Physicians assumed that they were shaking off a fever. According to Babbel, it originated in 16th century Europe to describe the unpleasant or musty smell of tobacco omnipresent at the time.
And at the same time, the English language is loaded with words that perfectly describe everyday things, but chances are that you don't use them because you never even knew they existed. While "adult" comes from the Latin verb adolescere, or "to grow up," the word "adultery" grows from the Latin verb adulterare, which means "to commit adultery" or "to corrupt.". Here are 40 wild word facts that will add flavor to your future conversations—and maybe even help lead your team to victory at your next trivia night.
Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! When you walk out of the house and run into your neighbor, feel free to call them a "qualtagh." It’s hard to believe that one of the most game-changing sitcoms to ever air on TV debuted 30 years ago. German miners who encountered cobalt were not fans of the metallic element. ", Not one to use a lot of technical jargon for something that could be described in more simple terms, Johnson called these reptiles "an animal resembling a serpent, with legs added to it.". As Merriam-Webster explains, it's derived from the Latin word for "with hanging ribbons. It's called "coffin birth," and can happen when a pregnant corpse releases gas while decomposing that expels the dead fetus out. But guess what? Mindy Cohn didn’t exactly have the acting bug when she was cast as Natalie. Here are some other awesome ones: Western Union = No Wire Unsent Clint Eastwood = Old West Action Astronomers = Moon starers, Where does the name "walrus" come from? He and his former wife Gloria Loring are credited alongside Al Burton. As such, when the metal was discovered in 1739 by Georg Brandt, it was named "kobold," which is the German word for "goblin.". The letter "Q" accounted for the smallest percentage—just 0.1962 percent of all letters. Explore 1000 Smart Quotes by authors including Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, and Richard P. Feynman at BrainyQuote. When Fields showed up to audition she was so overwhelmed, looking around, that she wanted to go home.
"It was not very wonderful that Catherine, who had nothing heroic about her, should prefer cricket, base-ball, riding on horseback, and running about the country at the age of fourteen, to books," the novel reads. Anemone and sea sponges also only have a single hole to eat and excrete through. When The Facts of Life first premiered in 1988, it paved the way for oh, so many series to come, while celebrating female friendships in fine form. It likely grew from the Old French word funkier, meaning "to blow smoke on.". But producers knew she was the girl for the role when she tackled tender scenes during her audition. Obsessed with travel? Here are 40 wild word facts that will add flavor to your future conversations—and maybe even help lead your team to victory at your next trivia night. But what about jamais vu? When the show first debuted, the cast was infinitely larger than the four girls featured throughout the rest of the series.
Meanwhile, McKeon came pretty close to landing the role of Monica, but she was eventually beat out by Courtney Cox. Sadly, cast members Mindy Cohn and Nancy McKeon had other plans and they chose to leave, which eventually halted another season. When The Facts of Life went dark on NBC after nine seasons (and several new premises), it was actually the longest-running sitcom in the network’s history. That is, of course, until now. Follow the BuzzFeed Community on. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
", Samuel Johnson, celebrated writer and pioneer of the English dictionary, was also famous for his appetite. Hundreds of thousands of people have been lost or purposely buried at sea. - Norman Cousins.
There is a parasite that destroys the tongue of a fish and then, The last person on Earth to have lived in the 19th century, There's a parasite in cat poop that can literally. Obviously, they went with some rewrites. We might not think of Jane Austen as a pioneer of sports coverage, but it turns out the celebrated author was one of the first writers to use the word "baseball" in their work. Tags: CTV Throwback george clooney The Facts of Life’ trending, 17 facts you probably didn’t know about ‘The Facts of Life’. The Online Etymology Dictionary explains that this common farewell comes from the 16th century English term "godbwye," which is shorthand for "God be with ye.". Given the show’s success, you can’t blame producers for wanting lightning to strike twice. According to NASA, it's derived from the latinization of the name of Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, one of the founding fathers of algebra. She was played by Geri Jewell, a comedian with cerebral palsy. It might seem counterintuitive—don't you need an ambulance when you can't walk to get emergency assistance?—but the word originally referred to the contraptions known as "walking hospitals.
The Troxler Effect is an optical illusion that affects how you perceive things, both visually and mentally. Mrs. Garrett certainly had an impact on the girls, but she also had an impact on production. A "contronym" is any word with two opposite and seemingly contradictory meanings. She was discovered by producer Norman Lear, who saw her perform at the Media Access Awards in 1980. But did you know the song was actually co-written by late Canadian actor (and popular TV dad) Alan Thicke? Cohn decided answering questions for TV people sounded better than going to class; little did she know it would lead to a career. According to Guinness World Records, this verb—and sometimes noun—has the most meanings of any English word, with 430 listed in the Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. This is the French term for the exact opposite phenomenon, in which something familiar feels foreign. Once upon a time spin-offs were all the rage, and The Facts of Life was no different. Additional reporting by Morgan Greenwald. The word, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, technically refers to a type of lung disease caused by silica dust.
Molly Ringwald, before her John Hughes days. Her mother convinced her to stay, and was even later cast herself as Tootie’s onscreen mom. Well, on Oxford University Press's blog, Podictionary host Charles Hodgson notes that it is derived from the Old English word horschwael, which literally translates to "horse whale." So Cohn volunteered and Whelchel asked not to be included in the episode. When it's Thursday and you're trying to remind someone of something that happened on Tuesday, you usually go with the clunky phrase "the day before yesterday." California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Many of the characters were named after people in her real life, including Natalie, who was named for one of her best friends. Death is not the greatest loss in life. When someone or something is a leader and innovator in their respective field, they're like a sheep leading the pack. According to Merriam-Webster, the word began being used to describe a trendsetter in the 13th century.
Smart refrigerators feature a touchscreen interface and ability to connect to the internet through Wi-Fi to provide a number of additional features. Translating to "never seen," it's a phenomenon that can be caused by medical issues like epilepsy. But writers quickly found there were too many people to write for, and it axed most of the cast after the first season. (As we all know, Jennifer Aniston got the part.) It's called Toxoplasma gondii, and it changes a rat's brain function to make them drawn to the smell of cat urine, making it easier for cats to find and catch the rat — literally leading the rat to its death.
Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Of course that’s now been topped by shows like Cheers, Frasier, Friends and Night Court, but it was a pretty impressive feat at the time. As the Online Etymology Dictionary notes, the word "quarantine" comes from the Italian words quarantina giorni, which literally translate to "space of 40 days." Hair and nails do not grow after death. According to Lexico, they are "uncopyrightable"—something that cannot be copyrighted—and "dermatoglyphics"—the study of skin markings. Before you dive into the world of Blair, Tootie, Natalie, Jo and Mrs. Garrett though, check out these ‘Facts’ that you probably didn’t know about the long-running show. Examples of contronyms are "cleave" (which can describe both the act of dividing something and an object adhering to a surface) and "sanction" (which can describe both a punishment for disobeying the law and permission to do something). According to Merriam-Webster, the name of this flightless bird comes from the Welsh words for "head" (pen) and "white" (gwyn). His definition of "lunch" had nothing to do with the time of day, but the amount of food eaten—specifically, "as much food as one's hand can hold. That’s why they investigated six (yes six) potential spinoffs, none of which actually wound up taking flight.
Emma Morano was born November 29, 1899, and died April 15, 2017. In the late 19th century, pharmaceutical company Bayer released a revolutionary over-the-counter drug that could allegedly help everything from sore throats to tuberculosis. Think that's cool? (You can read the whole thing yourself here and hear it pronounced here.). Merriam-Webster added this acronym for "too long; didn't read" to its dictionary in 2018. Translating to "the lizard," the phrase got blurred together over time with repetition, eventually becoming one vaguely Spanish-sounding word: alligator. McKeon’s tough girl character had some tough shoes to fill; she was originally created as a female version of Henry Winkler’s Fonzie character on Happy Days.
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