of February Symbolism & Meanings. On the second moon of the Celtic year, the Ash tree and the Rowan tree are February’s sacred Ogham trees. A day for becoming more mindful of the signs and symbols of the environment with a goal to foretell upcoming events.

As mentioned, February is a transitional month. Coming just after January, the month of new beginnings, is February. See more about Tree Symbolism here. We can learn more about this transitional month through exploration of symbols sacred to February. A touch of enchantment presses through in February, allowing us to dream a little. Therefore, Lupercalian ceremonies and rituals were performed as a means to galvanize the proliferation and expansion of the empire. February Symbols that Represent the Month Purification. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); The Lughnasadh festival was celebrated by the making and breaking of bread in honour of those who tend to the harvest and grain crops throughout the season.

These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Jamie Morgan Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. February Zodiac Signs: Aquarius & Pisces. month of February, and how we can utilize the energy shifts to work for us. It is the time of the year the spring is just beginning to take shape, and the flowers from all are beginning to blossom. They thought of it as the path or gateway to the land of the fairies. Doing so will enrich your daily life and hone your focus on the beauty inherent in every moment. Check out these love symbols here. Ash is a sign of creation and connects new life to our awareness where once there may have been a bleak outlook. Moving into February, we have a month dedicated to purification.The Roman festival of Februa, also called Lupercalia, began as a means of insuring health and fertility, banishing and protecting the region from malevolent entities and cleansing the city. Several symbols will help you discern the inner meaning of February symbolism and its Significance.

So, all you have to do is be able to your mind and heart to the possibility of channeling them to your advantage. Its name, primrose is derived from the Latin primus meaning first. The word February is born from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to “purify” or “expiate.”. So, the word February comes from the Latin word Februarius. We start the month off in Aquarius considered an Air sign that is governed by both Uranus and Saturn.. Primrose symbolism includes courage because it takes moxie to blossom in the face of stark cold conditions -it also takes gumption to be the first to come out in the open.

February meaning. The Ogham is a sacred system of tree knowledge used for many purposes, including the passage of time. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); It marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. These dates in February are auspicious to plan important events as they are the least likely to hold any problems or negative karma. Whether you are in the “bah humbug” camp about this day (February 14th) or don your own cupid wings – there is no denying Valentine’s day is devoted to love. © by psychic medium Ian Scott – Nature’s Oracle Cards, Related: Metaphysical Meaning Of The Months >. So, in the ancient Roman empire, they would call the month of February as the month of purification. This signified high minded intentions as well as protection from mental ruin. Parentalia was a week-long observance conducted privately among Roman citizens. So, I can say that February is a transitional month into the better part of the year. © 2018-2020 SunSigns.Net | Protected by Copyscape.

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