The absolutely stunning turquoise coloured Watersprite Lake located near Squamish, BC, is an alpine lake surrounded by mountains accesible by hiking 17 km round-trip. There are no marked trails to these peaks therefor route finding and mountaineering experience is required. Deaktiviere deinen Werbeblocker, um eine Karte dieses Weges zu sehen, Garibaldi Highlands and Bob McIntosh Memorial Loop. If anyone happened to pick it up, I would really appreciate if you could reach out! If it were up to Johnny, I’m sure we would have got up at 3 am but the group would have quickly voted out that idea. From the parking lot area, head past the yellow gate and up the embankment on the right to an information board. My siblings, Kevin, Cathy, and Cindy, came to visit from Toronto in June. Help keep our trails and parks open during COVID-19 by committing to social distancing. After completing the hike, Johnny stated that he thought this hike was comparable or perhaps even better than the Garibaldi Lake hike, since the way up to the lake offered scenic views as well. The immensely photogenic lake at the top has started to pop up everywhere, further expanding the popularity of this area. Why don’t you start the discussion? The hike has a lot of variety in terms of terrain and scenery. Thanks. The road to the winter trailhead was not snowy/icy and looked to have been repaired/cleaned just recently. Watersprite is an moderate hike that takes about 7 hours to complete round-trip and offers phenomenal scenery. Wet bums and big smiles were had by the group. The trail to Watersprite Lake begins from the Skookum Creek hydro project access road and follows deactivated logging roads along ridges, offering many scenic viewpoints of the Mamquam River area on the way to the lake.

Do not follow it. The absolutely stunning turquoise coloured Watersprite Lake located near Squamish, BC, is an alpine lake surrounded by mountains accesible by hiking 17 km round-trip. It starts in a dense forest where we cross several wooden bridges and platforms that takes us up into higher ridges. It’s quite flat.

We wanted to start early so we could hike at a slower pace. I’ll have to come back later in the season when the lake is melted to get the summer experience! I think these people don’t get enough recognition, so I want to say a big THANK YOU to the BCMC for their hard work and dedication to outdoor recreation! 16 Things To Do On A Rainy Day In Vancouver, 11 Best Places To Watch The Sunset In Vancouver. Johnny suggested we hike up to Garibaldi Lake and after Googling some photos, I agreed. This location is quickly gaining popularity amongst the hiking and photography community, therefor you can expect to not be the only one there. Since this is an out-and-back trail, we went back the same way. This location is quickly gaining popularity amongst the hiking and photography community, therefor you can expect to not be the only one there. The hike is very scenic and goes along a well-marked trail. You will pass over numerous board walks before entering the forest. With only 660m of elevation from trailhead to lake, this hike is well worth adding to your itinerary. If you are camping, follow the trail heading right onto the boulders shortly prior to reaching the lake. After 3.5 hours of hiking, we were rewarded with the awe-inspiring view of the frozen lake and peaks framing it. Kevin, my younger brother, was always at the front and never complained.

After being inspired by the photos and trip report on WaterspriteLake in the BCMC newsletter, a group of us decided it was most certainly worth the effort of a day hike into this picturesque mountain lake. The camping area is located on the opposite side of the lake upon arrival. Mountaineers may venture beyond the lake into the alpine backcountry but keep in mind that this is unmarked terrain and very dangerous. We stopped 1 km from the trail head, lots of slushy snow. All summer it’s a busy trail. The very steep ascend along the left edge of the boulder field is the final section of trail to reach Watersprite Lake. © gwen goes 2020 — . No comments yet. This entire section of trail overlooks the entire valley on the right, offering scenic views as far down the Mamquam River Valley towards Squamish, across the valley to the Garibaldi Provincial Park area, and much more. You will not make it to the lake. The trail will veer sharply left and up a rocky section for about 600 meters before veering right and shortly after opening up to a view of the valley below. Es gibt verschiedene Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten. We attempted to glissade on our feet to descend the slope but then ultimately ended up sliding down on our butts. Dogs are highly discouraged due to the sensitive area around the lake. What I love about this hike is that you get great views all the way up, looking back over the valley towards Squamish. By continuing to browse, you're providing consent to the use of cookies to make your experience better.

So of course, that means taking them on hikes with breathtaking mountain views. Hero Signal Tales of Lena Goyuki ℗ 652834 Records DK Released on: 2018-06-03 Auto-generated by YouTube. Hikers and campers obtain their drinking water from the lake and surrounding streams, both at the lake and on the trail, therefor be considerate to others and leave your four legged friend at home. The trail will continue along the edge of a ridge for a while, crossing small creeks and even passing next to a waterfall. There is a parking area along the left side of the gravel road near the trailhead.

Watersprite Lake is a gorgeous turquoise coloured alpine lake in the summer months (when we went it was frozen). trail is fairly easy for most of the hike, gentle slope, well marked. All rights reserved. There’s also an outhouse at the parking lot too. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke als moderat einzustufen.

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watersprite lake

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Continue straight along the now level trail to reach the stunning Watersprite Lake. Contents . There is a long old logging road that goes up the side towards Martin Peak. The Watersprite Lake trail was recently redone by the BC Mountaineering Club in 2016. Share your wanderings with #WanderVancouver for a chance to be featured. We also rarely ran into any other hikers aside from a man who started shortly before we did and a few groups by the lake. The light on the way up was perfect for this. Did this hike on Saturday 21st March and may have left my camera at the winter trail head. There were a few other groups by the lake, sitting on the many exposed rocky platforms around the lake. @carlblanchet, Absolutely loved this lake! Do not attempt this trail. the last steep section is the hardest part and is a real workout. Watersprite Lake Hike and Camping - Squamish, BC - TravelSages. Roughly 40 other people camping here when I did….

Since you have to take an old logging road to get there that requires a 4×4 vehicle, the trail doesn’t see as much foot traffic as more accessible hikes. Follow the marked trail announced "Camping" leading to the right of the lake. After walking for about 20-30 minutes (1.5 km), the trail veers into the trees then quickly begins to climb through the forest on a steep and narrow section. I usually gravitate towards hikes that lead to summit peaks but I’m glad we did this one. We spent about 30 mins eating lunch and taking in the view. definitely need 4x4 to go get to trailhead, and chains definitely came in handy on last part. We hiked with snowshoes. After reviewing some details like the length and elevation gain (to make sure my siblings weren’t going to collapse from exhaustion), we were on our way. There’s back-country camping available at the lake as well. The view up top is well worth the work.

The absolutely stunning turquoise coloured Watersprite Lake located near Squamish, BC, is an alpine lake surrounded by mountains accesible by hiking 17 km round-trip. There are no marked trails to these peaks therefor route finding and mountaineering experience is required. Deaktiviere deinen Werbeblocker, um eine Karte dieses Weges zu sehen, Garibaldi Highlands and Bob McIntosh Memorial Loop. If anyone happened to pick it up, I would really appreciate if you could reach out! If it were up to Johnny, I’m sure we would have got up at 3 am but the group would have quickly voted out that idea. From the parking lot area, head past the yellow gate and up the embankment on the right to an information board. My siblings, Kevin, Cathy, and Cindy, came to visit from Toronto in June. Help keep our trails and parks open during COVID-19 by committing to social distancing. After completing the hike, Johnny stated that he thought this hike was comparable or perhaps even better than the Garibaldi Lake hike, since the way up to the lake offered scenic views as well. The immensely photogenic lake at the top has started to pop up everywhere, further expanding the popularity of this area. Why don’t you start the discussion? The hike has a lot of variety in terms of terrain and scenery. Thanks. The road to the winter trailhead was not snowy/icy and looked to have been repaired/cleaned just recently. Watersprite is an moderate hike that takes about 7 hours to complete round-trip and offers phenomenal scenery. Wet bums and big smiles were had by the group. The trail to Watersprite Lake begins from the Skookum Creek hydro project access road and follows deactivated logging roads along ridges, offering many scenic viewpoints of the Mamquam River area on the way to the lake.

Do not follow it. The absolutely stunning turquoise coloured Watersprite Lake located near Squamish, BC, is an alpine lake surrounded by mountains accesible by hiking 17 km round-trip. It starts in a dense forest where we cross several wooden bridges and platforms that takes us up into higher ridges. It’s quite flat.

We wanted to start early so we could hike at a slower pace. I’ll have to come back later in the season when the lake is melted to get the summer experience! I think these people don’t get enough recognition, so I want to say a big THANK YOU to the BCMC for their hard work and dedication to outdoor recreation! 16 Things To Do On A Rainy Day In Vancouver, 11 Best Places To Watch The Sunset In Vancouver. Johnny suggested we hike up to Garibaldi Lake and after Googling some photos, I agreed. This location is quickly gaining popularity amongst the hiking and photography community, therefor you can expect to not be the only one there. Since this is an out-and-back trail, we went back the same way. This location is quickly gaining popularity amongst the hiking and photography community, therefor you can expect to not be the only one there. The hike is very scenic and goes along a well-marked trail. You will pass over numerous board walks before entering the forest. With only 660m of elevation from trailhead to lake, this hike is well worth adding to your itinerary. If you are camping, follow the trail heading right onto the boulders shortly prior to reaching the lake. After 3.5 hours of hiking, we were rewarded with the awe-inspiring view of the frozen lake and peaks framing it. Kevin, my younger brother, was always at the front and never complained.

After being inspired by the photos and trip report on WaterspriteLake in the BCMC newsletter, a group of us decided it was most certainly worth the effort of a day hike into this picturesque mountain lake. The camping area is located on the opposite side of the lake upon arrival. Mountaineers may venture beyond the lake into the alpine backcountry but keep in mind that this is unmarked terrain and very dangerous. We stopped 1 km from the trail head, lots of slushy snow. All summer it’s a busy trail. The very steep ascend along the left edge of the boulder field is the final section of trail to reach Watersprite Lake. © gwen goes 2020 — . No comments yet. This entire section of trail overlooks the entire valley on the right, offering scenic views as far down the Mamquam River Valley towards Squamish, across the valley to the Garibaldi Provincial Park area, and much more. You will not make it to the lake. The trail will veer sharply left and up a rocky section for about 600 meters before veering right and shortly after opening up to a view of the valley below. Es gibt verschiedene Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten. We attempted to glissade on our feet to descend the slope but then ultimately ended up sliding down on our butts. Dogs are highly discouraged due to the sensitive area around the lake. What I love about this hike is that you get great views all the way up, looking back over the valley towards Squamish. By continuing to browse, you're providing consent to the use of cookies to make your experience better.

So of course, that means taking them on hikes with breathtaking mountain views. Hero Signal Tales of Lena Goyuki ℗ 652834 Records DK Released on: 2018-06-03 Auto-generated by YouTube. Hikers and campers obtain their drinking water from the lake and surrounding streams, both at the lake and on the trail, therefor be considerate to others and leave your four legged friend at home. The trail will continue along the edge of a ridge for a while, crossing small creeks and even passing next to a waterfall. There is a parking area along the left side of the gravel road near the trailhead.

Watersprite Lake is a gorgeous turquoise coloured alpine lake in the summer months (when we went it was frozen). trail is fairly easy for most of the hike, gentle slope, well marked. All rights reserved. There’s also an outhouse at the parking lot too. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke als moderat einzustufen.

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