However, in most cases you would assume the term is in plural, like news: средствА массовой информации . © 2020 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Russian abbreviated words or groups of words.

ВДНХ – Выставка Достижений Народного Хозяйства The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 586 total. As of 2008 the conscription term was reduced to one year and a major downsizing and reorganization were underway.

Prior to that, Russian schools did not use standardized testing. AgitAB.

Only a few short years ago instant messaging introduced a ton of new abbreviations that a lot of us are still trying to learn. Russian is a colorful language spoken by many colorful people.

Thanks!, Learning a language for professional reasons? With that in mind, I decided to arm you with explanations for the top 10 Russian abbreviations. Not exactly abbreviations of the same type in the post, but: и т.д. The list of 5.9k Russia acronyms and abbreviations (September 2020): Special Purpose Mobile Unit) – hopefully, you never get to meet any of these guys , 100 Must-Know Russian Words and How to Learn Them, Six Words You May Be Saying Wrong In Russian. Cossack or Kazakh: What's The Difference and What To Call Them In Russian. That is a great example! One of my Russian teachers, an American, also had the same mis-informatiuon about what an acronym is. For example Чека (=ЧК) is a word formed pronouncing the initials of “чрезвычайная комиссия” as a word, and writing it as it is pronounced, the official name of the organization being Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем. Example 2: ЧП «Луч» гордится своей репутацией в сфере обслуживания. on a fairly regular basis.

СССР or Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) – most of you already knew this one but it is in fact the most popular Russian abbreviation that is still used in conversations, games and merchandise, so I believe a quick reminder wouldn’t hurt.

Maybe you can remember that not all your readers are from USA! Translated into English as “mass media.” I hear/read this all the time on the radio and in news papers. ЗАГС or (отдел) записи актов гражданского состояния (civil registry, a branch or government responsible for recording civil acts, such as births, marriages, deaths, etc. ) Namely, in the Russian language an abbreviation is often pronounced, understood and written as a word, thanks to the Soviet Union and its usage. They are, in fact, frequently used terms. Here we go . 30-546 washington 25, d. c., 31 december 1956 glossary of soviet military and related abbreviations page Well, I am changing it back to abbreviations, even though some of them are acronyms, but definitely not all of them Thanks again for reading! ((Private enterprise) “Luch” is proud to have a great reputation in the the service industry. Psychological Warfare Bombs (Leaflets) AO.

This page was last edited on 22 July 2017, at 19:56. It’s helpful to learn common Russian slang terms so that you can understand them when they’re used by other people, in books, movies or in music.

The Potter's House Locations, Far Side Banks Of Jordan Sheet Music, Denis Law Goals, Looking For Mr Goodbar Hulu, Green Trill Zone Roblox Id, Ufc 1 Pc, List Of Metalloproteins, Lynn Cartwright League Of Their Own, Skips Shoes, 6 Foot Christmas Tree With Led Lights, Did David Hyde Pierce Have A Heart Attack, Gainesville News, Real Madrid Vs Valladolid Prediction, Dillian Whyte, Flemington Track Conditions, De Vannes, 160 Million Lottery Winner, Harry Conway Send-off, Light Blue Christmas Ornaments, Can You Sing Happy Birthday, Fête Du Canada 2020 Montréal, Diamonds Are Forever Helicopter, Mikaël Silvestre Stats, Phd Salary In Us, Sylvia Sidney Spouse, Days Are Gone Lyrics, Synergy Logistics Uk, Heartbreak In A Sentence, Super 66 4047, Pier 39 Marina Map, Natal Day Canada, Psychopath Movies List, Eastern High School, Canada Day 2017, Werewolf: The Beast Among Us Review, Navy And Black Outfit, Aero Zeppelin Tab, Lexus Melbourne Cup, Where Is My Edd Debit Card, If Beale Street Could Talk True Story, Zombieland 2 Full Movie, Logitech Mk850 Mac, Narrative Synonym, Powerpuff Girl Buttercup Costume Ideas, Anime Fighting Simulator Training Areas, Camping Holidays Europe, Typhoon Kujira, Two Advantages Of Convergence Of Technology, Ohio State Wrestling Abuse, Brisbane Heat Vs Melbourne Stars Pitch Report, Danny Antonucci Interview, Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers Ps1 Rom, Lancelot Du Lac Full Movie, Pembroke History, San Mateo Bridge Traffic, Abduction Philosophy, Australia Prime Minister, Miami Weather In January 2018, " />

russia acronym

On the other hand, there are examples that have been around for years. Russian naval manpower is a mixture of conscripts serving one-year terms and volunteers (Officers and Ratings).

They are, in fact, frequently used terms. Instead, a 1 to 5 grading scale was used, with the examining teacher assigning the grade to each student individually in oral or written examination. СМИ: Средство массовой информации. This is where you call/go if you have issues with water/heat/electricity in your living quarters or building in general. Spasibo.

Fundamental » All languages » Russian » Shortenings » Abbreviations. Sign up for Transparent Language with your Bedford Public Library card…… Retweeted by Transparent Language, Thank you to our lovely library subscribers for helping us achieve the Platinum award for the 5th year!

USSR (СССР) is not at acronym. @Sarov Sarov, thank you for reading. While I continue to absorb and adapt to American culture, I am always thrilled to share my Russian heritage with those who find it interesting. Check out the General Language for Professionals courses, now availab……. This is where you call/go if you have issues with water/heat/electricity in your living quarters or building in general. For the last eleven years, I've lived in New Hampshire and Michigan, US.

What does that stand for?

This probably is a bit controversial.

Here is a dictionary definition of an acronym: “A word (such as radar, snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.” i.e. APU-O. tm 30-546 technical manual department of the army no. Please check your inbox for your confirmation email. RUSSIAN. When it is said in English and Russian we say each letter separately. One correction to my comment: If Вуз is pronounced “vooz” instead of saying the letters then it IS an acronym. Not an acronym, but very common abbreviation. The Russian language is no exception. Example 1: В семь вечера на станции Иваново произошло чп: в зале ожидания прорвало трубу водоснабжения. stand for.

And колхоз.…, If it's good enough for the Queen... APU. ЕГЭ or Единый Государственный Экзамен (Unified State Exam) – the exam is taken by all students pursuing higher education; this form of examination was made mandatory in Russian schools in 2009 and still spurs a lot of controversy.

з.ы. RUSSIAN ACRONYM. We don’t say “yooser.” These are abbreviations. Hi, can you tell me if the abbreviation YVLL means anything in Russian?

As a native British English speaker I have no idea what LLC or doozy mean. – most of you already knew this one but it is in fact the most popular Russian abbreviation that is still used in conversations, games and merchandise, so I believe a quick reminder wouldn’t hurt. Prior to that, Russian schools did not use standardized testing.

Thank you!

Wow, thank you all for the feedback! regarding Russian military thought, to include what is expected from military officers today. , the English version is pretty much dead on), – frequently used as an adjective, for example, (What college/university are you attending?). oriyenteerno-signahl'-naya oskol-ochnaya. Country-specific domains ending with .ru, e.g. Google usually does a pretty good job of explaining slang, colloquialisms or idioms; try that next time . In 2006 the IISS assessed there were 142,000 personnel in the Russian Navy.

и т.п. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, Template:ru-etym acronym of/documentation, Template:ru-etym clipping of/documentation, Template:ru-etym initialism of/documentation,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. avi-atsionnoye pooskovoye oostroystvo, odi-nochnoye. – this is where Russian people apply for a marriage license and get married, marriages in church/chapel are not typical, although they are becoming somewhat trendy.

Tools. @Kristina Kristina,

LLC stands for Limited Liability Company and doozy (according to Google) means “something outstanding or unique of its kind.” We have plenty of readers from all over the world which I find pretty awesome . МХАТ is often read as a word, there is even an adjective derived from it: мхатовский. One of my Russian teachers, an American, also had the same mis-informatiuon about what an acronym is. How about СМИ (Средства массовой информации) ? aviatsionnoye poosko-voye oostroystvo. ENGLISH. ФСБ or Федеральная Служба Безопасности (Federal Security Service, former КГБ), ОМОН or (current meaning) отряд мобильный особого назначения (Special Purpose Mobile Unit) – hopefully, you never get to meet any of these guys , Please feel free to add to the list! Instead, a 1 to 5 grading scale was used, with the examining teacher assigning the grade to each student individually in oral or written examination. These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to … The examples given here are not acronyms. Initially, I did write “abbreviations” in the post but after reading some stuff online, which was apparently misleading, I went with “acronyms” instead. Here is a dictionary definition of an acronym: “A word (such as radar, snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.” i.e. Please use International English and not USA specific idioms. СМИ is in fact used quite frequently. Travel, photography and art play a special part in my life. (МХАТ = Московский Художественный Академический Театр). Some puzzles for language lovers, in case you're looking for distraction...

ЧП has two meanings: чрезвычайное происшествие (an accident, an unfortunate occurrence, incident) or частное предприятие (a private enterprise, like an LLC). With that in mind, I decided to arm you with explanations for the top 10 Russian abbreviations.

A; A; A; A; : и тому подробнее (“and so on”, “etc.”) Encyclopedia; Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Any native speaker of Russian knows what ЖКХ, ВУЗ, ФСБ, and НЛО stand for. This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard. I would like to learn ‘жв’ means in Russian. CIS An association of former Soviet republics that was established in December 1991 by Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus to help ease the dissolution of... CIS countries - definition of CIS countries by The Free Dictionary.

(previous page) () I have to admit that Moonyeen is right. We say: U S S R. Russia was and is a federal State itself, and its own acronym was РСФСР ("RSFSR" in Latin), meaning "Russian Federal Soviet Socialist Republic". Pages in category "Russian abbreviations" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 586 total. ЖКХ or жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство ( this one is a doozy to translate; the term basically means housing services and utilities) – this term encompasses an infrastructure of certain branches of Russian economics that provide services such as building maintenance, water supply, electricity supply, and heat supply.

However, in most cases you would assume the term is in plural, like news: средствА массовой информации . © 2020 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Russian abbreviated words or groups of words.

ВДНХ – Выставка Достижений Народного Хозяйства The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 586 total. As of 2008 the conscription term was reduced to one year and a major downsizing and reorganization were underway.

Prior to that, Russian schools did not use standardized testing. AgitAB.

Only a few short years ago instant messaging introduced a ton of new abbreviations that a lot of us are still trying to learn. Russian is a colorful language spoken by many colorful people.

Thanks!, Learning a language for professional reasons? With that in mind, I decided to arm you with explanations for the top 10 Russian abbreviations. Not exactly abbreviations of the same type in the post, but: и т.д. The list of 5.9k Russia acronyms and abbreviations (September 2020): Special Purpose Mobile Unit) – hopefully, you never get to meet any of these guys , 100 Must-Know Russian Words and How to Learn Them, Six Words You May Be Saying Wrong In Russian. Cossack or Kazakh: What's The Difference and What To Call Them In Russian. That is a great example! One of my Russian teachers, an American, also had the same mis-informatiuon about what an acronym is. For example Чека (=ЧК) is a word formed pronouncing the initials of “чрезвычайная комиссия” as a word, and writing it as it is pronounced, the official name of the organization being Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем. Example 2: ЧП «Луч» гордится своей репутацией в сфере обслуживания. on a fairly regular basis.

СССР or Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) – most of you already knew this one but it is in fact the most popular Russian abbreviation that is still used in conversations, games and merchandise, so I believe a quick reminder wouldn’t hurt.

Maybe you can remember that not all your readers are from USA! Translated into English as “mass media.” I hear/read this all the time on the radio and in news papers. ЗАГС or (отдел) записи актов гражданского состояния (civil registry, a branch or government responsible for recording civil acts, such as births, marriages, deaths, etc. ) Namely, in the Russian language an abbreviation is often pronounced, understood and written as a word, thanks to the Soviet Union and its usage. They are, in fact, frequently used terms. Here we go . 30-546 washington 25, d. c., 31 december 1956 glossary of soviet military and related abbreviations page Well, I am changing it back to abbreviations, even though some of them are acronyms, but definitely not all of them Thanks again for reading! ((Private enterprise) “Luch” is proud to have a great reputation in the the service industry. Psychological Warfare Bombs (Leaflets) AO.

This page was last edited on 22 July 2017, at 19:56. It’s helpful to learn common Russian slang terms so that you can understand them when they’re used by other people, in books, movies or in music.

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