The law was to the Jews a rule which was sure, and prescribed to them the limits of duty; they ought, therefore, to have followed what God taught them in his law, and not to have turned aside either to the right hand or to the left, according to what Moses also had said. DD. Jarchi interprets them of the eclipses of the luminaries, which may be thought to forbode some dreadful things {l}: for the Heathen are dismayed at them; which is a reason why the people of God should not, because it is a Heathenish fear; or, "though the Heathen" F13; though they are frightened at such and such conjunctions and positions of the stars, and fear that such and such dreadful things will follow; and never regard the supreme Being and first cause of all things; yet such who have the knowledge of the true God, and a revelation of his will, ought not to be terrified hereby; see ( Isaiah 47:13 ) . Religious rites, ver. (Calmet) --- Heathens thought that they had a divine power. https: But these are things, as we have said, which are beyond the usual order of nature. All rights reserved. Now, as I have said, it hence follows that God does not rule, and that thus faith is extinguished, and all the exercises of religion are reduced to nothing.

BibliographyTorrey, R. A. Ver. https: He warned his people not to be disciples of the Gentile nations, specifically not to let the celestial phenomena-that the nations looked to for guidance-frighten them.

For all the astrologers, who falsely assume so honorable a name, yea those unprincipled men, who add to their impostures the name of judiciary astrology, hold and maintain, that a judgment respecting man’s life ought to be formed by the horoscope, as though the fortune of every one depended on the stars.

Since then God has, from the beginning of the creation, appointed what they call the fixed stars in the firmament, as well as the planets, to be for signs, the Prophet seems not to have done right in forbidding the Jews to fear such signs; for these signs in the heavens are not the vain fictions of men, but what God has created and appointed; and we have already stated that the stars are not called signs through the foolish conceit of men, but this character was given them by God himself when they were first created; and if the stars presage to us either prosperity or adversity, it follows that they ought to be dreaded by us. 1599-1645. BibliographyBeza, Theodore. All heavenly phenomena are included, eclipses, comets, etc. Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Hence Moses was instructed from his childhood in that art, and also Daniel among the Chaldeans. "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". This text is brought to prove that the Israelites are not under any planetF14T. --- Fear. Worship, Leviticus xix. Library • Free Downloads • eBibles ◄ Jeremiah 10:2 ► Thus said the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 1859. the way of the heathen. T. Bab. 1905. 1840-57. Let Papists observe this. Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. There are, at the same time, in the firmament, twelve signs by which astrologers especially make their calculations. 1. ; since the Heathens are dismayed at them, but not they. (a) And be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. BibliographyTrapp, John. And I wonder that some are thus credulous as to the stars, who yet speak with extreme subtlety on free-will. To attribute importance to them is to walk in pagan ways. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". BibliographyWhedon, Daniel. Then they first began more anxiously to philosophize, that the sun, when in a certain sign, portends the death of an only son, and happy events to another. https: In this way we account for sterilities, and pestilences, and other things of this kind. "Commentary on Jeremiah 10:2". https: https: Bab.

He who feareth God needs not fear the stars; for "all things are yours," saith the apostle. BibliographyClarke, Adam. As then the Prophet’s meaning seems evident, the truth remains fixed, that the sun, and moon, and other planets, and the fixed stars in the firmament, are for signs. (a). https: Learn not the way of the heathen.] --- Signs. And be not dismayed at the signs of heaven.] ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Jeremiah 10:2". Be not dismayed at the signs of heaven: this was a practice and study so common among them, that judicial astrologers, of what nation soever, were generally termed Chaldeans; a practice so hateful to God, that sometimes he positively prohibits it, Deuteronomy 18:10,14, and sometimes in a way of scorn and derision sarcastically sends them to such, Isaiah 47:13, and often labours to persuade against it; for though astronomy be not only lawful, but useful, as being subject to reason and the rules of art, whereby many actions of human life are directed, and guided, and proportioned, yet judiciary astrology is indeed originally diabolical and heathenish; and though God do suffer their predictions sometimes to fall out right, yet it is to punish the curiosity of the inquirer. But as human minds are always wanton, they were very desirous of knowing what the Gentiles observed; but whenever this wantonness possesses men’s minds, they necessarily blend darkness with light. Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible.

Whosoever, then, seeks to make more of these signs, confounds the order established by God, as the Chaldeans formerly did, and also the Egyptians, when they sought to ascend higher than reason warranted: they tried to conjecture by the position of the stars what would be the fates of all nations; and then they dared to come down to the cases of individuals. Sabbat, fol. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password.

Way - the precepts or ordinances (Acts 9:2, "If he found any of this way," i:e., religion). Of the nations round about them, particularly the Chaldeans; meaning their religious ways, their ways of worship, their superstition and idolatry, which they were very prone unto, and many of which they had learned already; and were in danger of learning more, as they were about to be dispersed in divers countries, and especially in … After having given them a general command not to turn aside from the plain doctrine of the law, he specifies one thing in particular, Be not terrified by celestial signs, that is, “Do not suppose that prosperity or adversity depends on the position or aspect of the stars.” There seems, however, to be here some inconsistency, for he mentions the stars as signs; it hence follows that something is intimated by their position; and Moses also says, that the sun and moon, and all the stars, (and especially the planets,) would be for signs.

Nor did they remember what God had so often, and for so many years, threatened by his Prophets to do, in case they continued to provoke his wrath. 1832. 2. "Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable". 1765. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". But it was Yahweh who controlled these things (cf.

The Prophet, no doubt, intended to condemn this madness when he forbade the Jews to attend to the celestial signs so as to dread them.

In singular contrast with the abject attitude of mind thus produced, the prophet shows that what has been called in scorn an anthropomorphic theology, was then the one effectual safeguard against the superstition that bows in fear before anything that is unusual and unexplained.

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jeremiah 10:2 meaning

https: "Commentary on Jeremiah 10:2".

The law was to the Jews a rule which was sure, and prescribed to them the limits of duty; they ought, therefore, to have followed what God taught them in his law, and not to have turned aside either to the right hand or to the left, according to what Moses also had said. DD. Jarchi interprets them of the eclipses of the luminaries, which may be thought to forbode some dreadful things {l}: for the Heathen are dismayed at them; which is a reason why the people of God should not, because it is a Heathenish fear; or, "though the Heathen" F13; though they are frightened at such and such conjunctions and positions of the stars, and fear that such and such dreadful things will follow; and never regard the supreme Being and first cause of all things; yet such who have the knowledge of the true God, and a revelation of his will, ought not to be terrified hereby; see ( Isaiah 47:13 ) . Religious rites, ver. (Calmet) --- Heathens thought that they had a divine power. https: But these are things, as we have said, which are beyond the usual order of nature. All rights reserved. Now, as I have said, it hence follows that God does not rule, and that thus faith is extinguished, and all the exercises of religion are reduced to nothing.

BibliographyTorrey, R. A. Ver. https: He warned his people not to be disciples of the Gentile nations, specifically not to let the celestial phenomena-that the nations looked to for guidance-frighten them.

For all the astrologers, who falsely assume so honorable a name, yea those unprincipled men, who add to their impostures the name of judiciary astrology, hold and maintain, that a judgment respecting man’s life ought to be formed by the horoscope, as though the fortune of every one depended on the stars.

Since then God has, from the beginning of the creation, appointed what they call the fixed stars in the firmament, as well as the planets, to be for signs, the Prophet seems not to have done right in forbidding the Jews to fear such signs; for these signs in the heavens are not the vain fictions of men, but what God has created and appointed; and we have already stated that the stars are not called signs through the foolish conceit of men, but this character was given them by God himself when they were first created; and if the stars presage to us either prosperity or adversity, it follows that they ought to be dreaded by us. 1599-1645. BibliographyBeza, Theodore. All heavenly phenomena are included, eclipses, comets, etc. Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Hence Moses was instructed from his childhood in that art, and also Daniel among the Chaldeans. "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". This text is brought to prove that the Israelites are not under any planetF14T. --- Fear. Worship, Leviticus xix. Library • Free Downloads • eBibles ◄ Jeremiah 10:2 ► Thus said the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 1859. the way of the heathen. T. Bab. 1905. 1840-57. Let Papists observe this. Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. There are, at the same time, in the firmament, twelve signs by which astrologers especially make their calculations. 1. ; since the Heathens are dismayed at them, but not they. (a) And be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. BibliographyTrapp, John. And I wonder that some are thus credulous as to the stars, who yet speak with extreme subtlety on free-will. To attribute importance to them is to walk in pagan ways. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". BibliographyWhedon, Daniel. Then they first began more anxiously to philosophize, that the sun, when in a certain sign, portends the death of an only son, and happy events to another. https: In this way we account for sterilities, and pestilences, and other things of this kind. "Commentary on Jeremiah 10:2". https: https: Bab.

He who feareth God needs not fear the stars; for "all things are yours," saith the apostle. BibliographyClarke, Adam. As then the Prophet’s meaning seems evident, the truth remains fixed, that the sun, and moon, and other planets, and the fixed stars in the firmament, are for signs. (a). https: Learn not the way of the heathen.] --- Signs. And be not dismayed at the signs of heaven.] ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Jeremiah 10:2". Be not dismayed at the signs of heaven: this was a practice and study so common among them, that judicial astrologers, of what nation soever, were generally termed Chaldeans; a practice so hateful to God, that sometimes he positively prohibits it, Deuteronomy 18:10,14, and sometimes in a way of scorn and derision sarcastically sends them to such, Isaiah 47:13, and often labours to persuade against it; for though astronomy be not only lawful, but useful, as being subject to reason and the rules of art, whereby many actions of human life are directed, and guided, and proportioned, yet judiciary astrology is indeed originally diabolical and heathenish; and though God do suffer their predictions sometimes to fall out right, yet it is to punish the curiosity of the inquirer. But as human minds are always wanton, they were very desirous of knowing what the Gentiles observed; but whenever this wantonness possesses men’s minds, they necessarily blend darkness with light. Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible.

Whosoever, then, seeks to make more of these signs, confounds the order established by God, as the Chaldeans formerly did, and also the Egyptians, when they sought to ascend higher than reason warranted: they tried to conjecture by the position of the stars what would be the fates of all nations; and then they dared to come down to the cases of individuals. Sabbat, fol. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password.

Way - the precepts or ordinances (Acts 9:2, "If he found any of this way," i:e., religion). Of the nations round about them, particularly the Chaldeans; meaning their religious ways, their ways of worship, their superstition and idolatry, which they were very prone unto, and many of which they had learned already; and were in danger of learning more, as they were about to be dispersed in divers countries, and especially in … After having given them a general command not to turn aside from the plain doctrine of the law, he specifies one thing in particular, Be not terrified by celestial signs, that is, “Do not suppose that prosperity or adversity depends on the position or aspect of the stars.” There seems, however, to be here some inconsistency, for he mentions the stars as signs; it hence follows that something is intimated by their position; and Moses also says, that the sun and moon, and all the stars, (and especially the planets,) would be for signs.

Nor did they remember what God had so often, and for so many years, threatened by his Prophets to do, in case they continued to provoke his wrath. 1832. 2. "Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable". 1765. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". But it was Yahweh who controlled these things (cf.

The Prophet, no doubt, intended to condemn this madness when he forbade the Jews to attend to the celestial signs so as to dread them.

In singular contrast with the abject attitude of mind thus produced, the prophet shows that what has been called in scorn an anthropomorphic theology, was then the one effectual safeguard against the superstition that bows in fear before anything that is unusual and unexplained.

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