Send me alerts, event notifications and special deals or information from our carefully screened partners that may be of interest to me. Dress rehearsal - "Road Zipper" style. Construction has begun on a new moveable counterflow lane on the Alex Fraser Bridge. The South of Fraser Advance Traveller Information System portion of the project is expected to be finished in spring 2020. The project necessitated repairing the main span deck, modifying expansion joints and stiffening girders in order to strengthen the bridge to accommodate the additional weight of another lane of traffic.
You have activated your account, please feel free to browse our exclusive contests, videos and content. (elevation: 150 metres) Add to My HighwayCams: Alex Fraser Bridge weather station Forecast (from Environment Canada) British Columbia Weather Warnings All weather stations (current weather) for this region (map) Alex Fraser Bridge … The movable barrier system, a first in Western Canada, improves capacity on the bridge and eliminates potential for cross-over collisions during counterflow as traffic is continually separated by barriers, according to a press release from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. {* legalAcceptanceAcceptButton *}, {* backButton *} By checking this box, I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy of Rogers Media. This work is expected to be completed at the end of May 2018. We didn't recognize that password reset code. Overview. (James Smith photo), New movable centre barrier will give northbound drivers four lanes during the morning rush. #DeltaBC #RichmondBC Rogers Media uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. (Tim James, NEWS 1130 Photo), {* backButton *} The new counterflow system for the Alex Fraser won't be ready until December at the earliest, Pre-installation work starts next week, and system could be working by the end of they eyear, The province aims to have the full system operational by the end of the year. The $70-million project, first announced on Jan. 19, 2017, was partially funded by the federal government — to the tune of $33,965,000 — through the provincial-territorial infrastructure component of its New Building Canada Fund. Get breaking news, weather and traffic stories in your inbox 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Work crews finished reconfiguring the six dedicated northbound and southbound lanes to make room for a seventh lane and installing a movable centre barrier in mid-September, opening the new lane to southbound traffic. James Choi of the Royal Westminster Regiment in New Westminster was shot late Friday night, Police Chief Robert Pigeon says attack involved man dressed in a medieval costume swinging a sword, As the benefit hit bank accounts in April, many provinces saw their income support caseloads drop. A seventh lane on the bridge was also opened in September. Enter your email below and we'll send you another email.
The ministry will test out the overall system through November to early December, and the province aims to have the full system operational by the end of the year.
Dec 12, 2019 Zipper truck counterflow to begin on Alex Fraser Bridge. {* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *}, {* backButton *} An average of 119,000 vehicles cross the Alex Fraser Bridge everyday, according to the ministry, with drivers experiencing lines more than three kilometres long during rush hour. The system underwent test runs earlier this year and the ministry expected it would be in place in the fall. UPDATE – Alex Fraser Bridge 7th Lane Counterflow Open With Road Zipper (VIDEO) TOPICS: Alex Fraser Bridge Road Zipper. “Folks coming home from work southbound … they’ve already been saving that time and I’ve been hearing lots of positive things,” Kahlon said. While the George Massey Tunnel also utilizes counter-flow lanes, these are controlled by moveable gates. Please confirm the information below before signing up. DELTA (NEWS 1130) – We won’t be able to use a counterflow lane on the Alex Fraser Bridge until December at the earliest. Upgrades for cyclists and pedestrians include new wayfinding signs, better access via the Cliveden Avenue interchange, widening narrow sections of sidewalk on the bridge and improving the Cliveden and Nordel pathways. As a result, the speed limit across the bridge was lowered to 70 km/h. {* forgotPassword_sendButton *}, {* backButton *} At the time, we all marveled at how big the six lane structure was and how it would be able to handle traffic flow. It means that people will be saving time, precious time that they could be spending with their families.”, “It’s all positive for the region. “That is excellent news for the people of my community, for the people of this region. (James Smith photo). Sorry we could not verify that email address. Updated #AlexFraser timeline from BC's Ministry of Transportation: •Begin pre-installation testing of electrical and equipment next week•Install counterflow signs by late November•Test overall system through to early December•Launch counterflow by the end of the year, — Tim James (@_TimJames) October 23, 2019. All rights reserved. The counter-flow lane is part of a $70-million upgrade to the Alex Fraser, first announced in 2017. “We have finished the testing, we have finished the training, and the zipper will be going live early next week,” Ravi Kahlon, MLA for Delta North and Parliamentary Secretary for Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, said at a demonstration of the zipper truck on Thursday, Dec. 12. Fast forward to now, and the six lanes have to be re-jigged with a counterflow lane….to handle that same traffic flow. Alex Fraser Bridge - S Alex Fraser Bridge, mid-span, looking south. Get local stories you won't find anywhere else right to your inbox. An error has occurred while trying to update your details. Send me promotions, surveys and info from NEWS 1130 and other Rogers brands. The province picked up the tab for the remaining $36,125,000.
Business owners get FREE listings on, The new Alex Fraser counter-flow system should be in place by the end of the year. Before the #AlexFraserBridge moveable barrier system is put in place, along with an additional 7th lane, we're ensuring operators are well trained. Your support is vital to helping us provide free local news. File photo, BREAKING: Delta firefighters battling huge greenhouse fire, Glacier Community Media © Copyright ® 2013 -, Have the Richmond News delivered to your inbox twice a week! Posted By: Don Lehn December 12, 2019. {* createAccountButton *}, You may have created a profile with another. Current work is focused on testing the electrical components and intelligent transportation signs needed for the reversible counter-flow operation. DELTA (NEWS 1130) – We won’t be able to use a counterflow lane on the Alex Fraser Bridge until December at the earliest. It’s good for economic activity, it’s good for safety and, most important, it’s good for families who want to get home and spend time with their loved ones. Commuters crossing the Alex Fraser got some rush hour relief this week as the bridge’s long-awaited counterflow lane came online Monday morning. B.C.’s transportation ministry says it is beginning pre-installation work next week, before signs are installed next month. 5 Road paving causing traffic delays in Ironwood neighbourhood. 2440 Ash St. Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J6 © 1996-2020 Rogers Media. The Alex Fraser system will utilize a moveable, zipper-like barrier system, controlled by a truck, during peak traffic hours. So it’s excellent news all around.”. top doctor’s plea to avoid parties, VIDEO: Police name two victims killed in night of horror in Quebec City, Advocates say provinces should invest CERB savings in social welfare programs, CRIME STOPPERS: ‘Most wanted’ for the week of Nov. 1, Father of man found dead 3 years ago in Squamish offers $10,000 for information on death, Ravi Kahlon, MLA for Delta North and Parliamentary Secretary for Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, announced the movable counterflow lane on the Alex Fraser Bridge will be operational “early next week” at a demonstration of the zipper truck used to move the barrier on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019. Surrey/Delta/Richmond – Construction on the Alex Fraser Bridge started in 1983 and was completed in 1986. Kahlon said the movable barrier is just as safe as the previous immobile concrete divider on the bridge.
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