Mario challenges Jeffy to be quiet for a day, and he will give him $10, later he says he'll give Jeffy $1,000 he is quiet for a week. Series:
Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures, Episodes where Brooklyn T. Guy doesn't appear, Episodes where Bowser Junior doesn't appear.
Polls have been archived. But then Mario tells Jeffy to be quiet, then he hits Jeffy with the horn Jeffy was playing. At 9:50 when Jeffy says "This is your hat, Daddy," his mouth doesn't move when he says the last two words.
What is your favorite Mario game?
When Mario is talking to Rosalina he says Jeffy has been quiet for 15 minutes, but a few minutes later Jeffy says he has been quiet for only 5.
The video ends with Mario saying he stuck his finger up his butt in the game.
Logan most likely broke his promise for no more "Mario Torture/Bad Jeffy" videos.
Mario can't find his hat and blames Jeffy.
See here for poll archive.
Logan and Lance react to The Quiet Game NEW SML VIDEO TOMORROW!
This most likely will be the first and only Jeffy Torture Mario video this year, and the last one ever. Mario just goes to pose for the cover because Rosalina needed him to with the paper hat on, thinking he's going to get fired.
Video Chronology Jeffy actually becomes quiet and remains quiet. This is the first SML video to use the new Jeffy pose in the thumbnail. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The video starts with Jeffy being loud.
He said this was going to be a better year. The picture of Mario on the front cover of "Super Mario: Smell my Finger" is from Mario Party 6. Upload date: January 2, 2017 Previous:
Jeffy's "sane side" once again makes an appearance because Jeffy actually knew he would get $1,000 if he stayed quiet, and he even paid attention and complained to Mario (whom he knew he meant it), but he proved that he was still retarded when he gave Mario a paper hat.
This is the first SML video and Movie of 2017, and the first to most likely start the new upload schedule of three videos a week: two SML Movies and one SML Short. Logan revealed in a reaction that when Jeffy did the zipper mouth closed movement,he was gonna add a zipper sound effect but didn't for unknown reason's. When Mario plays the game, Jeffy tells him to make someone smell his finger by pressing the Smell button.
"The Quiet Game!"
Mario calls Rosalina, gives her ideas about what to do, a… SuperMarioLogan Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. How To Save Princess Peach, The Black Yoshi Way? Part 1, Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! Jeffy actually becomes quiet and remains quiet.
Substitute Teacher! Black Yoshi's Call Of Duty Special Edition! Mario says some kid went in with $1,000 and gave them the idea, then thinking it was Jeffy. Next:
She says it was on the ground after it fell off Mario's head when he was hitting Jeffy with his recorder at the beginning of the video.
The video starts with Jeffy being loud. This is also the 6th video where Jeffy's thumbnail pose different than the other videos that feature Jeffy, mainly for what event is involved around Jeffy, the first is ". He asks Mario to pose for the game, and Mario agrees and says he will be there in 5 Minutes.
Big Ears! The game was called 'Super Mario: Smell my Finger!'. is the 266th episode of SML Movies, and the first SML video of 2017.
When he comes back, he finds that Rosalina has the hat.
Jeffy was wearing a helmet, so when Mario hit him with the recorder, there wouldn't have been an impact, but when Mario hit him, Jeffy cried anyway.
Jeffy's profanity rant is back, but many words are switched. SuperMarioLogan Nintendo's/Original Mario can be seen on the cover and the game, however, the Mario picture from Super Mario Run was edited and animated.
Video Information Jeffy F-bombs Mario, and Jeffy won't give Mario's hat until Mario pays the $1,000. Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever! Then Mario tells Jeffy to be quiet, then he hits Jeffy with the horn Jeffy was playing.
Part 2.
Mario says Nintendo accepted the paper hat.
Black Yoshi's Call Of Duty Modern Warfare!
During the recorder scene, Lance (voice of Jeffy) is actually playing a second recorder behind the scenes.!?oldid=455729.
Mario challenges Jeffy to be quiet for a day, and he will give him $10, later he says he'll give Jeffy $1,000 he is quiet for a week. He says to Mario that on the last level he has to stick his finger in his butt and make someone smell it. SML Movies Mario shows them a sample of the cover art. When Mario takes the recorder out of Jeffy's mouth, the noise is still heard.
However, this was probably due to the recorder also hitting Jeffy's face.
The Quiet Game!
Mario calls Rosalina, gives her ideas about what to do, and then... Goodman from Nintendo calls Mario about a new video game idea for a new console (Nintendo Switch).
He turns to Jeffy and Jeffy says it was him.
Mario gives Jeffy a free speaking pass and reveals that he wouldn't pay Jeffy in the 1st place. Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! SML Question:
Jeffy gives Mario a fake paper hat instead which has a D for Daddy on it.
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