[32], Ford won a 2016 Saturn Award for Best Actor for his performance in The Force Awakens. Back to the main plot, the Jedi Knights are able to sneak out of their captivity and elicit the help of other allies in order to help the Killiks fight the Chiss. He is voiced by Keith Ferguson.
It includes an animated segment, where Ford voices an animated Han Solo. Han then reunites with Leia and Luke on Endor to celebrate the defeat of the Empire. Highest Rated: Han rides out alone into the frozen Hoth wastelands, soon finding Luke near death from exposure. Han returns to base while Luke decides to investigate.
Realizing that Ben wasn't lying about the gelmeat, Mara rushes to her son's room and fights the Killik infiltrator. The theft is a success partly thanks to Han piloting the ship through a dangerous uncharted route, but Han and Qi'ra become sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance, who are trying to prevent the syndicates and the Galactic Empire from gaining greater domination over the galaxy. After delivering Luke, Leia, C-3PO, and R2-D2 to the Rebel Alliance, Han and Chewbacca receive a payment for their services and prepare to leave.
However, Lando Calrissian points out that Wyldstyle is a pretty girl, and it is clear Lando has fallen for her. Hometown Saba is injured thanks to Welk and a couple of his blue-black Killik assistants, and she is knocked into a coma as a result. The character first appeared in the 1977 film Star Wars portrayed by Harrison Ford, who reprised his role in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983).
Role inThe LEGO Movie Ren tells Han that he knows what he should do, but that he doesn't have the strength to do it, and asks Han to help him.
In addition to the character being hailed as one of cinema's greatest heroes, Harrison Ford's performances in the franchise have received significant acclaim from critics and fans. Just as they discuss about Batman being "blind" and "a bad partner", the Dark Knight suddenly reappears behind Emmet with the hyperdrive. He also voices many characters in some popular animated television shows including Deputy Durland from Gravity Falls and Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. The Chiss return Lowbacca back to the Jedi, and UnuThul separates his fellow Knights from the rest of the Killik hive mind, their purpose in defending the Colony now over. This leaves Wyldstyle heartbroken and Emmet disappointed. Starkiller - The Jedi Bendu Script Site. Corellia Affiliation ... there's something else pushing [him]." Formbi explains that the war between the Killiks and the Chiss goes beyond that of the border conflict, and was even somewhat responsible for the plot against the Fel family back in Force Heretic II: Refugee. Keith Ferguson. Han and Leia fall in love during the long journey. Luke attempts a rescue operation aided by Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and a repentant Lando, but they are caught.
After this happens, an envoy from the Chiss Ascendancy, Mitt'swe'kleoni (Tswek for short), comes to the Jedi Masters' Council on Coruscant to file a complaint. [13] Lucas also used Humphrey Bogart as a point of reference in his development notes. He is perhaps best known for his roles as Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Basch fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII, Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts, Lord Hater from Wander Over Yonder, Lord Saladin from Destiny and Destiny 2 and Reaper from Overwatch. [36], Character from the original Star Wars universe, Adopted mother of Leia Organa, as established in, The Star Wars by George Lucas - Rough draft. Keith Ferguson as Han Solo Catherine Taber as Princess Leia Paget Brewster as Mara Jade Skywalker Janet Varney as Jaina Solo Cary Elwes as Jacen Solo Lloyd Floyd as Ben Skywalker Anthony Daniels as C-3PO Frank Welker as Gorog/Killik Mastermind Freddie Prinze Jr. as Jagged Fel Jennifer Hale as Alema Rar Peter Stormare as Captain Jae Juun A year later, Han, still imprisoned in carbonite, is Jabba's favorite decoration at his palace on Tatooine. The Skywalkers, Solos, and Saba all meet up with Captain Jae Juun and his rude copilot Tarfang, who agree to take the group to the planet Yoggoy, where they will be able to find the Jedi Knights. | Meanwhile, Luke looks into R2-D2's systems in order to find out what the cause of the strange malfunctions that the astromech droid has been suffering. He tries to blackmail them into taking him with them, but Beckett has him arrested for desertion and thrown into a pit to be fed to a beast – a Wookiee named Chewbacca. The Space Slug then emerges and swallows the Falcon. In addition he becomes romantic with Leia Organa, with whom he fathers Ben Solo, who later becomes the villain Kylo Ren. Keith James Ferguson ... there's something else pushing [him]. Mythologist Joseph Campbell said of Han, "He thinks he's an egoist; but he really isn't.
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Vos sends his guards to kill the rebels, but having anticipated Vos' strategy, Han warns the Rebels, who kill the guards instead, leaving Vos defenseless. Luke asks Han to stay and help the Rebels attack the Death Star, but he refuses, not wanting to get involved. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
[28], Prince of Persia producer Ben Mattes explained that their "inspiration was anything Harrison Ford has ever done: Indiana Jones, Han Solo". She defeats it, and has it tested along with Alema and the Knights. Plus, see what some of your favorite stars of the '90s look like now. UnuThul investigates the bodies of the Gorog, and they find Dark Nest cells filled with Chiss captives that are being used for Gorog offspring. Retreating back to the Rebel Base, they discover that the Empire is building another Death Star, which orbits the forest moon of Endor. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! After succeeding, Tharen's troopers steal the smuggler's valuables to aid the Rebel Alliance.
Los Angeles, California, USA, 21 July 2020 Han tells Chewie to "hit the hyperdrive", but the spaceship fails.
The original motion picture soundtrack was released by Sony Classical on July 22, 2005.
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Star War The Third Gathers: The Backstroke of the West. With help from the native Ewoks, Han and his team destroy the Death Star's shield generator, allowing Lando and his strike team to destroy the Death Star. As Kylo Ren, he betrayed the Republic and destroyed the Jedi—much like his grandfather, Darth Vader, had done decades before. When Rey is kidnapped by the First Order, Han sees her being carried off by First Order commander Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), whom Han seems to recognize. Another recording from R2 that depicts a conversation between Luke and Leia's mother, whose name is to be Padmé, and a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tells her that he is aware of the love between herself and Anakin.
Collider.com In an allusion to their final interaction, Ren admits that he knows what he has to do but is not sure if he has the strength, while Han encourages his son and touches his face.
Biography. When the Empire attacks, Han, Chewbacca, Leia, and C-3PO narrowly escape on board the Millennium Falcon.
Three years later, Han is still with the Rebel Alliance, and serving on the Rebels' base on the frozen planet of Hoth. Keith Ferguson Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Keith Ferguson photo gallery, … Han follows Ren onto the bridge, and calls out to him by his real name. Keith Ferguson is a voice actor who voices Lord Hater on Wander Over Yonder. The two succeed in destroying the probe, but not before the Empire is alerted to the location of the Rebel base. Chewbacca dies saving Anakin's life in Vector Prime (1999), sending Solo into a deep depression. ‘Elena of Avalor,’ Disney’s First Latina Princess, to Finally Become Queen With Primetime Series Finale, 21 July 2020 It is then revealed that Ren is actually their son, Ben Solo, who trained as a Jedi under Luke. He and his passengers are attacked by Imperial stormtroopers, but escape by accelerating to light speed. Reuniting with Luke after his return from Dagobah, Han leads the Rebels to Endor to take down the force field surrounding the battle station, which is still under construction. He asks why the Jedi Knights are involved in a border dispute with an enemy of the Chiss who Tswek refuses to give the name for. [22], Han Solo is a reckless smuggler with a sarcastic wit;[10] he is "a very practical guy" and considers himself "a materialist";[23] but the adventures in the first Star Wars movie evoke his compassion, a trait "he didn't know he possessed". Actors/Actresses
Amidst the smoke cloud that followed the explosion, Mara saw a mysterious image lurking there. After a moment, Ren ignites his lightsaber, impaling and fatally wounding his father. The scene then shows a section from The Empire Strikes Back where the Star Wars characters are escaping from an asteroid with a Space Slug. Additionally, Ferguson added his pipes to the children's sequel "Bambi 2" (2006) with Patrick Stewart. [24] Entertainment Weekly ranked the character 7th on their list of "The All-Time Coolest Heroes in Pop Culture". Heartbroken by Ben's betrayal, Han and Leia separated. Played Han Solo in: George Lucas in Love.
Meanwhile, Luke ends up in a one-on-one lightsaber duel against Welk. Chewie, we're supposed to be half way to Naboo for a sweet party right now. They manage to hide from the Imperial fleet long enough to escape, but not entirely unnoticed; bounty hunter Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch), working for Vader, picks up their trail and follows them.
Han Solo is a minor character in The LEGO Movie, originally from the Star Wars franchise. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Following his return, Han is made a general in the Rebel Alliance, along with Leia. Han Solo is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. There, he sees Ren walk onto the bridge above the reactor chasm. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. When Alema refers to herself as "we," the conversation awkwardly ends on Alema's part, and Leia knows that something more is going on.
Luke finds a recording of his father talking to a mysterious woman, which R2-D2 denies any knowledge about. Bambi II (2006), Birthday: Male While serving as an infantryman during a battle, he encounters a gang of criminals posing as Imperial soldiers led by Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson).
Most recently, Ferguson voiced characters in the Sandra Bullock blockbuster animated feature "Minions" (2015). Additional Crew | He hired Ford to rehearse lines with other actors and he was so impressed by the actor's performance that he eventually gave him the role.
Deadline This prompts suspicion from Han and Leia just as Saba gets into a fight with a mysterious figure who is no doubt Welk.
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