You play Flint, a young hero and Pirate Hunter who is wanted for treason, and is after the pirates that caused his parents' death. Please note the Dwarf Stone is in this chamber in the black chest, you will need this for the Valar Shield.
Jump on the box switch and head through the door and enter the next chamber.
The Watcher in the Water has two forms, the first of which is the face in the water, this deals no damage when contact is made with it and only has two attacks, Bubbleburst and a Minor Arm Summon, both of these can either be dodged or dealt with using the Sword.
Arrows from the Sky (8 health)- Ronan hunches over, sending out three waves of two blue arrows into the sky, the arrows cast a rather obvious shadow on the ground and the shadow stops for a moment before the arrows fall to the ground, make sure to stay away from the shadows since the blast radius is slightly larger than the shadow. Outside of the capital, Mephisto raises his Star Key, a giant key-shaped structure, out of the sea.
The Watcher in the Water carries on using this attack until he receives damage, summoning another wave of arms as the last wave retracts. Rather than losing HP according to the weapon's damage output, they generally take just 1 HP of damage from everything, essentially converting their fixed HP into a fixed number of hits to kill them. The typical strategy for this boss is to walk around in the water, dodging the arms as they spring up, though it is possibly safer to stand still since it lowers the likelihood of Alundra walking into an arm, though it does increase the chance of the Watcher in the Water summoning one right under Alundra. Here, slay the enemies and descend below. Baron Diaz, untrusting of Mephisto, tasks the pirates with keeping an eye on him. Hits with recommended weapon:38 hits with the Dagger, 25 hits with the Iron Flail. As soon as the fight begins, begin running downwards. Alundra 2 is a sequel that had to be made, and made well. Now head back to the previous room and jump on the box switch to Flint's right. Next unlock the door with the new key and enter the room.
Dismiss shield (7 health)- If the shield persists for too long and Alundra remains too far away, Ronan throws the remaining orbs downwards off the arena, sending them in a spinning pattern. This fight is slightly unique, actually being a fight against eight of the Mummy Guardians found through the entire Ancient Shrine rather than against any specific boss. It had a lot to live up to, considering the overwhelming popularity of its predecessor.
That way, you won't be sucked in. Here we will go left and jump onto the box switch.
Make sure you stand in front of Giles. Then jump on the box switch to Flint's left in the dead end. When he stands on one leg run in with slide attack and hit him in his leg. Use the key to access the door near the cracked wall.
Alundra 2's story is set in the kingdom of Varuna. The Watcher in the Water carries on using this attack until he receives damage, at which point it stops a few seconds after he retracts his body.
Sparrowhawk – Tortuga Beach – Toroledo – Mithra Valley – Howling CaveDun Webb – Yagin Harbor – Puerto Medusa – Milena's Mansion – Underwater Cave – Varuna City – Gwaba TownSunk Ship – Seagull Ruins – Eden Ruins – Eden Village – Paco Ruins – Demon Whale – Church of the KeyTurnkey Dam – Mt. Attacks: Contact with the Watcher in the Water's vulnerable form deals 4 damage to Alundra, contact with his arms deals 3 damage to Alundra. It will try and suck you in to it's stomach, taking HP off of you and spitting you back out in regular intervals, as well as spitting out 5 purple slime's to distract you until it starts sucking again. When the Watcher in the Water emerges, charge up a Sword Attack and use it on the body while dodging the arms, hitting them out of the way if it is a Major Arm Summon.
Then place bomb on the statue so that the fire-spitting statue can light it .
Flint is told to enlist the help of the three pirates he had met before: Zeppo, Albert, and Ruby. Rock Fall - Nirude makes rocks fall from the sky in order to block the way forward, large rocks take two hits with the sword or one charged hit to destroy, while all other rocks take one hit. Hits with recommended weapon: 48 charged shots with the Willow Bow or 6 castings of the Fire Book. Use the key to open the door here, slay the beasts then jump onto the box switch. The Ruin Keeper boss can be knocked out like this.
Jump onto the elevator and then jump onto the boulder. When the block is blown you can grab the puzzle piece.
The game also features unique magical ring items which grant Flint special powers such as the abilities to float in place or traverse over harmful lava. Attacks: The Soul Leech only has 2 attacks. Homing Arms - While the Watcher in the Water is in his vulnerable form, he summons arms that rapidly home in on Alundra's position, while they are faster than Alundra walking, they can still be destroyed and most, but not all eventually retract after a couple of seconds.
Knock them down and enter room and get ready for a boss fight . Then destroy another stone statue to reveal another door. Flint can also learn additional successive strikes for his sword, known as combos, by collecting items called Puzzle Pieces and exchanging them with the character Lord Jeehan.
Just hit Kline once with your Sword and get close to him and keep hitting him when he becomes vulnerable again. However, he stated that he enjoyed "the game's puzzles and was very impressed with the localization job by Activision," but that "the game was really hurt by its less than precise controls, annoyingly difficult boss battles," "uninspiring music, and graphical glitches."
This is since Ronan responds to the first with a series of Arm Cannon bursts, after the second casting, he responds to a Fire Book casting with a shield summon, making him invulnerable during the entire period of the spell being cast. Flint kills Mephisto and the Star Key collapses into the sea.
Strategy: For this boss, there are two strategies that can be used, the first one that will be covered is the typical strategy while the second will be a strategy that allows Alundra to dodge all of the Watcher in the Water's attacks but at the slight expense of his own damage dealing capabilities. When the Soul Leech does it's suck attack, both you and Giles will be sucked towards the Soul Leech. The typical strategy for this boss is to walk around in the water, dodging the arms as they spring up, though it is possibly safer to stand still since it lowers the likelihood of Alundra walking into an arm, though it does increase the chance of the Watcher in the Water summoning one right under Alundra. Dodging this can typically be achieved by either standing at the non-main cardinal points (North-East, South-East, South-West and North-West) though this may not always work, or just standing far away and heading in between the rocks at that point. Now go back and save your game and exit via the glowing telepads.
Flint eavesdrops on their conversation and it is mentioned that Mephisto can create "mechanical men" through a technology that only he understands.
The story is presented through text and voiced cutscenes. Major Arm Summon - While the Watcher in the Water is in his vulnerable form, he sometimes summons many arms out of the water at once, these deal damage to Alundra if touched but can still be destroyed by weapons. After one of the medium slimes takes 14 hits, it splits into four basic slimes, these take 5 hits with a dagger to kill, these have no sort of invincibility, making them extremely easy to kill as long as Alundra does not get cornered. Then quickly jump through the spikes, leap over the two fallen walls and jump on the last switch by the door where you entered for the door to open.
Feel free to use an Elixir or Wonder Essence to restore Magic and do it again as soon as possible. Hits with recommended weapon: 20 charged hits with the Ice Wand.
Random Rock Fall - The Ancient Guardian slams the ground, and a trial of rocks begins to fall down.
If any live through both spells, use Bombs to easily dispatch them in one hit. Alundra 2 is a sequel that had to be made, and made well.
He will charge up an attack that takes roughly 2-3 seconds, and charge towards you, trying to slash you. Shoot the blue block with Siren ring then ascend the ladder on the opposite side of the room. Once the moves of the boss can be predicted to a certain extent, it's possible to keep him invincible for as long as possible, hitting the boss as soon as it stops. Jump again on the same switch staying on the switch until the block disappears. Location: Lars' Crypt, Ancient Shrine and Murgg Woods. With Earl Boen, Jennifer Hale, Scott Menville, Dee Bradley Baker. They assist him in entering the ruins. The problems with this strategy lay with its reliance on luck, the five second fuse of a bomb and the fact that Alundra will take heavy damage from Sara's mirror images, since he is unable to hit them for fear of hitting the actual Sara and breaking off the attack.
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