The prime minister of the day chooses the election date and requests the governor-general to dissolve the House and issue the writs for the election. [115] Egan and Greg Chijoff were immediately expelled from the Liberal Party a day before John Howard's address to the Australian Press Club;[116] although, Egan denied any wrongdoing.
Joyce stated that his party would no longer necessarily vote with their Liberal counterparts in the upper house.[35][36]. The results are displayed on rows of computer terminals that are available to the media and members of registered political parties. Howard had held the seat since 1974, and it had been in Liberal hands ever since its creation in 1949. [24] In a departure from Labor tradition, the ministry was selected by Kevin Rudd as the prime minister, rather than by Caucus.[25].
All 150 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 of the seats in the 76-member Senate were up for election.
By the time the writs were issued, the Coalition was well behind Labor in opinion polling, which election analyst Antony Green believed to show Labor winning government "in a canter". Steps were taken to ensure equal numbers so as not to taint the Worm. The Labor caucus met on Thursday 29 November 2007 to confirm the First Rudd Ministry, which was sworn in on 3 December. The debate audience was 400, with the Coalition and Labor each selecting 200. All 150 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 of the seats in the 76-member Senate were up for election. [145] Halfway through the campaign, with no overall change in the polls, saw Centrebet odds for Labor shorten to 1.29, with the Liberals on 3.60. Both sides, however, claimed victory. With a majority being 39 senators, when the new Senate met after 1 July 2008, the balance of power was shared between Xenophon, Family First's Steve Fielding and the five Greens. [21] Although counting was incomplete at the time, with several postal and absentee ballots outstanding, it was expected that Howard would not win enough of the votes to retain his seat.
Given John Howard's personal defeat, the Liberal Party began the process of choosing a new leader. [32][33] Liberal leader Brendan Nelson declared that the Liberal Party had listened and learned from the Australian public and declared WorkChoices "dead".[34]. It needs the right leadership" He said his government would strive to achieve full employment, which he argued was less likely under Kevin Rudd. Xenophon's election was at the expense of a Liberal candidate, without his presence the Coalition would have held enough Senate seats to block legislation.[14]. Howard lost on the 14th count due to a large flow of Green preferences to McKew.
At the end of the debate, Roxon suggested to Abbott that he "could have arrived on time" if he had "really wanted to", to which Abbott replied "bullshit". [71], Controversy arose over the Coalition's climate change policy, with The Financial Review citing "government sources" who claimed Turnbull told Cabinet six weeks ago it should sign the Kyoto Protocol.
The new industrial relations program, Carr said, angered the "Howard battlers" – the traditional Labor voters who had supported Howard for most of the last 11 years – because they saw it as a direct attack on their livelihood.[137]. The informal rate of 2.55 per cent ties with the 1993 election as the lowest informal rate in the Senate since federation. Rudd secured a 5.4% two-party swing. Labor also suffered from mixed messages.
The Seven Network failed in attempt to access the documents under Freedom of Information. A total of 2.4 million Australians watched the event, with Nine averaging 1.42 million, the ABC averaging 907,000, and Sky News averaging 62,000. [31] Newspoll's subsequent polling saw new Newspoll records set, at 70 per cent for the best rating for preferred prime minister, to 9 per cent for the worst rating for preferred prime minister, with the next poll results revealing another record of 73 to 7 per cent. The last election debate in 2004 was watched by 1.77 million on Nine and the ABC, while in 2001, average audiences on Nine, Seven and the ABC totalled 2.44 million. [27] The leadership ballot was held on Thursday 29 November. | Qld | WA | SA | Tas. | ACT | NT. [17] McKew declined to claim victory at first, saying that the seat was on "a knife edge,"[18] while the Australian Broadcasting Corporation listed Bennelong as a Labor gain on election night, and ABC election analyst Antony Green said there was "no doubt" McKew had won. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Andrews was accused of helping to fuel assaults of Sudanese. According to Labor Senator Penny Wong, all Labor's candidates were eligible to stand, and that the Liberals had obtained the information from outdated websites. [97], On 7 November, Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey and Labor's Julia Gillard debated industrial relations including WorkChoices at the National Press Club in Canberra. Labor's primary vote increased 3 points to 51 per cent, and the Liberals decreased by 2 points to 34 per cent. When the election was announced, the writ was not issued the next day, but on the following Wednesday. The Greens won three seats, with Independent Nick Xenophon being elected on primary votes alone. [130][131][132] During the 2004 campaign, Howard was also cited as giving the same promise, personally, on radio. ACNielsen polling in March 2007 had Rudd's personal approval rating at 67 per cent, which made him the most popular opposition leader in the poll's 35-year history,[138] with Newspoll (News Limited) 2PP polling the highest in its history. Under the provisions of the Constitution, the current House of Representatives may continue for a maximum of three years from the first meeting of the House after the previous federal election.
Hockey argued that Labor's policy to drop Workchoices was Australia's biggest threat to inflation. [123], Kevin Rudd promised Labor would introduce a greenhouse gas emission reduction target of 60 per cent by 2050, ratify the Kyoto protocol and introduce a mandatory renewable energy target (MRET) of 20 per cent by 2020. AUSTRALIAN Federal ELECTION 2007. [68] Nine had a separate group of 80 it said were 'swinging' voters (chosen by McNair Research) in its studio to control 'the Worm'. [81], Commentators pronounced Peter Costello and Wayne Swan's debate on 30 October as ending in a draw. The NTR is one of Australia's largest media gatherings with representation from the radio, print and television media. At one point, Peter Costello was asked to cease interjecting. Other key issues included education (79 per cent), the economy (67 per cent), the environment (60 per cent) and national security (60 per cent). [30] A Newspoll survey taken after the Liberal leadership change revealed a preferred-prime-minister rating of Rudd 61 per cent to Nelson 14 per cent, with Turnbull twice as popular as Nelson. On preferences, 79.7 per cent of Green votes flowed to Labor, 60.3 per cent of Family First votes flowed to the Coalition, with 62.5 per cent of Democrat votes flowing to Labor. [148], Peter Day, a journalist (ex-The Australian), stated two days before the election that, if the Coalition were re-elected, it would be "the biggest polling embarrassment in any developed country since Truman beat Dewey in 1948".[149]. Extensive coverage of Australia's 2007 Federal Election.
[117], Election night was covered extensively by three of the Australian free-to-air networks, from the National Tally Room: ABC Television, the Nine Network and the Seven Network. [103], The Labor Party released footage on Thursday 15 November to Lateline, showing Tony Abbott addressing a room of people, stating "I accept that certain protections, in inverted commas, are not what they were" in reference to WorkChoices legislation. Labor used the news to argue that the Coalition could not be trusted to keep interest rates low, while Costello argued that interest rates would be higher under Labor. One of the Liberal Party election commercials was corrected after it incorrectly said Wayne Swan and Craig Emerson had previously been union officials.[57]. Admission is free. In August 2007 an Ipsos poll showed 39 per cent of voters thought Labor was a better economic manager, compared to 36 per cent for the Coalition, with 25 per cent undecided.[143].
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