boxing star gym guide

Use this to plan your training routine. Let’s start Boxing Star tips & tricks, cheats: – 1.) The combination of various Gym Equipment will allow the user to improve their Training Stats depending on efficiency of the Training Equipment Combination. Founded by Joe DeGuardia, its President and CEO, Star Boxing has worked to produce some of the most exciting and memorable boxing events in recent history. And power power defense defense endurance is 120%, 100%, 120%,100%, 140%. Obviously the spread sheet you worked up is for 4 slots and as you stated the ordering plays a factor. Agreed, if one timed it correctly with a balance attributes training, then the Machine Down time is a non issue. 17 comments. So when Gym came out I used the best combos with the best bonuses and neglected Speed,Foe Speed down and For Reflex Down. 780. if you look at skidwiz's chart, Endurance are usually repeated twice in any one combination. You guys know of some good balanced trainings to mitigate how much of a dive some of these trainings take when grouped together? Again, THANKS FOR WHAT YOU DO TO HELP OTHERS!!! report. For those of us who only have 2 or 3 slots available, do you have any idea if the results would remain the same? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Boxers. You can earn coins, S-Coins, and gold, fight through both story and league modes, and purchase new equipment, real estate, outfits, and more. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. hide. Power and Speed. Boxing Star Gym Training Guide: This is every combination that provides either all green, one white, or one red. Great post! 4. now only if you had a spreadsheet with the %s as well :).

So when Gym came out I used the best combos with the best bonuses and neglected Speed,Foe Speed down and For Reflex Down. I'm still working on the spreadsheet. Follow this guide if you want to know how to make your character stronger, what body type could be the best option to win brawls and how to master weaves and counterattacks. Might add it into a mega thread eventually. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Made this a sticky for now for all of the potential it has for other players. @Gym-Mode channel. Awesome!!! for example, the Endurance only benefits other attributes if you have it in 2 of 4or5 slots. If you want more, then here’s a quick walkthrough: – 1. As you guys have probably noticed some trainings work well together and others are misrable. From street fights to the big boxing ring, Boxing Star lets you relive a fighter’s dream to become the world champion. Created Jul 22, 2018. Official community-run subreddit for the Free-to-Play game Boxing Star from 4:33 Creative Lab.

The screenshot i provided is just based on permutations, and not ordering, so there may be better orders to get rid of the reds or whites. Press J to jump to the feed. In the Ring. For example, if you do power defense endurance power defense, the percentages are 120%, 120%, 140, 114% 114%.

do you have combinations that will have 4 greens? You can help Boxing Star Wiki by expanding it. When Endurance goes down, you train with Defense, and vise versa. When my main endurance maxed I switched it to HP Recovery to keep the high synergy bonuses. This will help everyone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Power and Endurance. Boxing Star is a new boxing game for the iOS and Android platforms where you create a boxer, manage them, and send them on their way from the fight clubs to a career in the pros, and big riches.

share. Gym is where a Character’s Training Stats can be improved through Gym Equipment. Long Press The Defense Button To Restore HP and Create A …

In today’s post we are going to share some Boxing Star tips, cheats tricks & a strategy guide for the beginners to maintain the season ranking or the easiest way to strike down the powerful enemy. Star Boxing, Inc. has been in operation since 1992. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Thank you. 94% Upvoted. Sounded like 140% is the best you could get. Same with power, endurance, power, endurance (can swap power for speed but only if you swap out both). I didn't know what I was doing and leveled training regiments I shouldn't leveled. Thanks a bunch for sharing this and the work you put in to help others is much appreciated!!!

Thank you livetowin. Boxing Star game features a variety of gears; common, rare, omega, epic, and more. Endurance is the only skill that is almost always green and usually raises the skills that are trained with it as well. I have slots unlocked and usually anything besides foe training + endurance enhances training efficiency. I am working on this as well, but it seems to be a lot harder than I originally thought. Sort by. Are where my focus went. Win matches in League Mode and earn league points 2. So let’s just start with the latter, since there’s a lot more to talk about! This thread is archived. It’s not worth it. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Hi im looking for active clan im very active sadly the current clan that i join is not active please sent me an invitation @hakeemflash thank you, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I posted this at Boxing Star Discord.

Now, if you’ve already done that, it’s time to move on and check out the best build in Boxing Star and a complete guide to skills. Kudos brother. In this updated game version, the Main STAT is … Best Boxing Star Skills. How about those that only have 4 slots in gym? Now I'm stuck with leveling these while I save coin to upgrade the other equipment. I found that doubling the same exercise back to back lowered percentages, while placing them “every other” gave synergy.

At the beginning of the game, you will get the first legendary gear as a reward(check the mailbox). Power, speed, power, speed yields 120/120/110/110. Don’t lose league points 3. ... Official community-run subreddit for the Free-to-Play game Boxing Star from 4:33 Creative Lab.

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