vegetable definition biology

leaves, roots, flowers) but not including the fruit or seed (2) Any plant (as in vegetable kingdom) Supplement The term vegetable pertains specifically to plant parts that are edible such as leaves, roots, stems, flowers, etc. Word origin: Latin vegetabilis (able to live and grow) See also: The human body is capable of regulating growth and energy balance through various feedback mechanisms. Vegetable is a culinary term. Ursprung (Fisch, Fleisch, Eier, Käse, Milch) nicht verzehrt werden. (Klassische) Vegetarier verzichten komplett auf tierische Produkte.

...compounds, of animal, vegetable, or mineral origin. Turgid Definition. Kartoffeln, Möhren, Wurzeln). Krabben usw.) All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. oil obtained from walnuts, hazelnuts, etc, used in paints and varnishes and in cooking, a natural animal or vegetable oil that is not volatile: a mixture of esters of fatty acids, usually triglycerides, the edible nutlike seed of this plant, used for food and as a source of oil, the grain of this plant, used for food, fodder, and as a source of oil. Or is it? it is a vegetable and not a fruit.

Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. Diese Zahl an Vegetariern The edible part of such a plant. There are some words that seem to be of perennial interest, so if you compare the list of words that were looked up most often in March with the words that were looked up most often in September, you will find a lot of words appearing on both lists. Fedco Seeds PO Box 520 Waterville, ME 04903 Phone: 207-873-7333 Web: Organic vegetables and flowers. And going to a bigger pine, he rose by his own unaided exertions to the top branch, where he sat, all bedaubed with the pitch which that, It travelled for a time in the sky, and then it sank down and hovered over a large. Search. Since World War I it has been the symbol of fallen soldiers. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology. Definition noun, plural: fruits (1) (botany) The seed-bearing structure in angiosperms formed from the ovary after flowering. c. A member of the vegetable kingdom, especially a … Plant parts such as edible fruits and seeds are not considered as vegetables. this has got to be a vegetable, you say? Skip to content Main Navigation . plant kingdom) and ”vegetable matter (i.e. Vegetarismus (engl. Seeds – these are the structures containing embryos and stored food for the next generation of plants. it is a fruit as it belongs to the olive tree. A plant cultivated for its edible parts, such as the roots of the beet, the leaves of spinach, the flower buds of broccoli, or the fruit or seeds of certain species, as beans, corn, and squash. The non reproductive vegetative part such as roots, leaves, stems etc. Last 300 years, of, having the nature of, made from, consisting of, or produced by edible vegetables. Go to: Biology for Kids.

The Apium graveolens is plant species in the family Apiaceae, and yields two important vegetables known as celery & celeriac.

Sorry, it is also a fruit. It also deals with the regulation of growth, heat loss, and heat gain. Last 10 years Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition.

Dictionary; Articles ; Tutorials; Biology Forum; Dictionary > Fruit. This site is fantastic. Get to know the events of absorptive and post-absorptive states. How does water get to the top of a redwood tree. plants in general; plants of a particular region or type. Last month, this month and the next two are great for practising Latin numerals, as you do: septem, octo, novem, decem (7, 8, 9, 10). Tomatoes grow after the tomato flower pollinates. Many cell types in many different organisms can become turgid due to water uptake. ble (vĕj′tə-bəl, vĕj′ĭ-tə-) n. 1. a. A plant cultivated for its edible parts, such as the roots of the beet, the leaves of spinach, the flower buds of broccoli, or the fruit or seeds of certain species, as beans, corn, and squash. Login or Register above to download the content. Last 100 years Je nach Ernährungsstil verzehren manche Vegetarier trotzdem Milchprodukte (Lacto-Vegetarier), oder Eier (Ovo-Vegetarier), oder gar beides (Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarier). Nachwachsende Früchte (z.B. Get weekly videos, articles, play ideas and mocomi updates in your inbox, Biology | 7-14 yrs | Learning Pod, Reading Pod. Veganismus: Im Prinzip sehr ähnlich mit dem klassischen Vegetarismus. The plant kingdom has at times been referred to as the “Vegetable Kingdom,” and if you’ve ever started out a round of 20 Questions by asking “animal, vegetable, or mineral,” you’ve employing that definition. Datenschutzerklärung | Impressum. Essays, botanical travelogues, and other resources provided for students, instructors and anyone else seeking a deeper understanding of the nature of plants. Previously, the vegetable kingdom that includes all plants were classified by botanists into the following subdivisions: Phaenogamia (which includes the dicots or exogens and the monocots or endogens) and Cryptogamia (which includes the acrogens, thallogens). ble (vĕj′tə-bəl, vĕj′ĭ-tə-) n. 1. a. Design G. Wolfgang Open Web Design | The reproductive parts (pollinated flowers) which produce seeds for the next generation are the fruits of the plant.

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