It was established in 1982, and offers Bachelor, Masters, PhD and M.D.

In the Technical and Engineering Faculty, different welfare facilities have been provided for the students' utilization among these facilities, one can mention equipped hall of computer for every students' use. It has an enrollment of 1 million students. At present, IAUN is offering 125[16] degree programs including 1 associate degrees, 66 bachelor's degrees, 37 master's degrees, 20 doctor of philosophy and doctor of medicine. Performing financial affairs and food reservation is done through the internet and in mechanized manner. This university was introduced as the first independent branch of the Islamic Azad University and appointed as an independent comprehensive university with the total score of 5951.68.[3]. In the main page of the site, information of the educational departments, faculty member, regulations, conferences and gatherings, educational calendar, introduction of the faculty, facilities and officials of Para Medical Faculty are in access of public. [citation needed] The Faculty of Art and Architecture of the university was also the first among other universities in Shiraz in offering a degree in Architecture, Music and Theater studies . It is famous for the quality and rigor of its undergraduate education and the success of its students in many national competitions and exams. The Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch (IAUM), also known as the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, is a private university in Mashhad, Iran.

From vantages of the university ISP, in addition to high speed, is the possibility of digital library use.[1]. IAUM was established in December 1982, in response to a high demand for higher education following the Islamic Revolution. Therefore, permanent and variant members of the library are more than 21000 persons. Library of the basic sciences faculty with 444 square meters space is located in south corner of the faculty and includes book storehouse, awarding part, reference part, issues parts, technical part and male and female studying halls. Colleges bring together academics and students from a broad range of disciplines, and within each faculty or department within the university, academics from many different colleges can be found. In this library there are CD bank, educational video cassettes and two studying hall for male and female students. This university is a branch of the Islamic Azad University. In this workshop, even anatomic details such as *routes and fingers' nerves also, in the frame of *, are inaccess of the students. Besides, South Tehran Branch’s Faculty of Engineering with approximately 20.000 students is marked as the largest university both in Iran and the Middle East. IAUN is pioneer in representing itself in social networking websites among other higher educational institutes in Iran since there has been restrictions from the government for such institutions not to have any presence in foreign social networking websites.

In the recent years a lot of effort has been made to expand the graduate studies at the Islamic Azad University.

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islamic azad university iran

Performing all educational and research affairs of students in the building of humanities and basic sciences and the two educational blocks Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University among the top universities in the world Important announcement of the Deputy of … [1] Among other welfare facilities in the Technical and Engineering Faculty are cafeteria and self-service halls for use of all students. According to topics of IAUM libraries, every student has been able to use every library of the university, that is very good for students in accessing to update references and research. Doctor Sheykholeslami (Department of Law), Doctor Modirshanehchi (Department of Political Science) and Doctor Mohammad Javad Kamali (Founder of the French Department) are the most famous professors of this faculty. Currently, the university has 25,303[2] enrolled students and about 70376 alumni[2] as of the academic year 2013–2014. Currently 17,000 students in different fields of studies and degrees study at this university. degrees. It is a part of private chain of universities in Iran called the Islamic Azad Universities. These halls most used, in different ways, for performing theses defense and students projects, holding miscellaneous classes and educational workshops and also in order to hold gathering and conferences. The Islamic Azad University is divided into different zones. IAU is a private university system with a total of over 350 branches around Iran, and five branches overseas.

This branch became one of the Comprehensive units in July 2000 and in the second general assembly of the International Association of University, and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World, April 2001 Koualalampur, Malaysia, became one of its active members. He continued: “finding Iran as one of the top five countries of the world in the field of higher education is one of the valuable achievements of the holy government of Islamic Republic of Iran”. Before Iranian revolution, Azad University of Iran (Free University of Iran) was established in 1970 but then it was closed because of Iranian Cultural Revolution. It was approved and ratified by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in 1982, having been founded and established by Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. The workshop has modern available moullage in order to make students of different fields familiar with body anatomy of man. [1] The Pardis Campus is home to the Faculties of Engineering, Economics and Management, Agriculture and Chemistry. Amphitheater with the capacity of 230 people, Coffee net with 20 computers and printers, English laboratories with 24 cabin and instructor desk, Latin type laboratories with 20 computers and 7 typing machines, 2 cafeterias for male and female students.

The research laboratories complex of the center includes: nanotechnology research, chemistry, biochemistry physic, geology, physic, mathematic and statistic laboratories. Educational classrooms and audio-vision facilities, This faculty has 5 educational classrooms with the capacity of 85 students and the classes are equipped with assisting educational modern technology. Today, South Tehran Branch with regard to the number of students—40.000—is known as the second largest university of Iran. The faculty has two computer workshops separately for females and males, the workshops have necessary equipment such as computer and printer, they present services in different hours of the day. Some 4 million students have graduated from this university to this date,[2] which has made it possible for a lot of people to get access to higher educations and better employment prospects. graduates.

IAUN campus is the largest university campus in the Middle East located in Najafabad, Isfahan, occupying about 1,277 acres (5,170,000 m2) in the city of Najafabad in the pleasant touristic province of Isfahan.

The Office of Medical Affairs has always tried to provide the appropriate facilities and equipments, especially for faculty's laboratories.

There are 7 active and well equipped laboratories in the faculty:Histology, Pathology, Parasitology and Mycology, Microbiology, Physiology and Biochemistry.

Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch.

It is a part of private chain of universities in Iran called the Islamic Azad Universities. The Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch (IAUM), also known as the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, is a private university in Mashhad, Iran. Up to now, remarkable laboratorial and research equipment has been provided in the nanotechnology, chemistry and, biochemistry physic areas, geology, physic, mathematic and statistic laboratories.

IAUN was established in January, 1985 with the aim of training professionals needed for high scientific positions.

Islamic Azad University is ranked #445 in Best Global Universities. … There are 17 classrooms, 4 full equipped audio visual rooms. This workshop has been established for the students of Anesthesia and Operating-Room to perform caring techniques on simulation manakins and to achieve clinical skills. However, IAUN is the first university in Iran having an official page in social networking websites. IAUN monthly newsletter, Talieh, in its first issue titling the university chancellor Dr. Mohammad Amiri's speech "IAU Najafabad Branch soon will be the second Sharif University in Iran".[17]. The Islamic Azad University of Shiraz with over 290 faculty and academic staff, 82,000 square meters of educational space, 7,500 square meters of administration space, 15,200 square meters of sporting space, is the biggest private university in the southern region of Iran. It is entirely self-financed by student fees and is run by a board of trustees.

It was established in 1982, and offers Bachelor, Masters, PhD and M.D.

In the Technical and Engineering Faculty, different welfare facilities have been provided for the students' utilization among these facilities, one can mention equipped hall of computer for every students' use. It has an enrollment of 1 million students. At present, IAUN is offering 125[16] degree programs including 1 associate degrees, 66 bachelor's degrees, 37 master's degrees, 20 doctor of philosophy and doctor of medicine. Performing financial affairs and food reservation is done through the internet and in mechanized manner. This university was introduced as the first independent branch of the Islamic Azad University and appointed as an independent comprehensive university with the total score of 5951.68.[3]. In the main page of the site, information of the educational departments, faculty member, regulations, conferences and gatherings, educational calendar, introduction of the faculty, facilities and officials of Para Medical Faculty are in access of public. [citation needed] The Faculty of Art and Architecture of the university was also the first among other universities in Shiraz in offering a degree in Architecture, Music and Theater studies . It is famous for the quality and rigor of its undergraduate education and the success of its students in many national competitions and exams. The Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch (IAUM), also known as the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, is a private university in Mashhad, Iran.

From vantages of the university ISP, in addition to high speed, is the possibility of digital library use.[1]. IAUM was established in December 1982, in response to a high demand for higher education following the Islamic Revolution. Therefore, permanent and variant members of the library are more than 21000 persons. Library of the basic sciences faculty with 444 square meters space is located in south corner of the faculty and includes book storehouse, awarding part, reference part, issues parts, technical part and male and female studying halls. Colleges bring together academics and students from a broad range of disciplines, and within each faculty or department within the university, academics from many different colleges can be found. In this library there are CD bank, educational video cassettes and two studying hall for male and female students. This university is a branch of the Islamic Azad University. In this workshop, even anatomic details such as *routes and fingers' nerves also, in the frame of *, are inaccess of the students. Besides, South Tehran Branch’s Faculty of Engineering with approximately 20.000 students is marked as the largest university both in Iran and the Middle East. IAUN is pioneer in representing itself in social networking websites among other higher educational institutes in Iran since there has been restrictions from the government for such institutions not to have any presence in foreign social networking websites.

In the recent years a lot of effort has been made to expand the graduate studies at the Islamic Azad University.

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