These references indicate that the hymn was used in private devotions; as it does not appear in any of the earliest liturgies, whether Eastern or Western, its introduction into the public services of the church was probably of a later date than has often been supposed. The most interesting room in this building is that which was occupied by Luther in 1530, where the surroundings may have inspired, though (as is now proved) he did not compose, the famous hymn, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott; the bed on which he slept, and the pulpit from which he preached in the old chapel are shown. It is brought vividly before us in the Hymn to Apollo (see the passage mentioned above), and in two Hymns to Aphrodite (v. "Ozheg-zheg, Ozheg-zheg..." hissed the saber against the whetstone, and suddenly Petya heard an harmonious orchestra playing some unknown, sweetly solemn hymn. 11 Of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles there is the well-known edition and translation by Wright (London, 1871); the Acts of Judas were re-edited by Bedjan in the 3rd volume of Acta martyrum et sanctorum (Paris, 1892); of the Hymn of the Soul there is a fresh edition and translation by A. The " Purusha Sukta," the 90th hymn of the tenth book of the Rig Veda, gives us the Indian version of the theory that all things were made out of the mangled limbs of Purusha, a magnified non-natural man, who was sacrificed by the gods. The doctrines of Hus had entered the country in very early times, and we find Polish recensions of Bohemian hymns; even the hymn to the Virgin previously mentioned is supposed to have a Czech basis. The Homeric Hymn to Apollo of Delos (7th century) describes an Ionian population in the Cyclades with a loose religious league about the Delian sanctuary. The chords for this hymn are also available online at Chordie. In later accounts (and even in the Odyssey) Ares' character is somewhat toned down; thus, in the "Homeric" hymn to Ares, he is addressed as the assistant of Themis (Justice), the enemy of tyrants, and leader of the just. ghazal or ode (a love-ditty, wine-song or religious hymn), the rubai or quatrain (our epigram, for which the Persians invented a new metre in addition to those adopted from the Arabs), and the mathnawi or double-rhymed poem (the legitimate form for epic and didactic poetry). FREDERICK WILLIAM FABER (1814-1863), British hymn writer and theologian, was born on the 28th of June 1814 at Calverley, Yorkshire, of which place his grandfather, Thomas Faber, was vicar. In Shelley's "Evening: Ponte al Mare, Pisa," 20, "By darkest barriers of enormous cloud" for "cinereous"; " Hymn to Mercury" (trans.
forerunner of gospel music, the spiritual was an 18th- and 19th-century hymn joined to the old African pentatonic (five-note) scale. The most poetical account of his birth and life is given in the so-called Homeric hymn To Pan.
11), too, belong to a group of ideas which may perhaps be associated with the plan of the Temple and with the old hymn of dedication (r Kings viii. Example sentences with the word hymn. The hymn to the rising and setting sun in the Book of the Dead (ch. A solo trumpet can steadily enhance a hymn tune. On the other hand, the mere unlikeness of any particular passage to the nine lines of the Hymn is obviously no reason for denying that it may have been by the same author. Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm.
It can be found in the St Gregory's Hymnal and Choir Book, 1920, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA, p 76, The Church warmly embraced Jacopone's graceful Marian, On a sad note, John Lewis Jones, of Gwernymynydd, who died last week age 94, was awarded second pize for composing a, The school's acapella group began a churchy, A hundred years ago we were all signed up to sing from the same, And now we have a fresh example of the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister failing to sing from the same, With RVP and Falcao you have two great players, but they do not sing from the same, Still others experience God's presence in the rhythm of a well-turned phrase or in a majestic, Despite the differences in the Hymn found in the Old English manuscripts, each copy of the, While the poem aurally evokes ballad stanzas, Cook uses long heptameter lines rather than four-three ballad lines, so that the poem visually evokes, In The Ambassadors, for example, details such as the Lutheran, Along with Erhart Hegenwalt's hymnic version of Psalm 51, Luther's expanded, It is generally assumed that the sun goddess functions in the Shapash, Ralph Vaughan Williams suggested that a congregational, In his last start, Rumsonontheriver dead-heated with, Outside the cathedral, the words of the Battle, Chua quipped that in China, her controversial book Battle, It was originally published with the title A, The opera includes the beautiful orchestral Intermezzo and choral Easter, When Hermes invents the lyre in the Homeric, Scribes other than those responsible for the main text often copy the vernacular text of the, In wardrooms and officer's messes during formal dinners, the Royal, During the long transatlantic sea crossing Britten completed the choral works A Ceremony of Carols and, After the concert, Fawcett asked the composer if it might become the Women Voters', The book was published both with and without music, the music edition being entitled The BBC, In the West Saxon translation of the Historia ecclesiastica, the, It was the only Canadian province with its own anthem until 2010, when Prince Edward Island adopted the 1908 song The Island, I wish indeed it might become the Women Voters', While on a boating tour the two took together, Shelley was inspired to write his, In a few cases, a female divinity mates with a mortal man, as in the Homeric, Earthrise, for unaccompanied choir in 40 parts, with a telling contribution from tenor Samuel Boden, celebrates the beauty of the world, as does, Round the outside of the wall, therefore, like the Midianite in the rather comical, In the evening the keyboard was removed, and your humble servant ground out the, Dr. Hastings was not much of a poet, but he could make a singable, He had lit his pipe for the dozenth time, and had let it go out again while he hummed a verse of a Covenanters', But how light and joyous and healthfully pure is the flow of this, Then they went through the service together, from, I wouldn't undertake to trot a dogfish on my knee or sing him to sleep with a pennyr'yal, The monster is the fosterling of Hera in the Homeric, Above we quoted the first two lines of a twenty-five line Sumerian processional, At that Grannie fell to rocking herself as well as the child, and to singing a, By way of punishment, lota had to learn four verses of a, This poem is the re-creation of a spiritual experience, a, When we first went there they used to chant the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, and a, The Tahitian word for song, himine, is a Kanakazation of the English word, The theme is treated with reverence, delicacy and judgment, and the leading tone is that of a mighty, The derivation from atlatl, arrow, would seem more appropriate to the words of this, They sang the national anthem quite as whole-heartedly as they had sung the, The Reverend Grasty stood waiting for the first words of the, The text is taken from the Old Testament, together with part of a, It seemed to those honored by the serenaders that they had never before heard the fine old, His blatancy was arrested by the intonation of another, The main subject is homophonic in character, written like a, Then the pastor delivers a prayer and there is another, To show himself independent of me, he would start and stagger through with his, Although noise pollution spoilsports vetoed the ritual at Lord's, William Blake's stirring, Thanks being returned for what we had not got, and a second, Who was ever awe struck about a testator, or sang a, She turned to Otto and whispered, 'Can't you start a, Then the clamour of voices drowned the sound of the royal, And so on, in all the spirit and ardour of that charming, Every belfry in New France pealed forth its, To put it simply, they all read off the same, Sweet smoke was curling upward, and the room rang with a, The other, a bull-necked youth with coarse bloated features, was standing in front of the window with his hands in his pocket, whistling a popular, Incidentally, Belloc says that they were going to Vespers, but the, The Christmas carol, with its hammer-like rhythm, had fallen on his ears as strange music, quite unlike a, But how are we to understand the uses of the pasquinade, A great crowd was coming into the piazza, singing the garibaldi, As I have a partiality for her songs, I transcribe this.
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