It acts chiefly upon genitourinary organs, anus, skin, producing irritation. Fever: Intermittent fever, Chill beginning in thighs. Warts: Fig warts, condylomata and wart-like excrescences upon the mucous membranes and cutaneous surfaces of the body. May drink with meals to assist swallowing.
History of animal poisoning, snake bite: Ars, Thuj.
Active Principles (Chemical Constituents): Main constituents are thujic acid, oil of thuja, thujone, piperine, pince, fenchon and tannin. Thuja Occidentalis 30c Uses, Benefits – Thuja Occidentalis Materia Medica, Best Homeopathic Medicine For Viral Fever, SBL Wipeclear Acne Lotion [ Homeopathic Medicine For Pimples, Blackheads, and Whiteheads ], Homeopathic Medicine for Stomach Problems, Hypericum Perforatum 200 Uses, Benefits – Hypericum 30, Bacillinum Burnett Materia Medica – Bacillinum 200. Repetition: Bears repetition well in low potencies. It’s two fold. You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. How exactly does thuja treat warts? Foul smelling: Muco-purulent, copious, foul smelling discharges from all the mucous membranes of the body. While passing stool, it produces violent rectal pain which ultimately compels the patient to cease the effort. Oedema: Dropsical bloated face; oedeomatous erysipelas of the face. Amelioration: Lying on affected side, lying on back, wrapping up after labour. I would request you to like our facebook page in order to get regular posts related to homeopathic, homemade and Ayurvedic. So thuja is a type of homeopathic medicine. This remedy is mainly used by home prescribers for skin conditions. Cutting pain. Dreams of death or falling from a great height. […]. Loss of memory, the patient is extremely forgetful. Female: Menses too early and too brief. Sore blisters inside the mouth. Text. Fig warts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations: Sab, Nit-ac, Thuj.
Orgasm of blood in the evening, with throbbing in the blood vessels. Therapeutic Value: Abortions, Asthma, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Distended abdomen, Epilepsy, Eve affections, Gonorrhoea, Headache, Polypus, Rheumatism, Teeth affections, Urinary affections, Vaccination, Warts, Whooping cough, etc. Thuja is one of Hahnemann’s greatest discoveries. Periodicity: Symptoms appear periodically at 3 am, annually, during menses, during increasing moon. Thuja patients look like ‘Ganeshji, with a distended abdomen and bulky body, having lavish growth of various tissues every where. Thuja is one of Hahnemann’s greatest discoveries. Eruptions that itch or burn which feel worse after bathing. Teeth: Teeth decay at the root, crown remains sound. Flowers appear in May. The general appearance of the Thuja subject, if he has a characteristic picture, is that of a waxy, shiny face, it looks as if it had been smeared over with grease, and is often transparent, he is a sickly looking individual, looks as if entering upon some cachexia. Thuja is apt to work wonders, especially when there is a history of sycosis. Slowness and sluggishness prevail all over the mental sphere. Feels as if ‘something alive in the abdomen’. Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000, 10M. Thuja has traditionally been used to assist in the management of wart like growths and a tendency to corns, warts and calluses, tinea and fungal like symptoms especially on the feet. Hair very dry, splitting or falling out. It was introduced into homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann in 1819. Other remedies of the centre are NUX VOMICA, LYCOPODIUM, ARGENTUM NITRATE, IGNATIA and ARSENICUM ALB. It is a well known left sided remedy. Skips breakfast. Emotional sensitiveness; as if something was alive in the abdomen. The wood of this tree was burnt in ancient days to show that the person has been sacrificed for God; hence, the common name is ‘Tree of life’. The common name of Thuja is Arbor vitae , which means the tree of life . Flatulence and distention; protruding here and there. It is an evergreen tree. Thuja occidentalis. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Md. Headache as if ‘a nail being driven inwards’. Thuja occidentalis – Arbor vitae.
It was introduced into homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann in 1819. Thuja is apt to work wonders, especially when there is a history of sycosis. Sleep: Persistent insomnia. It has a specific antibacterial action as in gonorrhoea and vaccinosis. Antidotes: Camph, Cham, Merc, Puls, Sab, Staph. It is in the cypress family, and often goes by the name “white cedar.” The homeopathic remedy that carries the “thuja” name is usually made from the twigs and needles of that tree. Squeezing pain in left testicle: Puls, Thuj. Cell:+8801750100362. Homeopathic Medicine Keynotes © 2020. Mental/Emotional symptoms . Headache in the morning. Introduction and History: Thuja is derived from the Greek word ‘thuja’ which means sacrifice. Screwing in the frontal eminence, temple as if a convex button were pressed upon the part, Headache is aggravated from sexual excess, overeating, coffee, exposure to heat and sun and relieved by open air, and turning the head upward. This plant has pedunculated wart-like growths at the junction of the branch and the stem, or between two branches, and this medicine is one of the best medicines for pedunculated warts. Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, mind, nerves, occiput, especially the brain, genitourinary organs, glandular epithelium, skin, etc. Chest: Stitching pain after cold drinks. Breathing difficulties in kids. Urinary stream split and small. Skin: Very sensitive to touch. Brown spots.
A sinking sensation in the stomach before meals. Sensitiveness: Vagina extremely sensitive; coition is impossible or extremely difficult.
Food: Appetite poor or absent, feeling full after a few mouthfuls. Theridion 30 Uses, Benefits – Theridion Materia Medica, Thyreoidinum Homeopathic Remedy – Thyroidinum 30 Uses, Benefits, Homeopathic Medicine For Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Skookumchuck 3x Uses, Materia Medica, Benefits. Battlahat, Chapainawabganj Diarrhoea: Early morning, expelled forcibly with much flatus; gurgling, as if water was passing from a bunghole, worse after breakfast, coffee, etc. Sweat only on uncovered parts or all over except head, when sleeping; profuse, sour, smelling like honey. Conditions related to mucosal membranes. Very depressed, irritable. It acts on the skin and genitourinary organs, producing a condition that corresponds with the Sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces, fig warts and condylomata.
This remedy is best avoided during pregnancy, unless under guidance of a homoeopath. Involuntary urination, at night when coughing. Aversion to life. Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea after bad effect of vaccination, from onion, tea, coffee, bread, fatty food. There may be frequent and profuse urination, with general pain or a cutting or burning sensation. Sensation as if moisture or a drop were running through the urethra. Note: Thuja should be given at bedtime for better results like Nux vomica. Fingers ‘dead’ cold and numb after sleep. Frequent micturation accompanying pains.
Desire sudden and urgent, but cannot be controlled. Eruptions where skin is usually covered by clothing, feeling worse after scratching. It produces tubercles, fig warts, condylomatous growths on the mucous membranes followed by corroding ulceration.
Its chief use is in chronic diseases originating from sycosis or what may be called constitutional gonorrhoea. You cannot print contents of this website. Pain is aggravated while sitting. Homeopathic Remedy Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj) Key Indication; A/F: (Aliment from / Causation) MODALITIES; MIND; GUIDING INDICATIONS; KEYNOTES of Homeopathy Remedy Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj): CONFIRMATORY SYMPTOMS; NUCLEUS OF REMEDY: CLINICAL Condition : REMEDY RELATIONSHIPS : Tags: Homeopathy Medicine Psoric Sycotic Syphilitic.
Insane women – will not be touched or approached.
Aggravation: At night, from heat of bed, afternoon, 3 am to 3 pm, motion, from cold damp air, narcotics, deep inspiration, talking. Warts with tickling pains: Nit-ac, Staph, Thuj. 363, Baligram A feeling of a drop or a trickle running down the urethra after urination. Flatulence, pain and burping after meals. According to the research of Dr G. P. Singh, this website is very convenient for people. Eruptions on covered parts only.
KEYNOTES of Homeopathy Remedy Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj):, […] temper easily, gains control slowly, miserably cross ( Cham […], […] -PRECORDIAL PAIN, PALPITATION AND DYSPNOEA. Head and Face: Left frontal or temporal headaches. Greasy: Greasy skin; face looks shiny, waxy or oily, greasy or oily stool, oily sweat. It is a well known left sided remedy. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy.
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