terranigma font hack

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This hack changes the width font from 16×16 to 8×16.

Which are: Actraiser 2 (U) Canoe fix (CRC32: 4901F718; unheadered), Actraiser 2 (G) NTSC, region unlock, Canoe fix (CRC32: 630E16A1; unheadered), Illusion of Time (G) NTSC, Canoe fix (CRC32: 1A7C8541; unheadered), Robotrek (U) Canoe fix (CRC32: 7AD4AADC; unheadered), Tenchi Souzou (J) Canoe fix (CRC32: 3CC7FDF4; unheadered), Terranigma (E) 8x16 font, NTSC, Canoe fix (CRC32: 974523FF; unheadered), Terranigma (E) NTSC, Canoe fix (CRC32: 974523FF; unheadered), Terranigma (G) NTSC, Canoe fix (CRC32: FFC21CB9; unheadered), Terranigma (S) NTSC, Canoe fix (CRC32: 00E61534; unheadered).

Sign up for a new account in our community. You can use this hack to translate the game to another language or even for an English re-translation.
The old font is very wide and it’s very hard to read. Grüße,ich klau mal deinen #1 Post und mach hier den Release Post rein, da es ja auf deiner Idee basiert. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This uses mopoz's hack for the width of the letters.

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Seiken Densetsu II, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Lieblings-Charaktere: Terra & Shadow (FF 6), Tia & Dekar (Lufia), Carlie (Seiken III), Subaru (TMZ), Schala (CT). ミライアカリ mmd r18 model.

It’s also compatible with the “Terranigma 8×16″ font hack by MopoZ, together making for an optimal experience, though a little extra work is required. Can you put this on the list of featured posts /u/naisatoh? The old font is very wide and it’s very hard to read. The patch on this one is the best, as it's doing everything it says. Aber Danke schonmal. Terranigma - 8x16 Font Width v1.0 by MopoZ (Hack) [f1] (NTSC v1.0+Checksum by BFeely) Terranigma - 8x16 Font Width v1.0 by MopoZ (Hack) Terranigma by Krizal(Dsght) (Tenchi Souzou Hack)

Az gti オート ガイド. Wirklich ausgezeichnet! verstanden? Yup, there is. Es ist überragend, dass ein weiteres tolles Projekt das Licht der Welt erblicken darf. ゼノブレイド2 mmd ヒカリ. My old one missed the NTSC part as I made a mistake in the progress. I compared the checksums and it appears that you have the patch from /u/r9delta here. Excuse my slight ignorance, but i'm a little new to patching. (Das erste mal in 'nem Hack. Mess with the best and die like the rest! More SNES and SFC Games, Emuladores de NES y FC / Emulators of NES and Eines der besten SNES RPGs in neuem Gewand. 美咲font 8x8 下載. Request. Welche Version ist denn mit der VWF Version kompatibel? Thanks for the list! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the miniSNESmods community. Mal schaun wann ich dazu komme. Und was bringt dann der Unterschied zur ntsc Version? A black screen shows up.

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