He wants his relationship to mirror his grandparents and to share the love they had for each other with his wife. 03-21-2013 by. clip proclaims in its opening, an elderly couple look back on a "Mirrors" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Justin Timberlake for his third studio album, The 20/20 Experience (2013). Song Meanings and Facts © 2020. (2013). Retrieved from http://ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login?url=http://go.galegroup.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=psucic&v=2.1&it=aboutBook&id=GALE|4PCA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuZE_IRwLNI, http://ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login?url=http://go.galegroup.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=psucic&v=2.1&it=aboutBook&id=GALE|4PCA. 2011, Justin and Jessica split briefly after dating for over four years. That we’re making And I can’t help but notice It’s like you’re my mirror
div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. Have news, pics or video on a breaking news story? Hmmm, There is one scene where the couple is in the fun house could be symbolizing the young woman’s repressed anxieties wanting to come out. The first half of the music video of the elderly woman remembering her husband is hinting to the viewer that, that’s how she feels her husband close to her. Some of the lyrics acknowledging that once the husband has passed, there will be this huge hole in her heart, but to not fear because they are there with them. “For William and Sadie”, as the clip proclaims in its opening, an elderly couple look back on a lifetime spent together, where they know … This is just like every other woman there; if the viewer looks closely they see that the women are just sitting at tables off to the side watching the men play pool. Women were not able to show emotions or talk about their feelings; they were supposed to be in the kitchen, caring for the children and must support their husbands. Get "Mirrors" on MP3: Get MP3 from Amazon. Two reflections into one He cherishes the love they had and how they became one soul and he is looking for that same thing. Cause your shine is somethin’ like a mirror
This song is basically trying to say whenever you miss me I'm like right on the other side cause you are my other half and I'm incomplete without you. And now it’s clear as this promise (function() { If one ever starts forgetting about that special person, they should look in the past and remember everything about them, every small detail. What do you think this song is about? From the 20/20 experience album. If you haven't seen it, here's the vid link, The song mean how there like compatible and love each other. document.write('
At the end of the music video Timberlake is dancing in a room full of mirrors, this woman is dancing on the opposite side of the mirror symbolizes what he is thinking about how he wants to have a love like his grandparents. If you ever feel alone and You're not alone, Fox ratchets up parenting spat with estranged husband, Chauvinism driving Black men to vote for Trump: Ex-NAACP head, Boxer's heinous accusations point to larger issue, Cindy McCain reveals 'final straw' with Trump, Video altered to make it look like Biden made state error. Coinciding Also the psychoanalysis theory and feminism will be applied to the song. In the clips where she is at her home, the viewer sees the shadow of the husband mirroring her movements. In the past it feels like one’s loved one is still with them at heart. 2. First conceived in 2009, the track was inspired by his relationship to Jessica Biel and the marriage of his grandparents. The music video was directed by Floria Sigismondi[18] and saw its world premiere as the highlight of an hour-long special on The CW in celebration of The 20/20 Experience's release Timberlake dedicated the music video to his grandparents William and Sadie. Lyrics to 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake. Timberlake is looking for the love his grandparents had for each other.
And I think the ring dropping from the old woman's hand into Justin's hand, and Justin dancing thru the "fun time" of the elderly couples relationship is like Justin's saying that's where his relationship is at, and now its his turn to follow his grandparent's example for the long-run.". If you go to Justin's official site you can see some behind-the-scenes content from The 20/20 Experience. The lyrics are portraying such this strong bond between two lovers. Justin Timberlake: Mirrors Meaning. Song Released: 2013. And also that when you're with someone a really long time, you know each other so well that "its like your my mirror"!! the second single off the record, “Mirrors”, which It feels to her like she is reliving the happiest days of her life when he was alive no matter what happened. After this occurrence he hands the girl a book with no cover, and she kisses him as a thank you and they both are happy. I’m lookin’ right at the other half of me In this album the song Mirrors has been nominated multiple times for awards and even won few times. Maybe Justin wrote the song expressing how he saw his grandparents relationship with each other.
We appreciate you contacting us. Psychoanalytic theory (psychoanalytical theory). lifetime spent together, where they know each other so well and are Weight Loss, Prince Charles' Wife Camilla Is Still Heavily Blamed for Him Cheating on Princess Diana, Here’s What ‘The Mandalorian’s Mysterious New Character Means for Season 2, NCIS: Los Angeles: Kayla Smith Set to Recur as LL Cool J's TV Daughter, These Sites Are Delivering Booze for Your Election Night Parties (or Post-Election Blues), Merrell Becomes First Outdoor Brand to Sell Mixed-Size Pairs of Shoes With Zappos. According to the Dictionary of Media and Communications, psychoanalytic means, “unconscious and repressed desires and anxieties could be revealed by skillful interpretation of the symbolism and imagery in dreams” (Charles, D &Munday R.). The elderly woman is in a dream state where she is remembering how she met her husband, all the good and bad the times that made them an amazing couple. Mirrors Lyrics. In the video it shows an elderly woman remembering how she met her husband, and showing all the ups and down the relationship had but how she still stuck with him.
Song MeaningEveryday he looks at the mirror he sees what the love of his life saw. It is showing that one person can be so in love with their spouse that they become the same person.
In an audio clip posted on his website, JT revealed that the love song “Mirrors” is dedicated to his wife, Jessica Biel. It will first give background about the artist and how the song was successful. I can see you lookin’ back at me But the video does not only show the good side of a relationship but also the ugly side of love. The first time the young woman sees the young man she is sitting by a jukebox against the wall showing that she is like an object near the wall.
Do you like “Mirrors” even more now, HollywoodLifers? All Rights Reserved. It is telling that he has passed away and she misses him.
I see truth somewhere in your eyes What do you think this song is about? Trump threatens to send in lawyers after election ends, Iconic restaurant chain files for bankruptcy, Actor Eddie Hassell dies at 30 after being shot in Texas. It's a balance between what he wants to me and what is actually is. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Mirrors Lyrics. Cause it doesn’t seem really as simple Justin Timberlake is, historically, no What happens if the U.S. election is contested? He sees what people he has disapointed have seen. It is an eight-minute-long mid-tempo Pop and R&B ballad. What does Mirrors mean? Baby, keep your eyes on me, Baby, you’re the inspiration of this precious song © Copyright 2020 HollywoodLife, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. That’s how she can feel him in her soul by remember how they met and the ups and down in their relationship but most important that they stuck together through it all. Said Timberlake: "It's definitely a special song for me. You were right here all along Love stories You just gotta be strong, Cause I don’t wanna lose you now Women were viewed as a man’s property; they had no rights to anything. the personal story in a new direction.
While he didn't mention her by name, Timberlake insinuated in an audio clip posted on his website that the song is about his wife, the actress Jessica Biel, whom he married a few months earlier. also includes an extended epilogue sequence wherein Justin finds Aren't you somethin' to admire Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror And I can't help but notice You reflect in this heart of mine
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