birthday wish

Receive your luck today it’s your birthday. Hope you have the great new pages. Success comes for a grounded head and you are an exact example of it.

Silence is the ‘silent’ opportunity and being vocal is the ‘violent’ opportunity, choose the right one for you. Wishing you a day filled with love and cheer. Happy birthday dear! Now the most common milestone birthdays are ages that are turning points in someone’s life. You may not meet a family member, your parents, friends or distant relatives for years.

However, it’s hard, I know, and that is why we are here for! A bad day could be a good reason for a new beginning. Count the wishes and all the cheers.

It’s not my fault for forgetting your Birthday; it’s just my memory that weakens year after year. Don’t ever change. I hope that your birthday is as happy as a chimpanzee without pants! Enjoy! Today is a big start.( 誕生日おめでとう!あなたの人生の新しい偉大な1ページになりますように。今日こそが大きなスタートです。 ), Happy birthday!

To my sweetest darling, you have thrown your enough tantrums on me and now you are growing old so it’s my time to show some tantrums. I wish you a wonderful day and may all your wishes come true. Happy birthday to the person who completes me. Have a super special day! We have done all the dirty work for you, and we at this moment present to you, the best wishes on the internet! Some people say ‘My how time flies when you are having fun.’ I prefer ‘My how flies have fun when you have time.’ Hope your birthday is fun.

You’re only as old as you believe you are. Today, as you enter the life of an adult, you should be prepared to explore all the new doors that have opened for you. Find the best messages and cards for every occasion. I wish that someday you find someone who loves you the way I love you, my best friend, and then I will be happy because you will be. Thus, it’s only natural for someone as special as you, to have an even more special of a day! It’s a complicated formula. There are so many things about our friendship that I love. Remember to have tons of fun.

Happy birthday to my funniest person, I love you! Love is a beautiful part of life, and we need to cherish and celebrate it as often as we can.

Loads of love!

You made the trip around the sun one more time. Likewise, before you go, don't feel constrained to simply utilizing these birthday cites for cards. Let’s get your pen rolling, choose the best and wise set of words! I have always imagined so much to tell on your special day but couldn’t ever find right words and I just end up saying ‘I love you’ and happiest birthday! Celebrating a birthday is unique. Happy Birthday! Happy birthday, keep inspiring us! More important than anything else are the wishes or sayings that you send. I am the genie of wishes. Some people seem young and feel old. Thank you for being my friend.

A year full of love.( 誕生日おめでとう。あなたの幸せを常に願っています。愛にあふれた一年を。 ), Happy birthday. I wish you a wonderful birthday. You want this wish to be perfect in every sense of the way, so that the other person feels unique, and knows that you care about him/her. I'm on beside of you.( 誕生日おめでとう!あなたのこれからの人生が幸せでいっぱいになるよう祈っています。私がそばにいるからね。 ), Happy birthday! To all my dearest friends you are invited to the party which never ends because it’s my best friend’s birthday. Think positive. It's a day that solitary comes around once per year, and hence it should be a vital one. A celebration isn’t complete without some reflection and introspection. Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating another year of your life! Wishing you a very happy birthday dear, hope you enjoy your beautiful day! For example, the date where. You are a beautiful person. It’s your birthday, and you’re still just as beautiful, genuine and kind as the day I met you. Once the boss always the boss, you have certainly made me feel that I am head over heels in love with you. Some people forget to post any wishes. Every single day, you amaze me at your ability to make the sun shine through every cloud. You have absolutely no idea how much you have done for everyone around you. You want to express a true sentiment that honors the person in some way. I genuinely feel as if I can let my hair down when I’m with you. Make your heaven right here. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.

May your special day bring you an extra share of everything that makes you the happiest in the world. Happy Bday!

Live your life intensely, but not in a dull manner and don’t worry about being right. I like who you are. Many people post messages without the right intentions or emotions. Hope you love your new age. I love you, my dear friend, and I am so excited to share your special day with you.

I’ve done that age. It is human nature to make mistakes, and that what forgetting your birthday was a mistake. I can’t wait to party it up with you! If candle blowing were an Olympic sport, you would win a gold medal.

We want to provide you with the best life we can, no matter the cost. Happy birthday sweetheart, hope to celebrate your big day. Moreover, correct me if I’m wrong, but most likely, someone you know is experiencing that feeling right now. Happy Birthday. Happy birthday sweetheart, stay strong and keep inspiring!

Welcome to another chapter of your life.

Birthday Messages to the Beloved Matters of the heart are always a priority. Happy Bday! Loads of love and blessings! All the smiles and laughs you have wholeheartedly shared with everyone truly is a reason to thank you. Love you! May you be blessed with total freedom, peace, success, and security this year!

You are the reason that most of us still believe in miracles, because of you! I wish you the same mom forever and always.

Wish you have a happy day and a nice year.( 誕生日おめでとう!幸せな一日と素敵な一年を送れるよう祈っています。 ), Happy birthday to you! Not a battle for your life.

We all have a glass of water in our hands. I’ll bet that you can’t count your birthdays on the other. Browse our wonderful collection of more than one thousand unique birthday wishes with images!

Remember that time when we had a beer for the first time for your birthday? The advantage of old age is that you get to spread your love to many others.

Happy birthday to you, wishing you an amazing golf game and wine for your celebration. You are my inspiration, my love. 1000+ Unique Birthday Wishes To Inspire You by WishesQuotes

You have the cutest smile ever, your laugh makes me happy. In the days of happiness and sadness what always comes around is the bond of us; I am blessed to have a great friend like you.

Don’t worry about getting old because you are so cute that you still like 10 years old. Happy birthday, darling! Hey there! Birthday celebrations are intended to be brimming with laughter and cheer. I’m so glad you were born. The content, emotion, structure, and words of your message are the most crucial element in a birthday wish. Here’s to hoping all of your wishes will come true once you blow out those candles. May your lucky stars continue to shine and make all of your dreams come true.

Parties and celebrations are just the part of you being all young and fabulous all over again. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday, and I hope you have the best day ever. Moreover, for that, I sincerely thank you. No matter how many they come around, it should always be faced cheerfully and fearlessly. Happy Birthday! Age is a state of being. Birthday greetings may be formal, humorous or lighthearted, depending on your relationship with the celebrant and the message you wish to convey. To world’s cutest mom, I have never told you enough that how much you meant to me and how much I love you but it’s your birthday mom, happiest birthday to you! Your birthday comes around every 365 days. Sending a bag full of chocolates and bottle filled with love and messages. You get to do whatever you want; it’s your day! May the good things that happened to you last year become the worst things that will happen to you this year. Nevertheless, I’d still like to hope that your birthday was amazing and to wish you happy birthday now if it still counts. ( 誕生日おめでとう!幸せな一日と素敵な一年を送れるよう祈っています。 ) Happy birthday to you!

The ingredients of success needed are a killing cast, a remarkable plot and an unflinching director. Have a Happy Birthday! A great friend and a happy birthday: that’s what you are, and that’s what I wish for you. Let’s keep it going. Enjoy your wonderful day and celebrate it. You are always there to carry me through my times of trouble. Eat lots of cake. If you can stay young while all those around you are getting older, you have become a pretty good liar. You are growing older and you will soon start forgetting things the first thing I remember is we have to party and the other two I forgot. This offer expires at midnight. It’s your birthday today!

A friend is someone who knows your past and still loves you.

It doesn’t take much effort to send a card. I want to send my sincerest apologies for missing your birthday, but it was next to impossible for me to attend that day. Happy Birthday, Butterfly. Happy birthday to the person who always spread love. Let the number of years you have lived not be a reminder of how old you are, but a medal of everything you have been through in life. We have been best friends since forever. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found a friend like you. I don’t want you to grown old because if you did we won’t be allowed to use “swings” in the park. Happy birthday to the person who brings best in me. At the point when the visitor of respect opens their birthday card from you, you'll know why they can't quit grinning. I would like you to know, that the day you decided to join us, you have made this company a better place.

Every moment of life we are growing old and by old does not mean you will need a stick to walk now, I hope you stand on your own one day. Happy Birthday! Let this new year of your life be unique, full of precious moments, bright emotions, full of happiness and joy! You know you have lived a lot when you need both hands to count the decades you have lived for! My happily ever after starts from you and ends at you my love, I wish you a very happy birthday my soul mate, stay the same as you are! Let your wings open and fly, you don’t have to be shy, trust me you are capable and don’t ask why, your happiness makes me cry. Just wanted to say that I do wish you a very Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart. Happy birthday cutie! Age is just a number. ‘Happy birthday’ wish them with lot of laughter! It is fun. Happiness is not a reward; it is your gift. It is not the number of years we count on our birthdays. If the general wishes don’t apply to you, and you want something more unique and personalized, then my next best bet is that you are looking for a birthday message for a friend of yours, maybe an even best friend. Remember that a new beginning is always welcoming. A birthday is a most special day in one’s life. Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin right after your birthday party. They say that you can count your real friends on the one hand. May the best of your past be the worst of your future.

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