Armogam Murgan – For service to the Indian community of Sydney. Kevin Michael Cantley – For outstanding public service to financial management and infrastructure development in South Australia. Hundreds of people rallied on the lawns of Hobart’s Parliament House, calling for the date of Australia Day to be changed.

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australia day 2018

25 January 2018. image copyright Getty Images. John Charles Taylor – For service to the community of Myrtleford. James Mohan Savundra – For service to medicine in the fields of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Professor Patricia Elizabeth Hoffie – For significant service to the visual arts, and to education, as an academic, and as a contributor to a range of cultural institutions and associations. Bruce Gordon McKenzie – For service to veterans and their families. Dr Peshotan Homi Katrak – For significant service to rehabilitation medicine as a practitioner, to medical education and professional organisations, and to the Zoroastrian community. Graeme Stephen Pearce – For service to community of Mandurang. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. Australia Day 2018: Celebrations and marches held across the country . Ian Thomas Fraser – For service to conservation and the environment. Gerald John Andersen – For service to social welfare organisations, and to the food manufacturing industry. Dr Peter Gerald Mansfield – For service to community history and heritage preservation. Emeritus Professor Russell Duncan Lansbury. “They are just in love with our nation, with our story, with our people, with our success – the most successful multicultural society in the world.”, Not too shabby, Brisbane. Vicki Ann Jellie – For significant service to community health in rural Victoria through the provision of access to radiotherapy treatments for people with cancer. Tina Maria Ward – For outstanding public service in the area of disability housing and support in South Australia. David John Helman – For service to veterans and their families. Sheryl Ann Burnie – For service to softball in Tasmania. This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 23:58. May 8 has also been discussed because of ‘M8’, or ‘mate’. The Aboriginal elder Tauto Sansbury told the crowd that recognising the hurt caused by celebrating on the day the first fleet arrived must be the start of a wider conversation. NSW Governor David Hurley kicked off Australia Day celebrations in the state with a speech acknowledging the controversy surrounding the holiday to mark the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney harbour. Victor John Patrick – For service to the wine industry in South Australia. Dr David Christopher Hunt – For service to education, and to mathematics. Plumber, 18, is left fuming after Uber charged him £111 for a TWO-MILE trip home from the pub -... public support for the eradication of Invasion Day grows.

Mihail Halkitis – For service to the building and construction industry, and to the community. Dr Andrew James Luck – For service to medicine in the field of colorectal surgery.

Roslyn Gwenyth Townsend – For service to the community of Armidale. Trevor Francis Weatherhead – For significant service to the beekeeping industry as an apiarist, to developing biosecurity policy, and to professional beekeeping associations. David John Astbury – For service to local government, and to the community of Wickepin. Jeffrey Whittle – For distinguished service to the information technology sector and the mining industry, particularly through the development of industry standard computer programs for strategic mine planning and optimisation. Richard Geoffrey Cranna – For service to war widows and their families. Lieutenant Colonel Matthew John Nash – For meritorious achievement in the delivery of joint operational training as the Commanding Officer and Chief Instructor of the Australian Defence Force Peace Operations Training Centre.

Dr Raluca Tudor – For outstanding public service to the mental health of older persons in South Australia. January 25, 2018 — 7.30pm.

Garry Lyle Pearson – For service to dentistry, and to education in Victoria. Kelvin Geoffrey Trimper – For significant service to horticulture and the promotion of gardening, to urban development, and to the community of Salisbury. Jody Lynette Brumby – For outstanding public service to the community of Queensland. Jonathan Gregory Willis – For service to youth through Scouts.

Michael John Kyle – For service to the community of the Gold Coast. Richard A R White – For service to community health. Professor David George Wood – For significant service to chemical engineering education as a researcher, mentor and academic, and to professional organisations. Gail Heather Ward – For outstanding public service to breast cancer screening for women in Tasmania. Dr Bruce Horsfield – For service to the preservation of military history, and to sport parachuting. Mark Anthony Watt – For significant service to the community, particularly to disadvantaged and at-risk youth, through social welfare support organisations. Andrew John Plympton – For significant service to sports administration through governance roles, particularly to sailing and Australian rules football. The crowd in Melbourne, an estimated 60,000, was by far the biggest of a series of protests in major cities across the country. Adjunct Professor Charlotte Francis Champion De Crespigny – For significant service to nursing, and to nurse education, particularly in the field of drug and alcohol care, and to Indigenous health projects. Catherine Anne Butler – For service to refugees, and to community health.

series of protests in major cities across the country, human rights observers from Amnesty Australia monitored police behaviour, Turnbull government’s response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Joan Yvonne Vosen – For service to education. Dianne Gail Thompson – For service to conservation and the environment. Warrant Officer Class Two Nathan Allan Tolman – For meritorious achievement in the performance of duty as the Master Coach of the 1st Recruit Training Battalion, Kapooka. Lionel Dean Allemand – For service to the community, and to local government. Jillean Leigh Ludwell – For service to the conveyancing profession. The Invasion Day march outnumbered those at the official Australia Day parade. #InvasionDay Group Captain Sandra Lea Turner – For outstanding achievement in materiel acquisition as the Australian Defence Force Senior Supply Liaison Officer in the United States Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Centre, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Susan Elizabeth Alt – For service to the community through voluntary roles. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Patrick Hiscock – For meritorious service to the musical and professional development of Australian Army bands. From 1804, the Sydney Gazette, almanacs and calendars started referring to January 26 as the 'First Landing Day' or 'Foundation Day' and the day was celebrated with drinks and dinners among emancipists. Professor Margaret Anne Rose – For significant service to animal welfare and the ethics of scientific research, and to veterinary science as an academic and clinician. Alex Mark Abulafia – For service to the Jewish community, and to business. Robert William Menzies – For service to local government, and to the community of Coolamon. Associate Professor Neville John King – For distinguished service to medicine and medical education, particularly in the field of cognitive and behaviour therapy, as an academic, researcher and author, and to professional associations. Protests have already begun with a Melbourne statue of Captain Cook daubed in pink paint and the words "No Pride" on Thursday. Ross William Whiteman – For service to people with Motor Neurone Disease. Lieutenant Colonel W – For outstanding achievement in advancing logistic governance and capability management within Special Operations Command. Warrant Officer Christopher David Cocker – For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Navy in the field of Fleet Support, Marine Engineering Training and in the performance of duties as a Fleet Warrant Officer. “This is the first one that breaks down the barriers. Professor Hugh Lucius Davies – For distinguished service to Australia-Papua New Guinea relations, particularly in the area of the geological sciences, and to education as an academic, author and researcher. Log in, register or subscribe to save articles for later. The group, numbering just six, included convicted racial vilifier Neil Erikson.

Armogam Murgan – For service to the Indian community of Sydney. Kevin Michael Cantley – For outstanding public service to financial management and infrastructure development in South Australia. Hundreds of people rallied on the lawns of Hobart’s Parliament House, calling for the date of Australia Day to be changed.

Stuart Neil McDonald – For service to the community of Wynnum Manly. Peter William Crombie – For service to athletics. Robert Gordon Bath – For service to the community of Ballarat.

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