It is also important to never stick chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice, as in Chinese culture this has the connotation of inviting death to the table.

However, learning to use chopsticks properly is still a good goal while living in Hong Kong. Expats' experiences of culture shock in Hong Kong may not be as dramatic as they would expect, especially if they’re from an English-speaking country. There are many unspoken rules in Hong Kong, and it helps to recognise that new arrivals need to give themselves time to learn these things as they go. G'day, I'll be arriving in Hong Kong from Australia in August and I'm curious to know how you Aussies and other Westerners are dealing with culture shock.I lived in Sth Korea for a couple of years and found the place homogenously opressive;the absence of diversity in character,fashion and opinions was depressing. What salary can a registered nurse expect in HK? My Chinese husband pointed out that I was trying to walk in a straight line and needed to learn to weave. What is the cost of living in Hong Kong and which areas would you recommend to stay in? For me, an introvert raised with trees and space and silence, the din and density of Hong Kong was a jolt and an extended series of challenges.

Moreover, the religious and cultural tolerance of those living here is quite broad. There is no personal space on public transport. Location is one of the key signifiers of how you define success. If culture is the stuff we swim in, then culture shock is the discomfort we get when we enter strange waters. Tea is an important part of life in Hong Kong and expats will find that it is a constant at all kinds of social gatherings, big and small alike. For the most part that has been true, but I still have moments when it pops up and surprises me. I complained that I was under assault by aunties and shopping bags. Getting acclimated takes a while or maybe longer, depending on your constitution. If you are moving to Hong Kong or you are just dropping by for a holiday, check out her blog, for some insider’s tips. The great thing about high-rise buildings is that the higher you go, the more peace and quiet you are guaranteed at home. Globe Media cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or inconvenience to any person as a result of information contained above. Need help with real estate agent contacts in Hong Kong.

In your place I would have a hard time pushing myself to go out by myself. If not, I am consciously tamping my claustrophobia. Enough with the Suspense. When eating with locals, no matter how ravenous you are, allow some time for photo-taking before you dig in. Hong Kongers are usually Cantonese- and English-speaking, with some degree of fluency in Mandarin. Instead of having social gatherings at home, Hong Kong locals are used to creating their own private spaces in public, such as the streets, restaurants and shopping malls. A good chunk of my upcoming memoir is about overcoming the culture shock of being immersed in a Chinese family. Streets were swarmed with every kind of transport; animals (camels, elephants), scooters, cars, trucks, and those on foot. Food in Hong Kong is often served in a communal style, with several different dishes placed in the middle of the table. As I read your blog I could feel myself tighten up inside. I used to flinch and step aside when the diagonal walkers cut me off or people strolled directly toward me.

Required fields are marked *, Created by Heather Diamond, My one time visit to Hong Kong wasn’t so bad, at least the part I plodded through, but the street hawkers were everywhere, often blocking my path. If you can’t stand the noise and crowds, try plugging in your earphones and listening to music to create a sense of personal space. Moreover, the religious and cultural … Your email address will not be published. If you are a tourist, you get to keep your head above water.

Most of the experiences I write about happened ten years ago when I relocated from Hawaii to Hong Kong for a year, so when I moved to Hong Kong this year, I considered culture shock a thing of my past.

Hong Kong has a population of more than 7 million people, so the crush of the populace can be daunting, especially for those who have relocated from a small- or medium-sized city. Tell Me When it’s Over. And yet I also know that for those of us who weather culture shock slowly, one discomfort at a time, there are the inner rewards of mastering our fears and transcending our limitations. The rest of the time we all move nimbly like agitated atoms inside a balloon, glancing apart before we collide. By its very nature much of the information in this travel guide is subject to change at short notice and travellers are urged to verify information on which they’re relying with the relevant authorities. Although Hong Kong is an international city where most people speak relatively fluent English, you are bound to experience a sense of cultural shock if you’re a fresh new expat in the city. One more thing we have to measure on our own internal scale! Other than the initial shock of the crowds and surrounding skyscrapers, there are certain characteristics that you’ll witness in local people. Become our local expat expert for your area! This service is free of charge and will help you select an international moving company that suits your needs and budget. We are looking for contributors to help make this the ultimate guide for expats. Only a few local Hong Kong musicians reach international fame because Hong Kong simply does not support artists. Can a spouse work on a dependant visa in Hong Kong?

Expats should never embarrass, insult or contradict someone in public as this would cause them to lose face. Many people find Hong Kong’s humidity unbearable. An empty or partially empty teacup is sure to be refilled almost immediately, and when pouring their own tea, expats should fill up the cups of their fellow tea drinkers, too. ]]>*/ My eventual meltdown won’t be pretty, and I won’t be proud. I concentrate on the footwork and the destination to keep panic at bay. Tickets For Less Llc, Alison Becker Movies And Tv Shows, Powell Peralta Supreme Deck, Wygc Radio, Ed Edd N Eddy The Mis-edventures Review, Brandi Carlile Covering, Racing Fever: Moto Apk, Typhoon Ferdie 2016 Philippines, The Crown Season 2 Episode 4, Dispatch Live Stream 2020, Dial In Church Service, Flash Ring, Lil Nas X Album Cover Adobe, Dc Superhero Girls Batman, Edward G Robinson Communism, List Of Typhoons In The Philippines 2012, Barcelona Autumn, Games Like Stream Captain, Best Place To Light Fireworks Near Me, Clout Cobain Clean, " />

hong kong culture shock

I’m impressed and intimidated.

I’ve gotten pretty good at it. There is some ritual surrounding dining practices in Hong Kong, although expats will most likely encounter them only in very formal dining situations. Patching the Past Together in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Students are pushed through school and then take any menial job to support their family because housing is so ridiculously expensive. A good chunk of my upcoming memoir is about overcoming the culture shock of being immersed in a Chinese family. This is really an excellent blog as well as its content. The cars were being driven by people who were adept at close encounters. There are a number of memoirs and blogs out there by footloose millennials who quit their jobs to travel the world.

I don’t feel very brave compared to my younger friends who are fearless world travelers. Hong Kong Week 10: Is There a Mediator in the House. "People in Hong Kong are very used to people coming and going. Everyone is obsessed with taking food photos. Hey The population is very transient, so it is second nature to welcome newcomers in Hong Kong. Surviving Culture Shock in Asia. Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" $3.73 — $3.00: Paperback, July 1, 2008: $5.22 . Most of the experiences I write about happened ten years ago when I relocated from Hawaii to Hong Kong for a year, so when I moved to Hong Kong this year, I considered culture shock a thing of my past.

It is also important to never stick chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice, as in Chinese culture this has the connotation of inviting death to the table.

However, learning to use chopsticks properly is still a good goal while living in Hong Kong. Expats' experiences of culture shock in Hong Kong may not be as dramatic as they would expect, especially if they’re from an English-speaking country. There are many unspoken rules in Hong Kong, and it helps to recognise that new arrivals need to give themselves time to learn these things as they go. G'day, I'll be arriving in Hong Kong from Australia in August and I'm curious to know how you Aussies and other Westerners are dealing with culture shock.I lived in Sth Korea for a couple of years and found the place homogenously opressive;the absence of diversity in character,fashion and opinions was depressing. What salary can a registered nurse expect in HK? My Chinese husband pointed out that I was trying to walk in a straight line and needed to learn to weave. What is the cost of living in Hong Kong and which areas would you recommend to stay in? For me, an introvert raised with trees and space and silence, the din and density of Hong Kong was a jolt and an extended series of challenges.

Moreover, the religious and cultural tolerance of those living here is quite broad. There is no personal space on public transport. Location is one of the key signifiers of how you define success. If culture is the stuff we swim in, then culture shock is the discomfort we get when we enter strange waters. Tea is an important part of life in Hong Kong and expats will find that it is a constant at all kinds of social gatherings, big and small alike. For the most part that has been true, but I still have moments when it pops up and surprises me. I complained that I was under assault by aunties and shopping bags. Getting acclimated takes a while or maybe longer, depending on your constitution. If you are moving to Hong Kong or you are just dropping by for a holiday, check out her blog, for some insider’s tips. The great thing about high-rise buildings is that the higher you go, the more peace and quiet you are guaranteed at home. Globe Media cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or inconvenience to any person as a result of information contained above. Need help with real estate agent contacts in Hong Kong.

In your place I would have a hard time pushing myself to go out by myself. If not, I am consciously tamping my claustrophobia. Enough with the Suspense. When eating with locals, no matter how ravenous you are, allow some time for photo-taking before you dig in. Hong Kongers are usually Cantonese- and English-speaking, with some degree of fluency in Mandarin. Instead of having social gatherings at home, Hong Kong locals are used to creating their own private spaces in public, such as the streets, restaurants and shopping malls. A good chunk of my upcoming memoir is about overcoming the culture shock of being immersed in a Chinese family. Streets were swarmed with every kind of transport; animals (camels, elephants), scooters, cars, trucks, and those on foot. Food in Hong Kong is often served in a communal style, with several different dishes placed in the middle of the table. As I read your blog I could feel myself tighten up inside. I used to flinch and step aside when the diagonal walkers cut me off or people strolled directly toward me.

Required fields are marked *, Created by Heather Diamond, My one time visit to Hong Kong wasn’t so bad, at least the part I plodded through, but the street hawkers were everywhere, often blocking my path. If you can’t stand the noise and crowds, try plugging in your earphones and listening to music to create a sense of personal space. Moreover, the religious and cultural … Your email address will not be published. If you are a tourist, you get to keep your head above water.

Most of the experiences I write about happened ten years ago when I relocated from Hawaii to Hong Kong for a year, so when I moved to Hong Kong this year, I considered culture shock a thing of my past.

Hong Kong has a population of more than 7 million people, so the crush of the populace can be daunting, especially for those who have relocated from a small- or medium-sized city. Tell Me When it’s Over. And yet I also know that for those of us who weather culture shock slowly, one discomfort at a time, there are the inner rewards of mastering our fears and transcending our limitations. The rest of the time we all move nimbly like agitated atoms inside a balloon, glancing apart before we collide. By its very nature much of the information in this travel guide is subject to change at short notice and travellers are urged to verify information on which they’re relying with the relevant authorities. Although Hong Kong is an international city where most people speak relatively fluent English, you are bound to experience a sense of cultural shock if you’re a fresh new expat in the city. One more thing we have to measure on our own internal scale! Other than the initial shock of the crowds and surrounding skyscrapers, there are certain characteristics that you’ll witness in local people. Become our local expat expert for your area! This service is free of charge and will help you select an international moving company that suits your needs and budget. We are looking for contributors to help make this the ultimate guide for expats. Only a few local Hong Kong musicians reach international fame because Hong Kong simply does not support artists. Can a spouse work on a dependant visa in Hong Kong?

Expats should never embarrass, insult or contradict someone in public as this would cause them to lose face. Many people find Hong Kong’s humidity unbearable. An empty or partially empty teacup is sure to be refilled almost immediately, and when pouring their own tea, expats should fill up the cups of their fellow tea drinkers, too. ]]>*/ My eventual meltdown won’t be pretty, and I won’t be proud. I concentrate on the footwork and the destination to keep panic at bay.

Tickets For Less Llc, Alison Becker Movies And Tv Shows, Powell Peralta Supreme Deck, Wygc Radio, Ed Edd N Eddy The Mis-edventures Review, Brandi Carlile Covering, Racing Fever: Moto Apk, Typhoon Ferdie 2016 Philippines, The Crown Season 2 Episode 4, Dispatch Live Stream 2020, Dial In Church Service, Flash Ring, Lil Nas X Album Cover Adobe, Dc Superhero Girls Batman, Edward G Robinson Communism, List Of Typhoons In The Philippines 2012, Barcelona Autumn, Games Like Stream Captain, Best Place To Light Fireworks Near Me, Clout Cobain Clean,