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Published in English Agent Morgan is revealed to be Eel's girlfriend, Nancy, whom he left behind after becoming a superhero. Your email address will not be published.
A petty crook who accidentally swallowed some acid that caused his body to stretch to any shape he wished, he was rescued by a kindly monk and nursed back to health. Your email address will not be published.
Comic Story (11 pages) Riverman: Featuring: Plastic Man: Synopsis: Plas must face the Riverman, a horrible freak who sported fins, claws and webbed feet, who made the river his home, and who was the last of his kind: humans born with gills and banished to the deep. Sofern Sie Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen aendern moechten z.B. Chapter titles do not appear in this collection. Unbedingte technisch notwendige Dienste.
Plastic Man 1943 Issue 2 | | Read Plastic Man 1943 Issue 2 | View Comic Online Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian] (origin); Woozy Winks; Chief Branner; Officer Murphy; Nancy (flashback); Fluffy (a cat); Jimmy Needles (corpse) Synopsis Eel O'Brian is accused of murder, and Plastic Man is assigned to bring him in.
This issue was most recently modified by: If you believe any of this data to be incorrect, please. Es gibt viele Gründe einen Comic zu kaufen. Erteilung von Einwilligungen, Widerruf bereits erteilter Einwilligungen klicken Sie auf nachfolgenden Button. A panel from Police Comics #1, May 1941. In May 1941, Police Comics #1 by Quality was launched, featuring several new heroes that would eventually find their way into DC canon. ], Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Woozy Winks; Chief Branner; Agent Morgan; Angelo (villain); Rodney (villain), Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Woozy Winks; Chief Branner; Agent Morgan; Mrs. Winks. Plastic Man (DC, 2018 series) #1 [Amanda Conner Cover] [no title indexed] (Table of Contents) Plastic Man / cover / 1 page (report information) Pencils Aaron Lopresti … Manchmal macht man es wegen dem Protagonisten, manchmal wegen dem Autoren, manchmal ist es der Zeichner und. The first, and by far most popular, was Plastic Man, created by Jack Cole.
Joey Cavalieri (original editor); Anton Kawasaki (reprint editor), Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian] (origin); Woozy Winks; Chief Branner; Officer Murphy; Nancy (flashback); Fluffy (a cat); Jimmy Needles (corpse). Keine Einwilligung erforderlich. (United States). Read Golden Age Comics Online at the Digital Comic Museum Digital Comic Museum Viewer: Plastic Man v1 001 (paper) - Plastic Man v1 001 (paper)Flatterman/PLASTIC MAN 001 000ifc.jpg Chapter titles from index of original series. DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection (Eaglemoss Publications, 2015 series) #45 - Plastic Man - Auf der Flucht, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). In May 1941, Police Comics #1 by Quality was launched, featuring several new heroes that would eventually find their way into DC canon.
Plastic Man attends Woozy Winks' funeral. Manchmal macht man es wegen dem Protagonisten, manchmal wegen dem Autoren, manchmal ist es der Zeichner und Issue Notes .
A la Jean Valjean, he decided to mend his ways and become a costumed crime-fighter, working from within the criminal ring. DC Comics Brand DC Universe Barcode 761941346359 00111 Editing Kristy Quinn Color Color Dimensions Standard Modern Age US Binding Saddle-stitched Publishing Format Limited series. This issue has variants. All rights to cover images reserved by the respective copyright holders. Cover thumbnails are used for identification purposes only. Originally a criminal nicknamed "Eel" O'Brian, an accident in a chemical factory gave him his ability and he reformed to fight against crime. [Chapter Four, It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times. Required fields are marked *. Reproductions of all the covers, plus sketches for some of the covers and some character sketches too.
Carrier of the Mask 1: Grausamer als der Tod. As of December 2018, there is a Plastic Man live-action film being planned. Reprints. Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Woozy Winks [also as Trouncer]; Chief Branner; Officer Murphy; Agent Morgan; Red Herring (villain), Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Woozy Winks [also as Trouncer]; Chief Branner; Agent Morgan; Agent Redshirt; JLA [Justice League of America; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Black Canary [Dinah Lance]; Flash [Wally West]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]; Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-El]; Wonder Woman [Diana]]; Red Herring (villain); Dr. Dratt (flashback, villain); Granite Lady (flashback, villain); Prankster [Oswald Loomis] (villain). Eel O'Brian is accused of murder, and Plastic Man is assigned to bring him in. Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Woozy Winks; Chief Branner; Agent Morgan [Nancy]; Kozlowski; Brother Mountain; Brother Flame; The Ephemeral Monk. Plastic Man is a super-hero whose unique completely malleable body chemistry allows him to stretch to great lengths and contort himself into any position imaginable.
Ich, Comic-Newbie (Wohnort: Deutschland), verarbeite zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang.
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