I'm not saying you haven't, I'm just saying for me, I was able to perform tasks quicker with a few tweaks. These demonstrate that the aliases are now equivalent to the source commands. In addition, you can filter the results of git log by date. Mainly what you will see in your Local Repository are all of your checkpoints or commits. … On my computer, I usually commit using `git gui` (and CLI for everything else).
Put linebreaks and fill-paragraph for the later lines? I also like "git branch -d @{-1}" to delete the previous branch, which can of course be aliased. Not git's fault, it uses your OS's EDITOR and VISUAL environmental vars (same thing you get when you run, for example, "crontab -e" and other utilities that want a visual editor). The command git commit --amend -m “commit-msg” where -m is a flag used for the commit message.
Comments are forever. I personally tend to write pretty short commit messages, I think any important info is better stored either in comments in the code or the module's documentation. Sometimes, in larger projects, the author of a commit may not necessarily be the one who pushes it to a repository, which is why these two flags exist. You could if you also have the output of git diff. You can combine this with any of the flags. While CLI users are reading article after article to discover hidden features of their tools, I'm using a GUI that makes those features obvious and streamlines actions to make my work go faster than any CLI user could possibly achieve outside of automating their workflow entirely. But I never use the -m flag. It will look like something in the image below if you don’t have anything in your Staging Area. I've been using bash for 30 years and never noticed that binding. Aliases save you the time and energy cost of typing frequently used commands. Our project is successfully pushed to the GitHub repository. I may add a bit of extra to it, in order to establish a technical context. Notice how git push is essentially the same as running git merge master from inside the git repository. > I tend to dump information like that in "// NB (my name, current date) tralala"-style comments. Seeing the files that a I'm about to actually commit in my $EDITOR saved me a lot of headache because I forgot to add a file or added one that shouldn't have been. HEAD. Your email address will not be published. I guess you can edit the command to read from STDIN, but that sounds much more cumbersome than passing -e: > Sure, but how would you format your message so the lines aren't longer than 80 chars? When viewing the commit history you can see we have two commits which is a bit confusing for the other developer when working with complex projects. Configuration names are dot delimited strings composed of a ‘section’ and a ‘key’ based on their hierarchy. I also read commit messages of forked repos, to keep informed of what's happening upstream. A string of commit messages on a branch saying, “add x”, “typo”, say a lot less than a single commit along the lines of “TICKET-XXX new feature”. In this example, the name is a child property of the user configuration block.
> Do people actually read commit messages? The –decorate flag allows you to see all the references (i.e. Yes, some of this info is probably in the ticket. Luckily, the git log command comes with a few flags you can use to format the output of the command. Imagine you developed a feature on a branch, then merged it into main. For e.g: If someone from your team made some changes in a file or created some file on a remote repository. To do so, we can use this command: The git log command returns a list of all commits made in a repository. The saved changes reflect in the .git directory. Why was this line added? I always use oneliners. Its cumbersome if you have to explain to colleges, who are working with code for longer then a few month, why you should just write proper git commits. We only need to specify the branch we want to see.
I typically just do the commit, then afterwards use `git commit --amend` to open the previous commit message in $EDITOR for updating. For anything other than personal projects where messages don't matter much, -m is an anti-patern. After creating the “service.txt” file you will add the file to staging area using git add “service.txt” command after that you will commit that file using git commit -m “added service page” command and after that, you will push that file on remote repository using git push origin master command. > If it has a task number like "fixes #1402" and you still have access to the issues, that's great. On github the commit messages and hashes on the left hand side indicate the last commit that touched those lines, and you can click on them to see the full commits, including changes made to other files. > I guess you can edit the command to read from STDIN.
[0] https://github.com/golang/go/commit/5779bb4e92911271583faa13... To the point that they're useless.
In the above image, you can see the new branch is added named ‘newsBranch’.
To make things interesting, you can combine this command with --oneline option you learned from above.
A good commit message can save a lot of work to your colleagues and even yourself in the future. This allows you to see how your projects have progressed, who has contributed to your project, and identify how and why changes have been made to your code. Do you have git integrated in your editor so you have git-blame-style commit messages next to your code? In particular I don't really see why editing text in vim is going to make you more or less likely to realize that you forgot to "tweak something or stage a change".
I used to use it like that but it was too much work to manage multiple repositories in such way especially if i didn't remember all changes I made. And at any rate as long as you haven't pushed anything it's trivial to rewrite the commit. If you have a merge conflict on the command line, you cannot push your local changes to GitHub until you resolve the merge conflict locally on your computer. A common use case for Git aliases is shortening the commit command. Notice that there is no space or equals sign between the -S flag and the quotation marks that we use to specify the content of the commit for which we are looking.
I'd say a message saying just "typos" is fine for a commit that fixes a bunch of quite obvious typos, for example. I found this on Stack Overflow: Oh man nice tip. I can operate the entirety of Windows with just a keyboard and most of XFCE on Linux. I think VSCode has that git plugin which is very popular but I can’t remember the name - gives great git log/blame interface.
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