Each of the flowers is borne on a short stalk (i.e. They are mostly hairless (i.e. obcordate) and have finely-toothed (i.e.
The tiny pods (4-6 mm long and up to 2 mm wide) remain hidden inside the old flower parts. ABBREVIATION : TRIREP SYNONYMS : NO-ENTRY SCS PLANT CODE : TRRE3 COMMON NAMES : white clover Dutch white clover TAXONOMY : The scientific name for white clover is Trifolium repens L. [14,32]. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. Trifolium repens, commonly called white clover, is a dwarf, prostrate, mat-forming perennial which typically grows to 4" tall and spreads to 12" or more by stems which freely root along the ground at the nodes.
Prefers moist soils in light shade, but tolerates full sun and dryish soils. Copyright © 2016. Flowering occurs mostly during spring and early summer. Trifolium repens var.
standard), two side petals (i.e. glabrous) and borne on long stalks (i.e. The individual leaflets (10-55 mm long and 6-30 mm wide) are either oval (i.e.
obovate), or heart-shaped (i.e. petioles) that tend to curve upwards. Was a favorite food of rabbits in the Kemper Center gardens. its tiny pods remain hidden inside the old flower parts. It mainly grows in temperate and sub-tropical regions, where it is most abundant during winter and spring. they have obtuse, retuse or emarginate apices). Trifolium repens White Clover, Dutch Clover, Purple Dutch Clover, Shamrock, White Clover PFAF Plant Database. annual) or long-lived (i.e. Features trifoliate (3-parted), rich green leaves and globular, white flowers which bloom in … Each flower also has ten tiny stamens and an ovary topped with a style and stigma. White clover is a nitrogen fixing plant which is used in crop rotation. Identic Pty Ltd. Special edition of Environmental Weeds of Australia for Biosecurity Queensland. Leaves and flowers appear on separate stalks from the creeping stems.
The Plants Database includes the following 171 species of Trifolium . Trifolium repens, or Clover, is a prostrate, mat-forming herbaceous perennial about four to six inches tall and spreading 12 inches or more by stems that root freely. calyx tube). Trifolium repens L. – white clover. No serious insect or disease problems.Can be aggressive and is considered by many to be a lawn weed, particularly by those who try to eradicate it from their lawns. leaves with paler v-shaped markings (Photo: Sheldon Navie), close-up of leaf with three leaflets (Photo: Forest and Kim Starr, USGS), close-up of leaflets with finely-toothed margins (Photo: Greg Jordan), close-up of whitish flowers (Photo: Sheldon Navie), close-up of pinkish flowers (Photo: Forest and Kim Starr, USGS), clusters of mature fruit (Photo: Forest and Kim Starr, USGS), close-up of old flowers containing mature fruit (Photo: Sheldon Navie), close-up of seeds (Photo: Steve Hurst at USDA PLANTS Database), comparison of white clover (Trifolium repens), mostly on the right, and strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum), mostly on the left (Photo: Sheldon Navie), Fabaceae (Queensland, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, and the Northern Territory)Fabaceae: sub-family Faboideae (New South Wales)Leguminosae (South Australia)Papilionaceae (Western Australia), clover, Dutch clover, honeysuckle clover, ladino clover, purplewort, shamrock, white clover, white Dutch clover, white trefoil. They also have five petals (4-13 mm long): a large upper petal (i.e. prostrate) stems, and upright flower stalks 10-30 cm tall. These leaves are compound and consist of three leaflets (i.e. perennial) herbaceous plant with creeping (i.e. to ensure you have the latest version of this fact sheet.
Flowers are attractive to bees. Trifolium repens, commonly called white clover, is a dwarf, prostrate, mat-forming perennial which typically grows to 4" tall and spreads to 12" or more by stems which freely root along the ground at the nodes. Each of these inconspicuous fruit contains three or four seeds.
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