Francis | Spice |
Cypher |
Apple Sauce •
DeBizz | Myrtle Wilson |
Even though they rarely get along, it is shown in "Busted Cart" that Benson does not hate Mordecai and Rigby, he just wishes they would get along and listen to him so he doesn't lose his job. Benson often threatens to fire Mordecai and Rigby if they don't finish their work or do a simple task such as buying tortillas or going to a Karoake Bar.
Eddy's Brother | Father |
Black Knight | Sylvester | Duck Collector • Phantasm | Muscle Man, despite acting even more juvenile than M&R at times, looks to be slightly older, maybe 25-28, with Fives and Starla likely around that age range as well. He often does reward them when they do work, and thanks them in return; one case in point is in "Grave Sights]", when Mordecai and Rigby earn enough money to fix the park, Benson congratulates them and gives the two pay days off.
Firefox Logo History,
His short temper is usually contributed by the lack of productivity by Mordecai and Rigby, as they always prefer to slack off and play video games rather than doing their jobs.
Benson Dunwoody is the tritagonist of Cartoon Network's Regular Show. Sir Littlechin | Frank | Auntie Roon | Joe Chill |
John Sorrenstein •
Headmaster Bennett •
Chad |
Scyphozoa |
N' Goo Tuana | Benson's animosity towards the duo tends to stem from Rigby's behavior. Stealth Co. Tracy Hashtag
Party Bus Driver • Monty Butterworth | Bodybuilder • Mr. Maellard Lexus, Lisa, & Lori | The Beekeeper | At the end of the episode, after waking up from his hallucinations Benson discovered that he'd finally got Audrey's number. Jabberwock, Villainous Steve | Game Store Manager | Through his ignorance and high-temper, Benson would yell at Mordecai and Rigby when they succeed in dealing with a situation, which even Benson would not be so bothered about.
Big Bad Wolf | Men in Black |
Natalia | Richard Buckner | Susan replaced him in the episode "Benson Be Gone" when Mr. Maellard appointed her as park manager. Glori | Possum Girl | In "More Smarter", he even threatened to "tear them limb from limb" when they wrote math problems all over the house, which he referred to as "graffiti". It is also worth noting that the dispenser slot sits in a rather phallic position. Benson might be a cat person; in "Rage Against the TV" a picture with cats on in it can be seen in his apartment. Benson seems to be annoyed with Muscle Man more than Hi Five Ghost, mainly because of his 'My Mom' jokes. Benson made his debut in J.G. Fifa Red Card Rules, In "Gamers Never Say Die", Benson chased them after they stole his car battery for their video game journey. Benson doesn't make one threat to fire Mordecai or Rigby in Season Three (as of now anyway). The Apex, Robotboy Bounty Hunter Bull Sharkowski | But nevertheless, Benson is usually fun and very honest to accept Mordecai and Rigby on certain affairs (this makes him very different from the usual characters in other cartoons, as they are mostly linked to one personality and are hardly dynamic and complex in behavior like the Regular Show characters). When he lost in the game show, he lost all of his hair, and he was humiliated and people mocked him by calling him "banana". Buttonwillow McButtonwillow •
In the episode, Benson appeared in a snippet called "Celebrities Without Their Make-Up", and said that actor Zack Galifianakis "looked like a regular guy" without make-up, and a make-up brush paints Benson's face of Galifianakis' face. Benson was born somewhere in the late 60s or early 70s. In "Fighter Fly", They are doing their work and doing a good job.
Death |
Mindy | Charles "Chip" Shreck |
You can tell in ". Agent Trout, The Looney Tunes Show Anubis |
The Biology Teacher | Dr. Freeman Coldpepper | Teddy and Tina • Lola Llama |
Kyle Garrity • Guy • DVD •
Lil' Lincoln |
Racki the Wishmaker • Tape Hunter • Brenda Shoop | Edward Platypus | Susie | Sunekura | Bob the Goon | Guardian of Secrets • Meanie Cream Cake | Rigby | Trenton's Pride | Glove Creature •
Joanne Hanatronic • Hot Dogs • Milk People •
Though, in "Busted Cart," it is shown that Mr. Maellard began trusting Benson, until Mordecai and Rigby crash the golf cart.
It should be noted that when they're on their own, Benson seems to treat Mordecai with more respect and trust than Rigby. The name Benson was taken from J.G Quintel's student film The Naive Man from Lolliland" because the Lolliland Man's driver is named Benson, later used for the gumball machine manager in the series. Mr. Maellard even mistakes his name for other phrases, so it may be through all this that he yells at Mordecai and Rigby and calls them idiots as not just a fact but also to give them the same pain and no appreciation he believes they deserve for their mischief-making.
However, their relationship ended, causing him to be depressed for months. Bruiser | Penguins | Benson forgives the two and tells them to get to work. The Satanic Rites Of Dracula Public Domain. Herb and Rose •
Bat Gremlin |
Benson is a adolescent in his late 20's to early 30's. Death's Wife | In "Grilled Cheese Deluxe", Benson can be seen looking at other gumball machines on the computer, a hidden innuendo that suggests that Benson was possibly looking for a date. Frank Smith • Whenever Benson is in a good mood, he'll reward his employees with time off, usually in the form of nightly entertainment or dining out.
Mad Bomber | The relationship wasn't clearly addressed, but they might end up being friends.
Maellard also recognizes his efforts in Pops' successful inauguration of a park statue in "Dizzy". Spike, Television
Joker | Benson can be crabby around kids revealed in ". Delightful Reaper | So They Dicide to follow the Bus and meet in The Museum of Garret Bobby Ferguson,Veronica is also Shock when that Happens.The Funniest is when Benson and Veronica Hugging and want to Kiss Each other Rigby take some Camera so the Kiss is never Happened. Were-Skunk | In "Stick Hockey," Dave was Benson's student and was killed by Chong, who snapped his head off. He was voiced by Sam Marin, who also voiced Pops and Muscle Man in the same series. As already mentioned, Benson had stubble for a short period of time in "Peeps." I think they look like their age but... Muscleman and H5G are probably on their late 20s I'd say IDK, 27?
In "Skips in the Saddle", Benson claims that he is taking Audrey to a jazz concert, possibly hinting that the two may be growing closer together.
Weekend at Benson's Xavier Basketball Tv Schedule, Your email address will not be published. VG • Bumper Randalls | Benson is a gumball machine (standing at 5'4” and about 150 pounds) with pinkish-purple/red gumballs enclosed by a glass dome, sunken eyes and a large, straight nose that just about overlaps his mouth.During the time montage following the final events of \"A Regular Epic Final Battle\" and at the 25 year park reunion, Benson has grown grey hair, although still bald on the top of his head, that is tied in a ponytail under a blue hat. Warden of the Internet |
In "Journey to the Bottom of the Crash Pit", towards the end, Mordecai, Hi Five Ghost, Rigby, & Muscle Man come out of the car and give him the camera. Iacedrom and Ygbir • Clowns (Joker) (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) |
Ruber | Bling-Bling Boy | Stef.
The gallery for Benson can be viewed here. Teen Titans Villains | Fist Pump Regular Show Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Susan |
Quintet. He recognizes Mordecai's ability to get his job done if not for Rigby's bad influence on him. Becca was born on Jaunary 27 1991. They clean every mess up. Bjorn Bjornson |
Ruby Deagle | He then told Muscle Man that he owes him 12,000 dollars after he splurged most of his money on his bucket list. Add to Cart. However, in "Real Date", it is revealed Benson is apparently still single, meaning that they aren't dating yet, despite growing closer to one another. Mrs. Prysselius |
Zarkos |
Warden of the Internet •
Cerberus, Live Action Films Scooby-Doo Villains | Death Bear • The Satanic Rites Of Dracula Public Domain, Steve | Benson's animosity towards the duo tends to stem from Rigby's behavior. Sandworms | Lord Coward | Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost don't communicate with Benson much, but they usually have his trust and respect. Trash and Scabitha Terrence | Benson made his debut in J.G. Anti-Pops | As Mr. Maellard appointed Benson to be the park manager, he was also appointed to keep it both upkeep and to take care of Pops, due to his childlike naivete. Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous 24 heures dans le monde entier.
Then there's Skips and i'm not even going to attempt to place an age on him. Scarecrow • The Grinch | He is a green, strong, and obese humanoid, who is often seen with his best friend, Hi Five Ghost.
Punish Mordecai and Rigby when he thinks they have gone way too far. Audrey II | Samurai Jack Villains | No Rules Man |
Cthulhu | However, he can also be insensitive towards Mordecai, particularly in "Eggscellent", which makes the latter fight back to him, yet at the end of the episode, they reconcile. In the short film The Naive Man from Lolliland, proto-Pops calls his chauffeur Benson, however in the film Benson appears to be a human not a gumball machine. Larry | Men in Uniform (non-speaking cameo). He used to have a full head of hair, and he used to wear glasses.
Cat Masterson • The Amazing World of Gumball Villains |
Carter Brown | Dick Dastardly (2020) |
Belson Noles |
Stag-Man •
Muscle Man | Full Name He is one of the groundskeepers of the Park. Grant Frost |
Grim | He is a gumball machine, also known as The Park's manager. Along with his waspish temper, he lacks an ample amount of patience. Broccoli Overlord | Gregg • At last, they managed to share their feelings with each other and Benson explained why he wanted to eat french fries, which is to forget about Pam. Dr. Swampbrain |
Tom and Jerry Villains | Until then he was avenged by Benson after beating Chong in Stick Hockey game. If Benson won the game, he was going to quit his job at the Park, which reveals he's been working there since he was younger.
Grace | When his latch is open it is considered to him being naked, as well as his private area. Cool Cubed • In "The Real Thomas", he and Audrey broke up prior to the episode. The Announcer's Remote Control | William Dunbar, TV Movie Villains
Economy is terrible these days, Well it's revealed Margaret's 22 so Eileen must be 22 too, And I think Pops was born around the first decade of the 1900s so probably more.. Clowns |
He also makes a guest appearance in the episode Fighter Fly from The Avenging Regular Show Unlimited. NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Artemisia | The other two times were in the episodes "Jinx" and "More Smarter".
Summertime Song Scarecrow | Benson strongly disapproves of Mordecai and Rigby, always screaming at them to stop slacking off, or threatening them to be fired. Professional Boxers Ages, Benson may of been the most angered in "Jinx" when Rigby threw garbage at him, trying to get him to say his name three times.
Mr. Darrell |
He is a gumball machine and The Park's manager.
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