The list you're viewing is made up of different films like Sabrina and Funny Face. per page 1 2 Next 1. What it's about: Couple has couple problems. The film bounces constantly from the beginning of the couple’s relationship, to the middle and, finally, to where they are now. Set in the 1920s, the film offers a fascinating look at convent life and the sacrifices it often requires. Behind the scenes, Audrey and William Holden did begin a very real love affair.  •    •   Directed by Peter Bogdanovich.

Rich Girl runs for her life while maybe hanging with the actual murderer. Screenplay by Bridget Boland, Robert Westerby, King Vidor, Mario Camerini, Ennio De Concini, and Ivo Perilli, based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy.

Written by Frederic Raphael. Though her film legacy is unmatched, Audrey, eventually, chose to lessen her acting roles in order to concentrate on raising her children. Filmed on location in Paris, this clever and stylish thriller stars Audrey as Regina “Reggie” Lampert, a French to English translator living in Paris with her Swiss husband, Charles. But Girl is not sure she really has the spiritual commitment necessary to stay nun. An Academy Award-winning actress, she has become equally remembered as a major style icon. Undoubtably, both actors would have done a marvelous job but, the chemistry between Audrey and Finney is undeniable in the finished film. But, possibly the biggest thing that made Audrey Hepburn a style icon was her connection to the designer Givenchy. Tour our photo gallery of Hepburn’s 15 greatest films, including the titles listed as well as “Funny Face” (1957), “The Children’s Hour” (1961), “How to Steal a Million” (1966) and more. When Wait Until Dark was first released, part of the film’s marketing campaign required movie theaters to dim their lights as much as possible when the movie starts and then, during the film’s climatic final scene, turn them off one by one, until the audience is completely plunged into darkness.

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audrey hepburn best movies

Benson has been holed up in a Paris apartment supposedly working on the script for months, but instead has spent the time living it up. You wouldn’t know those problems existed by the onscreen results, which turn a critical eye towards Hollywood’s darker tendencies. Naturally, feel free to watch them in any order you like (this is merely a recommended top ten). The film won her the Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA as Best Actress and firmly established her screen persona as a glamorous, effervescent and endlessly charming leading lady. Her look particularly appealed to women because so much of her style was surprisingly simple and, virtually, anyone could emulate it. Hepburn competed at the Golden Globes and BAFTA, but was snubbed at the Academy. Menu. Search Subscribe.

Interestingly enough, this was actually director William Wyler’s second screen version of the stage show; the first was “These Three” in 1936. Helping in Reggie’s search for the money is the charming and mysterious Peter Joshua (Cary Grant), whom she met while she was on vacation. Directed by Stanley Donen, Charade is notable for being the movie that, finally, succeeded in pairing Audrey opposite Cary Grant after multiple attempts to cast the debonair actor as her leading man in other projects had failed. A stranger (Joseph Wiseman) disturbs their lives by spreading a malicious rumor that the Zachary’s adopted daughter, Rachel (Hepburn), is a Kiowa Native American. While preparing for her role in the film, Audrey ended up becoming very good friends with Habets. In fact, Truman Capote’s preferred choice for the role of Holly was blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe. “They All Laughed” focuses on three private detectives (Ben Gazzara, John Ritter, and Blaine Novak) investigating two women (Hepburn and Dorothy Stratten) suspected of infidelity. Still attractive but, in an elegantly understated way. “Love in the Afternoon” centers on an aging playboy (Gary Cooper) who’s being investigated by a widowed private detective (Maurice Chevalier) hoping to entrap him with the wife of a client. This bittersweet romantic-comedy stars Audrey in the role of Princess Ann, the crown princess of an unnamed country who is visiting Rome as part of her goodwill tour of Western Europe. This “new” Sabrina, immediately, knocks David for a loop and (even though he’s engaged to someone else) he, finally, begins to pursue the girl who has loved him all her life. In Billy Wilder’s “Sabrina,” she plays the glamorous daughter of a chauffeur who works for the wealthy Larrabee family. Featuring Audrey in her very first starring role, Roman Holiday is, also, the movie that won Hepburn her Oscar for Best Actress. (Stratten was dating Bogdanovich at the time.) Starring: Working from an Oscar-nominated, nonlinear script by Frederic Raphael, Donen delves deep into his character’s lives, infusing his signature style with jump cuts made popular by the French New Wave. I said, "HAVE YOU READ PYGMALION?". Director William Wyler keeps things bright and shimmery, placing his beautiful stars in a lovely French locale photographed in glorious Deluxe color by Charles Lang. Directed by Blake Edwards. Tragedy aside, this is a little gem of a film that’s improved with time. With a Gershwin score inspired by the 1927 Broadway musical of the same name, the actual plot of Funny Face is based on the little-known musical, Wedding Bells by Leonard Gershe (who, subsequently, wrote the screenplay for this film). In the end, Joanna and Mark must decide if their relationship is really worth continuing or whether it might be better to finally end it. What it's about: Girl with unspecified job and a cat named "Cat" gets annoying neighbor who won't leave her alone. To Save Victims, We Must Dismantle Purity Culture. The films striking use of color brought it additional nominations for cinematography, costumes, and art direction. Why it's on here: It's fun and clever, and you might be curious after having seen the 1995 remake. To the public, her father is known as a renowned art collector (with no one knowing that all of his paintings are, actually, fakes).

The list you're viewing is made up of different films like Sabrina and Funny Face. per page 1 2 Next 1. What it's about: Couple has couple problems. The film bounces constantly from the beginning of the couple’s relationship, to the middle and, finally, to where they are now. Set in the 1920s, the film offers a fascinating look at convent life and the sacrifices it often requires. Behind the scenes, Audrey and William Holden did begin a very real love affair.  •    •   Directed by Peter Bogdanovich.

Rich Girl runs for her life while maybe hanging with the actual murderer. Screenplay by Bridget Boland, Robert Westerby, King Vidor, Mario Camerini, Ennio De Concini, and Ivo Perilli, based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy.

Written by Frederic Raphael. Though her film legacy is unmatched, Audrey, eventually, chose to lessen her acting roles in order to concentrate on raising her children. Filmed on location in Paris, this clever and stylish thriller stars Audrey as Regina “Reggie” Lampert, a French to English translator living in Paris with her Swiss husband, Charles. But Girl is not sure she really has the spiritual commitment necessary to stay nun. An Academy Award-winning actress, she has become equally remembered as a major style icon. Undoubtably, both actors would have done a marvelous job but, the chemistry between Audrey and Finney is undeniable in the finished film. But, possibly the biggest thing that made Audrey Hepburn a style icon was her connection to the designer Givenchy. Tour our photo gallery of Hepburn’s 15 greatest films, including the titles listed as well as “Funny Face” (1957), “The Children’s Hour” (1961), “How to Steal a Million” (1966) and more. When Wait Until Dark was first released, part of the film’s marketing campaign required movie theaters to dim their lights as much as possible when the movie starts and then, during the film’s climatic final scene, turn them off one by one, until the audience is completely plunged into darkness.

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