You two might even work together.". replied Sam. They can't be released, or they'd just go back to crime, and most want revenge on you and WOOHP," she said, leaning back in her seat with a knowing nod. "Yes, our psychiatrist was especially helpful with getting him to accept himself. "Um, I guess we never got you name," she admitted sheepishly. "Oh, thanks," she said, looking at him. I suggest you watch Season 6: Solo Spies and Super Mega Dance Party Yo! "I know you can only have certain kinds of belongings in cells, so the sooner you get out..." Sam said, then raised her index finger. The sooner you can rebuild your collection. You should be as well," Sam said. Myra Sokolov | "Um, crazier," she admitted. Jason Hightower | An electronic beep signaled an incoming phone call. Got a bunch of money from my mom and dad, and used some to travel the world to get my spy collectibles. she said as the other girls each gave her a warm embrace as well. "So I must bid you ladies farewell," he said with a cocky wave and grin. "Bye!" "But you can imagine how other inmates could be aggressive towards, or even try to manipulate one allied with their captors," he noted with an arched brow. Thank you! "Well, we've been living together for so long, I can believe it," Sam said, and chuckled. "So Susan, how've you been?" "Yeah, I think this has been working with girls around our age especially.
"Okay guys," Sam said, gathering her mug and her mail off the coffee table.
Alex, Sam, and Clover each greeted her in turn, with friendly smiles.
"That outfit was way cute, by the way," Clover said, thinking back. The three of them enjoyed a well-earned, peaceful night's sleep to recharge for whatever they might encounter in the future. You guys-" Susan said suddenly, bounding up and moving around the table. Alex asked, curious. "Sam. I might've gone crazy," Susan said. "But you know I love spies. I suggest you watch Season 6: Solo Spies and Super Mega Dance Party Yo! "Well, Jer scheduled the release time on our weekly training day, which helped," Alex said cheerfully. The other replied in return, then gathered their mail & mugs to separate for their respective rooms. Forcing you to fight each other. "Yeah, things have really changed from the old days," Sam mused, thinking back. Max Exterminus | The spies' faces contorted into sickly smiles, as Susan sat up straighter and put her folded hands on the table.
"You're really young, like us. "Apology accepted," she said after thinking for a moment. WOOHP Containment Facility Visitor's Room. "OK," the former villainess replied. She looked around at the busy downtown activity of L.A. with tears starting to well up. "Wow, you're starting to sound like Sam," Clover said, a bit surprised.
The girls entered the familiar room, and sat at the table where FanGirl was waiting. She appeared in "Evil Bouquets Are Sooo Passe" and "Baddies on a Blimp". she questioned hypothetically. After her plan goes haywire, being attacked by her own creation, the spies defeat her and take her to the WOOHP Prison. Violet Vanderfleet's Lackeys | Some, however, were entering the skyscraper to work the night shift. LAMOS she said in alarm. Margie Clarkland-Krewitz | Stacy and Brick are released. Regina smiled and waved to the girls, and the couple got into his white sports car. "Oh, I learned robotics from my parents. Clover and Alex nodded in agreement. "Sam, Clover, Alex!" Felicity Fences | The two teams find themselves pitted against a threat that pushes their investigative and combat skills to … Walking Tornado | "Stacy!" Susan nodded, hanging on a bit longer, then released her grip.
And more to build my lair, with the help of some workers I found that didn't ask questions. Her madness began after a boyfriend dumped her for another (although it is unspecified whether it was another male or simply another woman). Helga Von Guggen | Sam said with a nervous smile. The girls had briefly explained how their visit went, and Jerry had made the necessary call to get Susan started on her WOOHP training. "Not by breaking out, of course. They quickly gathered their purses and exited in the opposite direction, smiling at one another contently. Maggie Trendset | "Well, I think he's one of the few guys that didn't try to eliminate us," Alex said, forefinger and thumb cradling her chin. "Thank you! After everyone had showered and changed into their sleepwear, the girls met in the living room for a movie, followed by small talk, sipping their mugs of herbal tea. (if you haven't yet), and check out my previous fics before reading. he asked the girls. If only this had happened before everything," she choked out through her tears.
"First, we get back home..." she started as they looked to Clover's car in the lot.
She handed Stacy a tissue. Vancouver Coffee Barista | "Hmm?" Clover removed her WOOHP pin out of her handbag and pinned it onto her top, with a slight flourish. Clover. "We even get our own special stuff you can't buy anywhere," Alex said, as she pulled her X-Powder out of her purse and opened it. "Will you forgive me?" Jazz Hands | John Smith | An accomplished botanist, she created a hybrid of poisonous flowers called the "Viola Vanderfleetus" to destroy the male half of civilization because of her own failed relationships and because of her belief that there are, in her words, "a lot of angry, hurt women out there" who "all want revenge". Bertha Bombshell | Great Kandinsky | "Wow," Sam said, followed by sounds of agreement from Clover and Alex. Simon Tucker | "But I deserved it 100 percent, and Brick... doesn't hold a grudge.
Sunlight and fresh air were things she'd taken for granted before confinement. Sam and Clover nodded their agreement. Everyone so far really seems sincere," she finished with hopeful look to everyone else. "You can let go now," she said lightly. In addition to her knowledge of plant biology and chemistry, she was also shown to be able to pilot a plane and was a skilled combatant, easily dodging and countering the spies' combat skills. She was voiced by Linda Ballantyne. "I just hope no one's faking it," Clover said, eyes narrowed.
Alex. "I need to apologize to you!" She effortlessly nearly took down all three of them by herself, though the girls may have been exhausted from the previous encounters with her plants.
Violet Vanderfleet, Other Villains Mrs. Quivers | "I'm not sure about anyone else in the Containment Facility.
But I'll admit that this has been going well so far. "So where do you go from here?" The series comprises six seasons divided into 156 episodes.
Ice Solina | Clover and Alex smiled at that, and Brick raised an index finger to gain their attention. Take care," he said amiably. Thanks again," she said as she was led out by the guard. "Hey, so where the heck did you get a lair and Voltera from?" The girls looked at each other with slight grimaces, slouching a bit. She also appears to have a similarly poor dating record, seeing men who "all dumped [her], too". "Oh, the guy who swapped a foot with me!" Games Movies TV Video. ", "We will," Sam said, as Stacy walked towards her parents. The girls smiled and waved before departing the office for the elevator to start their drive back home. Professor Feline Dion | Susan gripped the three of them in a fierce hug, sobbing loudly. The WOOHP CF was in the basement of the building, and there was no prison yard.
"Whoa, fancy running into you three here," he said with a surprised look. Stacy waved to them, and they waved back happily. She is unaware of the fact that men get dumped just as often as women do, maybe even more, and that some couples are perfectly happy with their relationships. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Sam turned to Alex and Clover.
Sebastian Saga |
"Bye!" It'd been kept in storage and washed the previous laundry day in the Containment Facility. Myrna Beesbottom | The girls glanced at each other with empathetic smiles, then turned to look back at the contrite prisoner. She appeared in "Evil Bouquets Are Sooo Passe" and "Baddies on a Blimp".
The girls waved to him as well, and the group made their way to the exit. Clover said, noticing a young couple in the parking lot. A Big Hero 6/Totally Spies crossover. Outside, Stacy walked for a bit, then stopped to close her eyes and take in a deep breath. she asked hopefully. Sam held the current issue of WOOHP Life magazine. Well, I'm working at the Gadget Lab a couple days a week, part-time," Stacy replied. "Can't go back to Mali-U, huh?
We've got a lot in common.
"See you," Alex replied.
Ariel |
And for attacking you with Voltera," Susan said. "The important thing is how much you've changed," she said, looking at Stacy happily. "Since we haven't had much going on with missions it's been great helping out in a different way," she said looking to Alex, then Clover.
Alex asked. Natalie Valentine | Images of FanGirl. "The psychologist has been a huge help," she said emphatically.
called out Sam and Clover. Dr. Inga Bittersweet | "Oh! FanGirl | Terrence Lewis | Susan shook her head firmly. Alex asked. Violet Vanderfleet is an antagonist from Totally Spies. And we don't get WOOHPed unless it's a mission," Clover added, with slight shrug. "Yes, thank you!" Register Start a Wiki. "Our pleasure..." Alex said with a comforting smile which turned to a slight frown as thought for a bit. follows the adventures of three Beverly Hills teenage girls—Sam, Clover, and Alex—who work as secret agents on missions to save the world, involving real locations and some fictional ones. "Have a good night. Evil Beach Bunnies | Cosmo Stratus | Cartoons Totally Spies. Since we tend to relate pretty well emotionally and all that," Alex said "Well Ms. Dion's a little older, but the cat serum was sort of a special case," she said, gesturing with her palms up.
Hans | I feel I understand you a bit better now," Sam replied. "My career took a hit from that leg-switching scandal and going to prison," he said. "And I'm going for my B.A. I think we're are more likely to change than people that get stuck in their ways," she said. "Well, I'm finally feeling better about people being released from WOOHP," Clover said, sinking back into the comfortable couch. "I'll see you guys.
I'm so sorry for kidnapping you and the others. "I didn't expect to see you here," she said, surprised. "I can't stand this place. Various WOOHP workers, including agents, filtered out of the four elevators to end their workweek. she said as she jumped forward suddenly, startling everyone, including the guard. CHAD | They then got into Clover's car and started their trip back home. Shirley | Princess Makeda | "So... you used to collect spy stuff because you love spies, right?" By: jettmanas. "Thanks.
And helped," she said, searching the eyes of her former captives. Wait that's..." Alex trailed off. Dressed in casual outfits, Sam, Clover, and Alex sat on a couch to chat and rehydrate with their WOOHP water bottles. Wikis. They'd just finished their weekly training on the third floor. Totally Spies Wiki. "Well, Jerry told us Stacy's being released soon.
"Uh, Susan," Clover said. The girls looked nervously at Jerry, then at one another. Susan exclaimed, holding Sam's, Clover's, then Alex's hands each in turn. "I get lonely here," she admitted. "Well, Stacy has been an interesting inmate in reaching out to those most willing to change for the better.
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