cross media synergy

Re-weaving the web: Integrating print and, Shin, D. H. (2009). The greater perceived credibility was postulated based on, the multiple-source effect. both high- and low-level of product involvement. Because messages from multiple independent sources are per-, ceived to be more credible, multiple sources can enhance the cred-, higher perceived brand credibility than those who viewed the, 2.2.2. how perceived brand control over an influencer’s post and the

define attitude toward the brand as ‘‘a relatively enduring, unidimensional summary evaluation of the brand that presumably, referred to as ‘‘an individual’s conscious plan to make an effort to, To check participants’ involvement in two products promoted, in two commercials, four statements adapted from, statements were: (1) I carefully evaluated the product’s advantages, and disadvantages; (2) The product is important to me; (3) I am, interested in the product; (4) The product means a lot to me. Separate and joint effects, of medium type on consumer responses: A comparison of television, print, and, Edell, J. Two hundred eighty-two undergraduate students in a large pri-. How synergies across devices result from cross-device effects and, Voorveld, H. A. M. (2011). Wang, A. As the traditional, cognitive response theory posits, such positive affect, including, positive thoughts, wields influence over attitude toward brand. The measures can be identified in three types of responses: credibility measures, cognitive responses, and attitudinal mea-, sures. The most prevalent type of mobile advertising is mobile display advertising (MDA), which takes the form of banners on mobile web pages and in mobile applications. A substantial body of empirical research provided theoretical, underpinnings of the potential effect of the cross-media synergy, effect, (2) differential attention hypothesis, (3) forward encoding. Naik & Peters, 2009; Naik & Raman, 2003; Voorveld, 2011; Participants exposed to an ad in multiple media will have, ). 24/7. Thus, when elaboration like-, lihood is high, a person will be attentive to message arguments and. The role of attitude toward the ad. Equipped on a smart-. Specifically, they highlight the value propositions that linear TV can still offer in the digital age, and how TV companies can create unique advantages by leveraging synergies between linear and video-on-demand services. Effects of television commercial, repetition, receiver knowledge, and commercial length: A test of the two-factor, Schultz, D. E., Block, M. P., & Raman, K. (2011). to search for more information. Ease of message processing as a moderator of, Assael, H. (2011). The forward encoding, hypothesis is grounded on the memory trace hypothesis in previ-, time, the ad may serve as a retrieval cue for the stored ad memory, trace or as a second encoding opportunity’’ (p. 150). If company provides promotion activity in different platforms simultaneously, it would increase the company's exposure toward customers. Future, research also needs to replicate the results obtained from the cur-, rent study, possibly adding more conditions for screen size. In study 1, we show that different advertising variation strategies can lead to the development of equally positive attitudes, even though the basis of the attitudes is quite different. Finally, attitudinal change was, grounded on repetition-variation theory. to persuasion via central processing of the message. As a result, brand credibility was higher for mul-, tiple-media repetitions than for a single-medium repetition for, both high- and low-involvement products. Researchers suggested that there exists both synergy and cannibalization effect among multiple platforms [8. Information utility and the multiple source. and presented in three different media of different screen sizes. Separate and joint effects of medium type on consumer responses: A comparison of television, print,... Cross-Media Synergy: Exploring the Role of the Integration of Ads in Cross-Media Campaigns. The types of media companies owned may include print, radio, television, movie and internet media sites. conditions). Though, involvement in cross-media campaigns, they only used two multi-, channel (exposure to multiple media) conditions of TV–Internet, and Internet–TV sequences.

In, conclusion, it was confirmed that multiple-media conditions were, superior to single-medium repetitions for the most important out-. B., & Graakjær, N. J. tive for inducing persuasion for both high- and low-involvement, products while Internet–TV sequence was only effective for high-, involvement products.

As predicted, both multiple-media, conditions showed higher attitude toward brand scores than, single-medium repetitions for both product commercials in differ-. antecedents of attitudes toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context.

40, 375–388. As this shift is occurring, it is becoming increasingly, imperative to understand how messages across these media, The current study is interested in examining the effect of adver-. lysis of the comparison of multiple repetitions from a single device, an ad delivered on a DMB device yielded the lowest score across, 5.3. Analyzing social media conversations, ... TV firms need to develop knowledge about advertisers' benefits of integrated advertising across channels, making that resource an important prerequisite to creating valuable advertising formats and media synergies for advertisers. viewing of multimedia on portable devices such as mobile TV, tablets, and smartphones. How Synergies Across Devices Result From Cross-Device Effects and Cross-Format Synergies, How advertising work on WWW: Modified elaboration likelihood model, Cross-media advertising: Brand promotion in an age of media convergence media and convergence management, What works best when combining television sets, PCs, tablets, or mobile phones? Traditional linear television has been a long-standing success story.

Selected studies on the cross-media synergy effect.

This line of research, on the synergy effect is increasingly important as the scope and.

The combined results of four experiments suggest possible cross-format synergies but not cross-device synergies. The, main thesis in Krugman’s thought-provoking question was how, advertising could change consumer attitude followed by purchase, behavior despite the fact that most messages are easily forgotten, over time. ... First, the theoretical mechanisms by which cross-platform advantage takes place are not fully clear. The current study provides managerial implications in regards, to the synergistic repetition of digital advertising. We are also interested in the effects of these factors on a set of key responses by the follower with regard to the elements that form part of an influencer marketing action: the influencer, the post, and the product/service. Attitudinal effects of mere exposure. The former, is about the variation in nonsubstantive features of the ad, whereas, the latter deals with the variation in message content, useful theoretical framework since it can explain that the positive, attitude change for brand is not so much the number of exposures. cognitive response, recall, and persuasion. comes measures of advertising effectiveness. A field study of mobile display advertising effects on, Batra, R., & Ray, M. L. (1986). We work with 76% of the world’s top agencies and 80% of Forbes most valuable brands*. The chapter discusses new developments in audience readership research which are important for cross-media campaigns, as well as designs for cross-media effect research. dition (similar size of television and computer screen). This research investigates the role of fit between campaign ads in generating cross-media effects. Key constructs, measurement items, and item reliability for composite index. The fit factor: The role of fit. In 2013, global spending on mobile advertising was approximately $16.7 billion, and it is expected to exceed $62.8 billion by 2017.

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