Jack shivers from the cold and then comes up with a plan, he wraps himself in the Shroud of Shadows so she cannot see him and he can be a little warm, he then pulls out the Third Arm Sash and sneakily grabs Morbucks and forces her face into the snow, then he pulls out the Fist of Tebijong and punches her when she is in the snow repeatively but with no damage to her, he backs up screaming as she flies back and blasts her with all her might, accidently blowing him complety up). Jack: Do you really think this is over, I really do need that crystal so give me it and I can be on my merry way. Morbucks Manor, Townsville. Wuya: Yes Jack, with this new power source we rid ourselves of those pests and take over the planet. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Another claw one rolls up to her and she does the same thing but kills another one, she keeps the claw in the situation that she needs.
Villain' Themed Death Battles, 'Battle of the Genders' themed Death Battles, https://deathbattlefanon.fandom.com/wiki/Jack_Spicer_vs_Princess_Morbuck?oldid=1375794. It was love at first sight because they were both rich super criminals.
Gogeta: But her true equipment comes in the form of her power suit she uses to face the PowerPuff Girls. Cart. Gogeta: I mean when you can do an entire DBZ like fight in this suit against the girls I guess it is pretty impressive. She is one of the The Powerpuff Girls' archenemies. As her name implies, Morbucks is very wealthy, but cannot buy one thing she wants, desperately, i.e., to be a Powerpuff girl. Morbucks: More of these, come on what do you think will happen. 51 Tracks. A Jack Bot shoots a laser but she blocks it with her shield and then kicks that Jack Bot. If not, Princess throws a bratty tantrum for it. Princess was struck by black light, which makes her eyes, hair, and socks change.
Princess has dark red hair in curly poofs on two sides of her head, freckles, and is about the same height as the Powerpuff Girls. Gogeta: Suprisingly he solved it, and brought out Wuya having her wreak havok in the world but there was one slight defect, she was a damn ghost so she couldn't physically touch anything so she started an alliance with the red head kid to take over the world.
Unlike the original cartoon series, both of her parents' faces are shown and her mother is alive and around. morbucks. In the opening intro, Princess wears white boots instead of black boots and is also seen without her tights or gloves. Wuya: Yesssssssss, let me look at it, wow it has a lot of power stored in it. She mostly wears a yellow dress with a jeweled ruby tiara, white tights, a black belt, black boots, and black gauntlets, all to mimic the looks of the Powerpuff Girls, much to their dismay, and instead of trying to fly through the sky the same way the Girls do, she utilizes a jetpack. Her powers are used based on her wants to be recognized by people. We Thinkers, Powerpuff Girls, And 16 Hudson, https://ppgfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Chicken_Queen?oldid=5217.
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