antelope discrete 4 gearslutz

Better than UAD interfaces! Discrete 4 features the Antelope Audio premier real-time FPGA FX modeling iconic gear from BAE, Lang, Gyraf Audio and FET. How long have you worked for Antelope?

The Discrete 4 Synergy Core’s Accusonic 3D modeling engine lets you transform the Antelope Audio Edge and Verge modeling microphones into expensive-sounding vintage replicas.

Finally!!!! Antelope Audio’s Discrete 4 Microphone Preamp comes with 4 console grade 6-transistor discrete preamps, 121 db dynamic range conversion and rock solid clocking. It features 4 fully discrete microphone preamps... Antelope Discrete 4 Interface for $899 - Page 2 - Gearslutz All I can say is GAME CHANGER!

Clybourne - I only quoted the above post so you would be notified of my question: Can you confirm that using a 1/4” TRS cable into one of the mic/line inputs completely bypasses the preamp circuitry, and is not just a padded signal to bring it down to line level? The Antelope drivers work great for both mac and pc. I work with users daily and we now have over 10,000 interface customers. We do plan to talk about this aspect more soon.

Very curious about this new interface. Discrete 4 features the Antelope Audio premier real-time FPGA FX modeling iconic gear from BAE, Lang, Gyraf Audio and Grove Hill Audio. Is this a misprint or ? Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Hey everyone, when we are told that something is protected under NDA, and beta programmes very very often are, we act in good faith. It is pleasing that support and updates work very well. Finally!!!! However, since it seems that this has descended into an argument over what is or isn’t protected and the actual product is no longer being discussed, we think it’s best to just not discuss it at all on GS here so I am closing the thread. Offers more in/out connectivity and therefore more variability and a wider range of applications/setups/scenarios.

Thanks! I'll wait for some reviews. Whoever said the unhappy represents 10x the happy is another example of complete nonsense and readers should take caution in heeding advice as it is biased and mispresenting reality. Hey there! Because Edge has dual capsules, to perform polar pattern and off-axis modeling, you need to have 2 phase accurate (digitally controlled) mic preamps.

I see that Antelope is at it again.

BOOOO shame on you! And guess what? You might want to let Vintage King know that the chart at the bottom of that page that describes which interfaces come with which effects is not remotely close to being correct. Users can make up their own minds based on the info available which will stay up. We haven’t got time to scrutinise the actual agreements to decide whether or not it’s right, this works on trust.

You, and many others crying lose all credibility with posts like this. Full AFX included (16 vs. 2, unless you upgrade Discrete 4 to full version for more money) and Tour has Reamp outs and 10 analog outs vs. 6, along with 2x ADAT ins/outs vs. 1x for D4. If you want to only connect the front capsule, you can do that, but you won't have a proper model of the desired microphone. I did read the feature set and specs, but may have missed that. Better than Townsend & Slate virtual microphones! When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

1. This whole situation is not unique to antelope and social media has been used forever to publicly lash out against companies. Happy customers dont race to gearslutz to post about it. Nice first post. I was waiting forever for antelope to make a sub $1,000 audio interface!! When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Now...I am debating between the Antelope Audio Discrete 4...OR...the UAD Apollo Twin MKII Duo. Create a username and password below and an account will be created and your post entered. Any idea when they will be in stock? I must say I am a little confused, I want something small and portable so the Discrete 4 looks good, but then so does the Zen Tour, which will give me the best sound quality? What is wrong with you? 2. also what are the benefits of the Discrete preamps?. Things like proximity effect, off-axis, and polar patterns will be properly modeled when connecting two to matching level preamps. Maybe not compared to the UAD ones (as I suppose the UAD are better) but generally speaking compared to Waves etc.

Waiting for answers to these questions as well? Especially the 6 transistors pre. Can anybody speak to any issues working with a TB connected Antelope interface with Pro Tools.

I 've been in possession of this sound card for 6 months. Shape the final sound with complete control over proximity effect and change polar patterns during or after recording.

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