convergence and synergy media

Whilst food chains, such as: Burger King, also did an offer where for every week you go, you receive a different toy; which meant that children continuously went there to purchase all the collectables, which allowed KFC with a big profit gained just from merchandise.

The most common type of marketing used to sponsor a film is vertical integration and synergy. Disney put out chapter books on each character, familiarising kids with action-packed back-stories. For example: the Spider-Man films had toys of ‘web-shooters’ ad figures of the characters made, CD soundtracks and other merchandising which not only sold the products, but also promoted the film.

  • Symbiosis is the linking up of various companies to make profits from one product
. Posted on January 29, 2013, in The importance of Cross media convergence and synergy during distribution.

The unusual choice to release the movie in many major international markets before releasing it in the United States built a “global countdown” buzz for The Avengers – and also reduced piracy.

  • It’s the ‘strategy of synchronising and actively forging connections between directly related areas of entertainment’.

    0000012909 00000 n They are awesome ⇒⇒⇒ ⇐⇐⇐. �)&G.�Mqݴ-�!cq��ڶ �)��@��@,-�̅� Leave a comment.

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    Universal Pictures held the rights on Hulk, Paramount for Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, and now Disney had combined them altogether for The Avengers. Maker Studios. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Jobs came to the conclusion that made the most sense for Pixar to align itself with Disney permanently instead of trying to distribute films on its own or sign with another movie studio partner. 0000013705 00000 n a presentation on the effect of synergy and convergence referring to working title.

    • Synergy
    • A Definition:
    • Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergos , συνεργός meaning working together) is the term used to describe a situation where different entities cooperate advantageously for a final outcome.

      The better the merchandising and franchising; the more recognition the film gets, and the more interested the audience are and aware of the film. Change ). In some cases, mul… It is also a form of portable marketing, as users are able to download and install apps on their mobile phones, allowing them to get immediate updates/constant alerts on new releases, competitions and awareness if sequels. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Cinemas tend to show The Avengers more than Sket at peak time and days, due to the content of the film. However, Disney have creatively linked and produced many different media platforms, for example: Motion Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, Disney Music Group, Disney Theatrical Group, Disney Studio Service, Studio Production Services, Studio Post Production, Disney – ABC Television Group, ABC Family and ABC Entertainment. The Avengers were in cinemas worldwide. Convergence means the combining of different forms of media in order to make a single form of media (such as computers and televisions). The Avengers, unlike other major films, chose to release its film globally; this created a global trend and buzz on many major social networking sites and blogs.

      0000008024 00000 n Media convergence is having an enormous impact on the film industry because of the ways in which institutions can produce and market for audiences on a widening range of platforms. Cross media convergence is also used by higher concept film industries as it involves two media companies collaborating for the purpose of generating profits (synergy). 0000001907 00000 n Marvel did deals (synergy/symbiosis) with other companies helping them market and promote the film.

      VISA and Acura-car Company). Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or (market-specific) service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need (to make profit). 0000006284 00000 n Uneven playing field between conglomerates and small independent companies. Synergy is when a conglomerates subsidiary’s promotes a product owned by the company themselves. These products can help advertise the film itself and thus help to increase the film’s sales – synchronised marketing. 0000003843 00000 n 9 � �d�!�iW��6�E4��4�V0/`o0k�k���Ƣ���Q@vA��[L_X�6T1�6�g�a7`W0l�. 1.

      Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 0000006382 00000 n Advertisements which appear between shows can also encourage audiences as it is an easy, yet effective way of grabbing the audience’s attention and interest. ← What is the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing? You can change your ad preferences anytime. They know how to do an amazing essay, research papers or dissertations. Whilst independent UK films, such as: Sket were shown in most independent cinemas in the UK. Fan blogs are also used as a form of critics for the audience, as it allows the audience to know whether the film really stand up to the high expectations set by the film industry. Merchandising and franchising is important, because for many major films, the money made from official products is more than the money made from box office sales. 0000081252 00000 n Product placement is included in most films which include a major partner/company, for example: Skyfall’s partnership with Aston Martin and the partnership between the Fast & Furious sequel and BMW. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. An example of this is 20th Century Fox working with MySpace, to create a viral marketing campaign.

      Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 A company like Disney can promote its films though the different media platforms and companies they own. →, The importance of Cross media convergence and synergy during distribution, New Technologies introduced at production, distribution, marketing, Exchange, Students own experience and habits and how this relates to wider pattern. Sex in your area is here: ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤, Dating for everyone is here: ❶❶❶ ❶❶❶. Bookmark the permalink. Did you try ⇒ ⇐?. 0000012097 00000 n Nevertheless, it also creates more businesses to be made, resulting in more employment. Disney is now the largest animation studio in the world – they now own Marvel and Pixar. If you need your papers to be written and if you are not that kind of person who likes to do researches and analyze something - you should definitely contact these guys! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. %PDF-1.4 %����

      Disney's major theme parks are all used as large-scale advertising tools.

      Symbiosis (which is another form of synergy), is also used by linking up various companies to make profits from one product. What has been the impact of the introduction of new technologies at production, distribution, marketing and exchange? An example of this is 20th Century Fox working with MySpace, to create a viral marketing campaign. 0000008752 00000 n 0000002361 00000 n 0000002620 00000 n

      A key difference between Disney and Revolver’s assesses, is the idea that Revolver is active in reaching out to audiences – thinking outside the box.

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      0000002161 00000 n Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. 0000004828 00000 n

      0000001216 00000 n 0000002882 00000 n These different companies were all then featured subtly in the film (product placement), which meant that the film got sponsors, whilst the companies were also featured in the film – resulting in a win-win situation. Companies Marvel combined with were: Norton, Acura, Hershey’s, Dr Pepper, VISA and KFC. xref

      0000010108 00000 n A convergence is basically seen in every person’s cell phone; glance down at your palm, and there sits a device that can click a photograph, edit and modify the same, and also send it in a mail.


      One key and most noticeable USP of the film, The Avengers, is the wide range of superheroes featured in the film. Synergy basically means working together to achieve an objective that couldn’t be achieved independently. Many major films include different forms of marketing and advertisement; however independent film companies, such as: Revolver, have been offered awards for various things. Synergy The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined greater product Convergence The combining of different forms of media in order to make a single form of media (Such as computers and television) Different form 0000007235 00000 n Although, synergy is used widely, it is a form of promotion audiences tend to ignore or overlook. Disney and Apple have already announced several online programming deals during the past few months. The deal is Disney’s largest since the $7.6 billion purchase of Pixar in 2006.

      Cinemas get 50-60% of what the film makes. The benefits of this combination are the idea of awareness, developing and branding of the film. Official sites, such as: YouTube (which has approximately 200 million views daily), Twitter and Facebook pages (estimated to have around 1 billion users), have an online community as they are forms of social media, and so attract audiences from all over the world easily and for free. The development of the Avengers Alliance Facebook game is another example of cross-media convergence and synergy, with the Disney Interactive division developing a game to promote the Avengers film through social media.

      The Avengers also is targeted towards younger audiences because of the age category; and that the content of the film doesn’t involve extreme violence or provocative scenes – this means that the film is able to be shown during the watershed. Disney/Marvel use social media to build up buzz for the audience by engaging the audience through competitions (e.g. Compared to Disney’s promotional campaigns, Revolver is seen to have approximately 0ver 9 million YouTube trailer views and over 2.5 million music video trailer views.

      film and soundtrack and video game). Learn more. 0000004186 00000 n 0000001728 00000 n 0000011210 00000 n Film companies also monitor these sites to know what their fans are saying. Walt Disney pioneered symbiosis marketing techniques in the 1930s by granting dozens of firms the right to use their Mickey Mouse character in products and ads, and continued to market Disney media through licensing arrangements – this meant that both companies benefitted from this.