Thank you so very much Randy, greatly appreciate the honor, support and your kind words! : : 4. From my exposure to the phrase, I'd favor 15a, but the phrase in question is the example for 15b. 20% off all wall art! : : 14.b. The early or primary part of a period of time: the shank of the evening. Offer ends tonight at midnight EST. 2. a. : : 3. 5. Beautiful sunset, love the sky and the moon, great capture! AUD ($) A piece of material, such as metal, that is used to reinforce or shape this part of a shoe.
USD ($), Copyright © 2020 - All Rights Reserved.
The shank of the evening is the early part. A corresponding part in other vertebrates. - The dialect of Craven: in the West-Riding of the county of York, by William Carr, 1828. The latter or remaining part, especially of a period of time. a specific time period would be best such as 1950s or 1980s. How to use shank in a sentence. shank of the evening - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. I've never heard anyone speak it. It is with great pleasure that I announce to you a big congratulations for this chosen piece of your artwork to be on special display on the homepage of our community of friends and fine artists, in our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. : : 6. - The dialect of Craven: in the West-Riding of the county of York, by William Carr, 1828 =unquote= The part of a tool, such as a drill, that connects the functioning head to the handle. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … I appreciate your activity in our group and want to thank you so much for being an active participant in helping promote other fine artists within the group. Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive deals, discount codes, and more. The photograph may be purchased as wall art, home decor, apparel, phone cases, greeting cards, and more. Love it. Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day! The “shank” of “the shank of the evening” is a more figurative use, but, as I said, opinions vary on what it means. is right. : : Well, I'm confused. (Also written as "shanks' mare.")
Shank Of The Evening is a photograph by Tami Quigley which was uploaded on July 16th, 2020. : : 14.a. 3.
It’s the shank of the evening! : : 12.b. : : 10. A cut of meat from the leg of a steer, calf, sheep, or lamb. Confused. All Free. The stem of an anchor. This phrase typically suggests that the night is far from over, shank being an old word... more, Photograph - Photography ~ Digitally Enhanced. : is wrong. A leg or leglike part.
: : 5. Today only! The shank of the evening is the early part. : : 2a. l/f/Tw. Shank definition is - the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle in humans or the corresponding part in various other vertebrates. Wunderbar!
The part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
The phrase first appeared in print in 1828, and “shank” in this sense is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “The latter end or part of anything: the remainder or last part of a thing.” But it chiefly took off as US English (I've never heard it in the UK). l/f. Looking at Google Books, you can find it first documented in the early 1800s as Yorkshire dialect: SHANK, " The shank of the evening," twilight, the dusk of the evening. But as the Dictionary of American Regional English notes, in the South, evening is considered “the time between late afternoon and dusk.” The lyrics “In the shank of the night, When the doins’ are right Well you can tell ‘em I’ll be there …” are part of “In the Cool, Cool, Cool of The Evening,” music by Hoagy Carmichael & lyrics by Johnny Mercer, 1951 It’s the shank of the evening as the moon is illuminated by the last hues of the setting summer sun as the sky segues to twilight on July 1, 2020 at Trexler Memorial Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania. The only place I've ever seen it written is in a novel from the late 1950s. You can google it for a definiton. Thanks so very much John, greatly appreciated! A stem, stalk, or similar part. The narrow section of the handle of a spoon. The long narrow part of a nail or pin.
: : 12.a.
Great image Tami, I can picture this enlarged huge on a business wall, l/f. GBP (£) The whole leg of a human. Currency: USD ($) When someone suddenly comes so close to you. : : 15. a.
According to, shank has a lot of definitions, of which 15 a & b are most relevant:: : shank n.: : 1.a. Means "it's still early". b.
EUR (€) : : So as you can see, 15 a & b contradict each other. I just love the phrase “shank of the evening,” and was very happy to take a photo that showcases it! A cut of meat from the leg of a steer, calf, sheep, or lamb. : is wrong.
Looking at Google Books, you can find it first documented in the early 1800s as Yorkshire dialect: =quote= SHANK, " The shank of the evening," twilight, the dusk of the evening. The hour before dark is a sacred time in my day.
It’s the shank of the evening! WOW, this is a gorgeous evening image Tami. Like this video? A leg or leglike part. Taken from Frank Sinatra (Academy Award Winners) album, writers Mercer / Carmichael, hope you like no copyright infringement is intended
All products are produced on-demand and shipped worldwide within 2 - 3 business days. Thanks for your participation in our family of friends and fine artists in our WFS group. Just love that sky, Tami, lovely piece.... Enchanting silhouette and warm light in the sky Tami! Nautical. One good turn deserves another. 6. SS, Oops! : : 9. In the cool, cool, cool of the evening Tell 'em I'll be there In the cool, cool, cool of the evening Save your pappy a chair When the party's getting a glow on And singin' fills the air In the shank of the night When the doin's are right Well you can tell em I'll be there Shank of the Evening >> There are about 15 minutes at the end of the day when colors turn brilliant from the low angle of the sun - the golden time. In Reply to: Shank of the evening posted by Smokey Stover on July 16, 2005. : : : What is meant by the phrase, "shank of the evening" and what are the origins? The part of the human leg between the knee and ankle. I don't know what to tell you. Printing. Wonderful silhouette and magical sky - fantastic photo, dear Tami! Usually in turn, such promotions bring promotions of your artwork into perspective and are featured on our homepage. A reference to the shank—the lower leg between the knee and the ankle—and the use of ponies or horses for travel. But when is that, exactly? So nice of you to say Steve, thanks so very much! I don't know what to tell you. : : 11. A stem, stalk, or similar part. The shaft of a key. : : 15. b. : : 13. L/f, Fantastic sunset, color and presentation, Tami F/L, This is my kind of sky, Tami...such beautiful colors...f/l, Wonderful colors! shank (shăngk) n. 1. a.
l/f, Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!". It means early evening: twilight and just after. What is "proverbial mirror" in this paragraph. What does "the slightest blip in their fortunes" mean here? Many thanks Janis Vaiba for the feature in Just Perfect, much appreciated! A corresponding part in other vertebrates.
The whole leg of a human.
It means early evening: twilight and just after. Trump threatens to send in lawyers after election ends, Iconic restaurant chain files for bankruptcy, Actor Eddie Hassell dies at 30 after being shot in Texas, Raiders player hospitalized after pregame IV mishap, Cindy McCain reveals 'final straw' with Trump, Chauvinism driving Black men to vote for Trump: Ex-NAACP head, U.K. court rules against Johnny Depp in libel action, Ravens star injured days after record contract, DOJ alums: Trump reelection could be 'point of no return', Terry Bradshaw helps stranger in viral video, Video altered to make it look like Biden made state error. by shank's mare By one's legs and feet, used for walking; traveling by foot. where is my AMG word study dictionary stored in E-Sword? Viewed 901 Times - Last Visitor from San Francisco, CA on 11/02/2020 at 2:11 PM, Add This Artwork to Your Favorites Collection, Simply beautiful Tami, wonderful colours! l/f/t. See tang. Shank Of The Evening is a photograph by Tami Quigley which was uploaded on July 16th, 2020.
JPY (¥) The golden time means more to me than it ever did. Your quality, definition, character, and variation in your works bring about a visual pleasure to view and share with others.
Beautiful sunset color and composition Tami!...L/T. CAD ($) Get your answers by asking now. : : b. The long shaft of a fishhook. : : So as you can see, 15 a & b contradict each other. : : 8 The part of a tobacco pipe between the bowl and stem. But when is that, exactly? From my exposure to the phrase, I'd favor 15a, but the phrase in question is the example for 15b.
The narrow part of the sole of a shoe under the instep. : : b. Artists tend to love this time of the day for its saturated colors. The long narrow part of a nail or pin. 4.
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'evening shank the of' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. b. The section of a body of type between the shoulder and the foot. The early or primary part of a period of time: the shank of the evening. 19.4k Likes, 61 Comments - Marisa Tomei (@marisatomei) on Instagram: “Shank of the evening .. ” SS. This phrase typically suggests that the night is far from over, shank being an old word for something, straight, or the tail end of something. : : 7. Lovely silhouette! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Still have questions? What would you say: "Can you please move a little bit backward" Or "Can you ple..." ? A projection, such as a ring, on the back of a button by which it is sewn to cloth. Most beautiful evening sky, fabulous work, Tami!
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