I think the King is the Angel. Fela = angel, so Kvothe kill Fela, Sim seeking vengance, also killed by Kvothe. Fela/Mola (Kingkiller Chronicles) (2) Include Additional Tags Fluff (11) Angst (11) Crossover (11) Canon Compliant (8) Alternate Universe (6) Short (5) Headcanon (5) Poetry (4) Character Study (4) Blood (4) Other tags to include Exclude ? [5] She also studies chemistry with Master Mandrag , and arithmetic with Master Brandeur , including Abstract Maths, Advanced Geometries and Manifold Maths. Although i believe Kvothe "broke the Cthaeh curse" because of the broken tree part of his adem name. This makes Kvothe offer a bottle of fine whiskey and proposes a toast but doesn't say anything about what to toast for. She was previously a scriv under Master Lorren. She's tied to the whole Chandrian/Amyr mystery (there are theories that she may even be one herself), and if she betrays Kvothe she might deserve it.. Having said all that, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts after taking those quotes into account. She belongs to the book series “Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.
A very in-depth analysis of the first two books of The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, encompassing The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear.Jo Walton leaves no … The Kingkiller Chronicle is a fantasy series by Patrick Rothfuss, which recounts the story of Kvothe, an adventurer and musician. I thought about it. In the plural, it becomes felur, and means “hiding place.” This is directly related to FELURian and her realm, the Fae realm. Where you have failed, Fela has succeeded.
Mola As a Namer it is possible that her dream about the four-plate door was somewhat accurate. Fela holds the rank of Re'lar when Kvothe first meets her. In the Kingkiller Chronicles (Name of the Wind series), every person and every object, and most intangible things have names. He’s the world’s first lecher. As names are very important in the series, I’ll be focusing on that today. It’s like that.” I concentrated on it for a second and began to get dizzy.
This is because he knew the TRUE name of the wind. Shes trying to soothe sim down and say she is in a relationship for the longhaul. Occupation He said he wasn't done with Kvothe. “Beer,” Tempi said, then made a gesture with two fingers on the tabletop. While I think these theories would make for a compelling piece of a tragic tale, I haven't heard anyone give a compelling reason why Kvothe would feel that Sim deserved to be killed. But everything in the Kingkiller Chronicles has a TRUE name. She proves her ability by making and wearing a ring formed from a river stone. That's some Cthaeh level shit.
“Didn’t you see how he looked at Lauren just now? So ithought why can't he kill an angel and a king at the same time? It's very minor stuff like how Fela flirts with Kvothe after getting with Sim (I know it's very weak and unlikely). A large part of the story is about the main character Kvothe going to The University to learn naming, and names carry great significance. There were guesses about Denna and Aurie. Fela is a smart and beautiful woman who is a classmate and friend of Kvothe at The University. Some things are "left out in the open". Lecher Velcitor. What about puppet? Mola also doctors Kvothe's wounds after his second whipping at the end of Name of the Wind. She is very grateful to Kvothe and believes she owes him a debt of gratitude. "Mola" means break, breather, pause and time-out in Turkish.
After careful consideration, she agrees to keep her presence in the Underthing a secret. The part that you put here shows that Kvothe was the one that suggested the deal, because he knew it was something Sim would think, given his current state. Was the King literally one of Tehlu's angels or just a swell guy? The story is narrated from the third person, but mostly consists of Kvothe narrating his life to a scribe in the first person. Mr. Ash connected to Chandrian = Demon, so Kvothe tricking him because of chandrian and letting down denna at the same time, making sense of Kvothe's bad hand(s) theory.
Swedish: It’s likely there isn’t much meaning here, as she never goes missing or really commits any faults. Important Terms: [5] She also studies chemistry with Master Mandrag, and arithmetic with Master Brandeur, including Abstract Maths, Advanced Geometries and Manifold Maths. Eye color I've seen the 'King Simon' theory thrown around a lot, although I don't think I've heard anyone say that they think Fela is the Angel mentioned.. As interesting as I find these theories, I think most people forget about what Kvothe says on Day 1: "'I've killed men and things that were more than men.
Caudicus), and he would most certainly deserve it. Every one of them deserved it.'". Through these interactions with her Kvothe develops a rapport that leads him to trust her enough to reveal to her the existence of Auri.
Now; a major plot point of the series thus far has been our main character attempting to learn the names of things, and trying to find the mysterious group of people that killed his parents and the troupe they traveled with. University studentScriv “Can you say why?” he asked curiously. I don't think Sim is in the line of succession for Vint, is he? He introduces the two after the Fishery incident so that Mola can inspect Auri for injuries. There are really only a handful of passages that imply Ambrose could potentially become King. “It’s because …” I trailed off, then shook my head. For the "prophecy" to be real he also has to trick a demon which i think could be related to Denna and Mr. Ash.
Gender Especially if you're different.
“I can’t eat a stone, can I?” “You’re right,” Fela said quickly. "I have a fair idea."
She shows him to Tomes, later she is at the desk with Ambrose and Kvothe disrupts Ambrose's attempts to force himself on her. I know I can’t eat a stone or walk through a wall. She is close friends with Fela and Devi and one of the few known students in the chronicle to have achieved the rank of El'the. I'm on board with both theories, Sim and Ambrose, both fit well, both could cause chaos, and both would weight on Kvothe mind a lot. In Old English, it’s meaning is much or many. That's the thing, Kvothe is called Kingkiller, but he doesn't need to do it with his own hands, maybe he did something that indirectly caused Sim death, and he blames himself so much that when people pointed out he was a Kingkiller he actually believe he is, so it's not his hands that kills, but he still feels responsible, that would fullfill all the quotes, Sim didn't deserve it, Kvothe didn't kill him with his hands, so it could fit. Field of study Kvothe could never have sex with his friends crush, Kvothe literally doesn't understand what sex is. Pale From most people's perspective, that usually takes sex off the table with anyone else.
Fela was just being a good friend to him and telling him this, not trying to be malicious, just when she said "you couldnt pay me enough to be with you" i must have taken differently the first time i read it. But why is it important? She was previously a scriv under Master Lorren. I agree with you pretty whole heartedly. I have the audio book so i can't provide great quotations from the book. Re'lar.
Kvothe first meets Fela in the University Archives as she is working the entrance desk. kingkiller and poetkiller is Kvoth killing the poet king. We quickly learn he has a penchant for naming things, whether he knows it or not. Re'lar Group information Notable member(s) Kvothe Fela Simmon Ambrose Fenton Devi (former) Purpose University rank Re'lar is the rank in the Arcanum above E'lir and below El'the. The betrayal is really hard to guess, Kvothe is a self-centered asshole, so anyone could betray him, and depending on the situation I wouldn't even blame then for it.
Fela Kingkiller.
Over the course of human existence, it has been named a chair. Fela initially sees him like you seem to expect, but gets to know him better while making the gram, and after Kvothe is shipwrecked. Fluffy stuff on your head? Throughout the series, Kvothe trusts Fela with some of the secrets that he only tells to some of his closest friends. She can effectively call the name of stone. Assuming the Angels appear in mortal guise then he could be Enlas or Lecelte (and Auri is Ordal). Lecherlodin. What about Aurie? I think she's the "demon" he tricks.
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