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DCS Homepage. Legal Information Its primary purpose is to provide a first-class education for girls and boys from Church of Ireland families and other Protestant denominations. Subscribe to RSS Feed - DHS Headlines . Comments (-1) DHS Club Information. 15 Semifinalist and 83 Commended Students.

In 2019, it recorded a 111% progression rate to third level education making it once again the highest-ranking Protestant school in Ireland. Comments (-1) Automated Attendance Notifications. Copyright © 2002-2020 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 The High School, Zion Road, Dublin 6 Dublin City Schools is preparing for the second semester of the 2020-21 school year and we are asking all parents to select their preferred learning mode for the second semester, either in-person or the Remote Learning Academy (RLA). Comments (-1) Coffman Yearbook and Senior Picture Information 2020 - 2021 . Search this site. For Staff. Dublin City Schools - District Website.

It was ranked among the top performing fee-paying schools in Ireland by the Sunday Independent making it the leading school in its sector in 2016.

The High School, Dublin; Institute of Education (Dublin) Kylemore College; Loreto College, St Stephen's Green; Manor House School, Raheny; Marian College (Dublin) Mercy College (Dublin) Mount Temple Comprehensive School; Muckross Park College; O'Connell School; Rockbrook Park School; Sancta Maria College ; St. Aidan's C.B.S. Dublin City Schools uses an automated attendance calling system. Dublin City Schools News. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20145651, School Website Design by Greenhouse School Websites, © 2020 The High School, Zion Road, Dublin 6, The High School Parents' Association Event, Foundation Day - 150th Anniversary Service. Comments (-1) Dublin Scioto Irish at 25. Upcoming … For Staff. Dublin City Schools uses an automated attendance calling system. Welcome Warehouse Adopt-a-Family. Purchase one of our new Spirit Packs today! In 2017 The Sunday Times ranked The High School as one of the top 5 mixed fee-paying schools in Ireland; in the same year The Irish Times ranked The High School as one of the top 3 mixed feeder schools in Ireland making it the leading Protestant school in the country. For 2020-21 School Year. The High School was ranked by The Irish Times as the best-performing school in south Dublin following 103% entry to third level education in 2012. Comments (-1) Find It Fast. Infinite Campus Comments (-1) DHS Virtual Wellness Center. SAT at Scioto, 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM Comments (-1) AP / ACT / SAT Testing Registration Information. The High School draws on a well-established heritage as one of the leading schools in Ireland to promote and support a vision of excellence in academic, pastoral, and extra-curricular education for all pupils entrusted to our care. Dublin Coffman High School #theDublinDifference Translate. Holiday Assistance Flyer 2020. The High School was ranked by The Irish Times as the best-performing school in south Dublin following 103% entry to third level education in 2012. Comments (-1) more . Check out the graphic for when to keep your child home from school.

Scioto Announcements. 15 Semifinalist and 83 Commended Students. It also welcomes applications from those of other Christian denominations, those of other faiths, and those of none. NO SCHOOL - Work Day Staff Safety Waiver Day, 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM The school recorded an average progression rate of over 100% to third level education in 2013, 2014, and 2015. HSD 150 Celebrations - Exhibition Cricket Match. Ninety Eight Dublin High Students Recognized by The National Merit Scholarship Program. E-mail: office@highschooldublin.com The DHS Gaels WebStore is now open! The High School recorded a 100% and 110% progression rate to third level education in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In 2020 The Sunday Times ranked The High School as the top co-educational Protestant school in Ireland. Parent/Teacher Conferences. The High School is celebrating the 150th anniversary of its foundation in 2020-21. The school recorded an average progression rate of over 100% to third level education in 2013, 2014, and 2015. A project that started in Shawn Kaeser’s classroom in 2002 to make the bullfrog the official state amphibian has grown over the years.

Tel: 353-1-4922611 1995 - … Comments (-1) Distance Learning Bell Schedule. Comments (-1) Remote Learning Bell Schedule. The High School was subsequently ranked among the top performing fee-paying schools in Ireland by the Sunday Independent making it the leading school in its sector in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The Dublin Unified School District Board of Trustees desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district's academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities. It was placed 4th in the ranking for mixed feeder schools and 2nd for entry to Trinity College, Dublin making it the leading Protestant school in Ireland in 2015. Health Science and Medical Technology Academy, Intra/Inter-District Transfer Information, Free Stress Management Workshop for Students, Ninety Eight Dublin High Students Recognized by The National Merit Scholarship Program, Let DUSD Make Breakfast & Lunch For Your Students, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FINDING OF SUFFICIENT INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020, District Emergency Procedures/Communications, DUSD Staff Instructional and Technology Resources, IT Request Setup for Meeting/Training Sessions, Maintenance and Operations Workorder Form, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated).

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