All physical attributes have an effect in some aspects of standing, clinchwork and groundwork. Home.
Note, you have to have a minimum of 1 point allocated to each skill, so the system takes one point for each skill off your total. It is up to you to figure this out by analysing their fight performance. ... mma mma tycoon simulation games; Welcome to our Community. If you are not a VIP user you will have an avatar chosen for you at random. There are also two other hiddens, which you have no impact on. NOW CLICK SUBMIT AND YOU'VE CREATED YOUR NEW FIGHTER! Feel free to Sign Up today. :). They are hidden because they are intangible, natural attributes, which (for the most part) don't change over time. Wanting to join the rest of our members?
world to become the Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Tycoon! If you would like to un-retire someone; no problem. Comes in with an extensive amateur record, Potential: This is the total skill your fighter can reach, before he stops gaining total skills. Weight: Choose a value between 130 and 300lbs. Whenever you create a fighter, there is a chance that they will be a complete pudding, due to unfavorable hidden variables.
Hidden attributes are just as important as the other skills. If you make someone with no BJJ, they'll get subbed in a minute flat, as soon as a decent BJJ fighter gets the fight to the mat. Please don't call your fighter Brock Lesnar... use some imagination. If you have created fighter with excellent striking (and all other variables necessary for a striker) and come fight time they can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag, he may just be a no-hoper, with horrible natural KO power.
If you select the tick box you will receive a +30 boost to that particular attribute, although the final skill cannot exceed 150 after that +30 boost. Contents[show] Types of training The following types of training are carried out with a trainer. Not all attributes will affect all types of move. This page was last edited on 2 December 2013, at 11:45. So if you allocate 30 points to e.g. MMA Tycoon is a free to play MMA Sim Game, played by thousands of UFC and MMA fans from around the world!
If lose all that, no?
Height: Choose any value between 150cm (4'11) and 225cm (7'5). A fighter who is on the bottom in a bad position will often look to reverse to top position, even if they are set 100% to work from the bottom. Note: you can choose whatever combination of height and weight you like. MMA Tycoon is a free to play MMA Sim Game, This is a more long terms development as it will take a lot of programming work but retired fighters will be able to train a group of fighters once a week. If you want to create some bizarre character resembling Dhalsim then you can do. This is a random age between 28 and 35. Good chin = difficult to KO. Create fighters, run companies, train at your local gyms, join alliances, around the world!
Age Drop Off: At some point your fighter will start to lose skills due to age.
You can still train and improve in an individual skill beyond that point, however, points gained in whatever you are training will come from your fighter's other skills. Create fighters, run companies, train at your local gyms, join alliances, work your way to global domination both in the cage and in the business world to become the Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Tycoon! Nickname: Keep it clean. Depending on the age of your fighter, you will get a number of points to allocate to each of your fighter's skills. If you are a VIP user you will now be able to choose a fighter avatar. Your fighter will receive a random value for each of these hidden skills, between 1 and 150. played by thousands of UFC and MMA fans from Also, do not neglect the physical attributes necessary for your style of fighter. Second Name: Keep it clean. Retired fighters coaching seminars on Sundays. The second section x20 and the third section x10. This value is between 77 and 80%. ... MMA Tycoon is not just a case of building a fighter, having them fight and watch the results - your input and guidance is 100% crucial to their success. Chin - Maaaaark Hunto des! Heart - A fighter with a big heart will be TKO'd less easily.
If that is the case, you're better off just releasing him and trying a new fighter. Age: Choose any age between 16 and 25. Please read the fighter skills page to learn more about the types of skill. 16 and 17 year olds are only available to VIP players, for a fee of 90 and 45 VIP days respectively. This section relates to your fighter's hidden skills. You may find hints to your fighter's level in each of these attributes by analysing fight commentary or watching how fast the train. Your fighters improve their skills by training at one of your local gyms. Menu. Freak-like characters will have their advantages over characters with regular attributes, however they will also have glaring weaknesses which good managers should be able to exploit, using good tactics. UI.X. Basically they view a dominant top position is better than a terrible position on the bottom.
If you get injured, it will negatively affect your performance during fights. They may have no chin, no self confidence, no knockout power etc. In the first section, general skills, you will get 7x your fighter's age in points. They will also become MORE dangerous if they are hurt. you should check out the forum on fighter builds and sack all your guys and start from scratch But what about the money I've sent them? In the first section, general skills, you will get 7x your fighter's age in points. The fighter profile page has both a public view and a manager view - in short, you are able to see more information about your own fighters than you can about other people's.
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