As a result, her cover was blown, and she now had no other choice than to join Guevara's armed guerrilla campaign. Her activities in Peru led to her exile in 1948. Guevara's goal was to spark a continent-wide revolutionary uprising into neighbouring Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru and Chile; by creating "two, three, many Vietnams" in order to challenge American imperialism. Gadea Acosta was Secretary of the Economy of the Executive National Committee for Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA, American Popular Revolutionary Alliance). [3], As a youth Bunke was a keen athlete and an excellent student, who developed a particular fondness for the folk music of South America. [1] She further endeared herself to the Cubans by entertaining them in the training camp by playing Argentine folk songs on accordion or guitar. [1][3] Consequently, Guevara decided to try to send a group of 16 other ailing combatants, including Bunke, out of the mountains. The marriage ended in a divorce in May 1959. [1] In order to maintain her cover, she also busied herself part-time with her explorations of folk music (producing one of the most valuable collections of Bolivian music in the process) and entered into a marriage of convenience with a young Bolivian to gain citizenship. Her marriage with Che Guevara is reported to have happened both on 23 March 1959 and 2 June 1959, after his divorce from Hilda Gadea. [6],, American Popular Revolutionary Alliance politicians, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 October 2020, at 18:54. [3] Their family home in Buenos Aires was often used for meetings, helping refugees, hiding publications and occasionally stashing weapons.
Ernesto Guevara (Rosario (Argentinië), 14 mei of 14 juni 1928 – La Higuera (), 9 oktober 1967), beter bekend onder de naam Che Guevara, was een Argentijns marxistisch revolutionair en Cubaans guerrillaleider.De bijnaam Che kreeg hij gedurende zijn verblijf in Guatemala. She first sought out voluntary work, teaching and building homes and schools in the countryside. PURSC. In the 2008 biopic Che, she was portrayed by Catalina Sandino Moreno, while in the 2005 biopic Che Guevara, she was portrayed by Paula Garcés. Ocean Press, $24.95. However, the local campesino women demanded that, as a woman, she be given a proper Christian burial.
[3] Gabriel San Roman, a writer for Z Magazine, began writing a play about Gadea. [1] Later, when Fidel Castro learned of her demise, he declared "Tania the guerrilla" a hero of the Cuban Revolution.[1]. We took every chance to have fun. Some of us were naive, others, very clever; we were all young and full of hope for a future victory. On one of these trips, a captured Bolivian communist gave away a safe house where Tania's jeep was parked in which she had left her address book. [1][3] In preparation, Guevara assigned Bunke to be trained by Dariel Alarcón Ramírez (known by his nom de guerre Benigno) in Pinar del Río in western Cuba. 6/ago/2015 - Che Guevara with his wife Aleida March, c. 1959 [1341x1960] [3] In addition, she also joined the World Federation of Democratic Youth, allowing her to attend the World Festival of Youth and Students in Vienna, Prague, Moscow and finally Havana, Cuba. [1] This radio program was called "Advice to Women". [2] For their part the German government, which now holds the Stasi files, has also confirmed that it has no records on her.
[2] After the 2 June marriage, Guevara and Aleida went to Tarara, a seaside resort town 20 kilometers from Havana for their honeymoon. [3] There continues to also be the allegation from fellow surviving guerrilla Benigno, that Bunke and Guevara had at some point become lovers in Bolivia; with Benigno remarking decades later in 2008 that "You could tell by the way they spoke so quietly and looked at each other when they were together near the end". Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider (November 19, 1937 – August 31, 1967), better known as Tania or Tania the Guerrilla, was an Argentine-born East German communist revolutionary and spy who played a prominent role in the Cuban government after the Cuban Revolution and in various Latin American revolutionary movements.
[1], Bunke was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the daughter of German communists Erich Bunke and Nadia Bider (who was of Polish origin). When her corpse was presented to Barrientos, it was decided that it would be buried in an unmarked grave with the rest of the guerrillas.
Guevara was visiting the East German city of Leipzig with a Cuban trade delegation and Bunke, who considered him a hero of hers, was assigned to him as an interpreter. They were transferred to Cuba and were interred in the Che Guevara Mausoleum in the city of Santa Clara, alongside those of Guevara himself and several other guerrillas killed during the Bolivian Insurgency (1966–1967). [3], Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider: the woman who died with Che Guevara, Mother Fights Che Film Over 'Lover' Claims, "Bunke, Tamara (1937–1967) |", Members of Che Guevara's Guerrilla Movement in Bolivia,, Socialist Unity Party of Germany politicians, Argentine people of German-Jewish descent, Argentine people of Polish-Jewish descent, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Tania Bunke also appears intermittently in the first part of, Before unification, Bunke was a folk legend in, A character known as Tania Vunke appears in Chuck Pfarrers novel, A fictionalized version of Bunke appears in the, This page was last edited on 20 June 2020, at 21:48. Gadea married Guevara in Mexico in September 1955, after learning she was pregnant. [3] However, in 1952, the family returned to East Germany and settled in Stalinstadt (later named Eisenhüttenstadt).
She soon joined the ruling Socialist Unity Party of Germany's youth organization, the Free German Youth (FGY). Remembering Che: My Life with Che Guevara by Aleida March. [1][3], Tactically, she was initially invaluable to Guevara's guerrillas because she used radio equipment hidden in a compartment behind the wall in her apartment to not only send coded messages to Fidel Castro in Havana; but to Guevara's guerrillas in the field by posing as a radiohost giving encoded relationship advice to fictitious lovelorn couples. [3] Her activities in Peru led to her exile in 1948. [3] The courts ruled that the book contained defamatory allegations against Tamara Bunke; namely it repeated Stasi defector Günter Männel's rumor from the 1970s that Bunke and Guevara started an extra-marital affair in 1965 while training together in the Czech capital of Prague. [1][3] Her body was then carried downstream and only recovered by the Bolivian army several days later on September 6. Aleida March was an active combatant in Che Guevara's Lightning Campaign in December 1958. Since the time of her death there have been various conflicting rumors or allegations that she worked for the Soviet KGB and/or the East German Stasi; along with the claim that she and Che Guevara were lovers while in Bolivia, and that she may have even been carrying his child when she was killed[1]; this was finally refuted in 2017 by Dr. Abraham Baptista, who was in charge of the autopsy of both Ché and Tamara Bunke. Gadea remained loyal to Guevara's political movement; she died in Havana in 1974. [1] Moreover, as a very sociable person who could strike up friendships easily, the Cuban government realized that she possessed beneficial traits for her future work in Bolivia. [3], In 1960, at the age of 23, Bunke met the Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara.
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