Choosing Oersted begins a scenario where he defeats each hero using his Odio incarnations across history, leaving him in a world devoid of human life.
[6], The music was composed and arranged by Yoko Shimomura. Not to be confused with the Haruhi Suzumiya episode "Live Alive", The Wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya story "Live A Live", or Alive A Life.
Ode Iou turns into a giant frog-like monster holding a cobra. The bosses love elemental spaces. [7][11] Active production began in December 1993, though the entire development including early planning lasted one and a half years. [20] Katō designed the sprites of the Medieval cast based on templates from the Final Fantasy series, with Orstead being directly based on the Warrior of Light. [30][31] Also in 2015, a tribute concert was held in Kichijoji at Club Seata, featuring performances by multiple musicians including Shimomura, and guest appearances from the game's staff including Tokita. [6] The game was re-released through Nintendo's Virtual Console for Wii U on June 17, 2015. They are, in chronological order: (If you're considering playing the game for the first time, it is highly recommend you start with the robot sci-fi chapter. In one scenario techniques are learned through seeing an opponent use them. "Flow" made several references to classic mecha manga and anime. [40] In its review, Micro Magazine's publication Game Criticism lauded the attempt at its omnibus storytelling style and use of popular manga artists, but ultimately felt it lacked substance and heavily criticized the final chapters and "imbalance" between the mature narrative and low-difficulty gameplay. [10] The Final Chapter and its selectable lead protagonists emulated the freedom of choice present in Romancing SaGa. "[36], Final Fantasy Legends: The Space-Time Crystal, "Important Importables: Best SNES role-playing games", "Drammatica: The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura", "The curtain comes down on the Theatrhythm Second Performance", "Important Importables: Notable fan translation projects", "What's The Difference Between Making Final Fantasy Now And 20 Years Ago? [6], The music was composed and arranged by Yoko Shimomura. [23], The boss theme "Megalomania" was written to be frenetic and exciting. Oersted believes that he can continue to fight, even as everyone else in the world turns against him, as long as there's one person who believes in him. Only noticeable in Akira's dungeon in the final chapter, where you can find his soul. At the end of his chapter, he dies, and it's his prize pupil who goes on to participate in the final chapter. That was the absolute last straw, the severing of his last tenuous tie to sanity, In the Final Chapter, however, once you learn this with the surviving pupil, you can use this multiple times, thus making it an. In each scenario, the protagonist confronts a powerful enemy whose name is or incorporates the word "Odio". Tokita's work on Live A Live influenced his later projects, and he has voiced his willingness to remake the title if there were enough demand.
The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, [2][5] Each character can also equip and use items, such as accessories to boost attack or items to recover health. Ishiwata based the protagonist of "Wandering" on the cowboy figures portrayed by Clint Eastwood. Initially, he is shown to be close to Oersted, being his trusted and humble companion. Guess which option gets you the worst ending? He was a loyal knight who served Lucretia and its people, inspiring hope with his heroic deeds.
In his pure Odio form he appears as a bald man with reddish wings. The chapters of the game each draw on influences from different sources, as wide and varied as 80's anime, spaghetti Westerns, fighting games, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Aliens, to name but a few. Final Fantasy Legends the Space Time Crystal, [7] The main theme appeared multiple times through the score in arranged versions, an idea shared by both Shimomura and Tokita. [15] Prior to release, Tamura created a prequel manga to the "Mechanical Heart" scenario, later noting that she drew the manga without Square's permission. It reads HUMANISM, the main theme for Cube's character. It's the former, but a few early English translations screwed it up. [7] Tokita put an equal amount of effort into each world design. Live A Live is a role-playing video game in which the player takes on the role of eight different protagonists through nine scenarios. [13] Except for menus and battles, Fukaya was responsible for all the game's programming. Character designs for the seven main scenarios were handled by different manga artists.
An ambitious game by Square, featuring multiple story lines set in seven time periods ("chapters"), which can be played in any order before culminating in one hell of a Wham! Selling 270,000 units, the game was considered a failure. If the player character, or party, is defeated, the game ends.[2]. [22] Live A Live was Shimomura's first major RPG composition, and her first job after arriving at Square. [10] Several staff members, including designer Nobuyuki Inoue and lead programmer Fumiaki Fukaya, had worked on either Hanjuku Hero or the Final Fantasy series. The title remains exclusive to Japan, though it was given a fan translation by the online group Aeon Genesis. [13] The first world created with the Medieval edition, which informed both the wider narrative and the gameplay design. "Sundown Kid" is a take on the name of a famous, There is no possible way that Gori's constant snickering wasn't a reference to, If you play the piano in Akira's chapter he'll play the. [2], The turn-based battle system is used across all scenarios, and features the player character and sometimes a party fighting enemies on a 7x7 grid, with characters able to move and perform actions such as attacking or using particular skills.
Ishiwata based the protagonist of "Wandering" on the cowboy figures portrayed by Clint Eastwood. Live A Live Shrine - Your source for info on this SNES classic. [10] The Final Chapter and its selectable lead protagonists emulated the freedom of choice present in Romancing SaGa. [8] Pogo's story drew inspiration from the manga series First Human Giatrus, while the "Wandering" narrative was based on climactic scenes from classic Westerns including Shane. So what happened to the previous Demon King? [14] Many of the world suggestions came from other members of staff, with Tokita choosing what he thought were the best. It is sometimes spelled "Ørsted". Cube and Xin Shan Quan's successor—to his own time, with the player choosing which protagonist to play as. [2][4] Some abilities imbue tiles with extra properties, such as healing a character or dealing elemental damage. The music was composed by Yoko Shimomura as her first large-scale project after joining Square. [2] Battles are triggered differently for each scenario; some are random encounters, some have enemy sprites which can be avoided, while others are entirely scripted. [17], Live A Live remains exclusive to Japan. SNES - Live A Live (JPN) - Straybow - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! The game follows seven distinct scenarios scattered across different time periods, with two more unlockable scenarios linking the narratives together through the recurring antagonist Odio. [17], Live A Live remains exclusive to Japan. [2][5] Each character can also equip and use items, such as accessories to boost attack or items to recover health. Joining him include his best friend Straybow, a wizard; Hash, a knight who previously defeated the Demon Lord; and Uranus, a priest. Fight / Pass / Item / Armageddon. "[36], Final Fantasy Legends: The Space-Time Crystal, "Important Importables: Best SNES role-playing games", "Drammatica: The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura", "The curtain comes down on the Theatrhythm Second Performance", "Important Importables: Notable fan translation projects", "What's The Difference Between Making Final Fantasy Now And 20 Years Ago? The "Mechanical Heart" narrative was inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey and Alien. The True Tropes Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. [28] "Kiss of Jealousy" and "Megalomania" were released on the 2014 compilation album Memoria, which also featured tracks from Shimomura's work with Square. Oersted's Max HP is 666, which may be foreshadowing his dismal fate to become Odio. [7], A notable feature of Live A Live were the artists brought in to design the lead cast of the seven main sections. [15] Once production finished, the team split up to work on other projects within Square. The party can either kill Oersted, trapping them in his time; or spare him, leading to final battles with each form of Odio, which Oersted describes as the physical incarnation of hatred. The game follows seven distinct scenarios scattered across different time periods, with two more unlockable scenarios linking the narratives together through the recurring antagonist Odio. [20] Katō designed the sprites of the Medieval cast based on templates from the Final Fantasy series, with Orstead being directly based on the Warrior of Light. [1] Originally meant to be released in Japan before Final Fantasy VI, delays occurred in Live A Live's production and the release order was reversed.
[10] Several staff members, including designer Nobuyuki Inoue and lead programmer Fumiaki Fukaya, had worked on either Hanjuku Hero or the Final Fantasy series.
[1][6] After completing these scenarios, an eighth chapter set in medieval times is unlocked, which in turn unlocks a final chapter tying the narratives together.[1]. The game tends to play these tropes straight for the most part, but at times subverts them just as happily. [9] Shimamoto was originally going for an anime-styled design for his characters, but changed it to one based on traditional manga when he saw the other designers' work. Choosing any other protagonist leads a party of four to a final battle with Odio's true form. [8] The original concept was born from the desire to make an RPG where players could experience multiple standalone stories at once, contrasting against Final Fantasy where smaller stories served a grand narrative arc. ", "Anyone Want A Remake Of Live A Live? "In the end... Cube never made it to Earth...". [22], A soundtrack album for the game was released in August 1994 by NTT Publishing.
Hexaflange: 1 tile diagonal range, comes out instantly, can inflict stun. Corporal Darth from the Sci-Fi Chapter gets special mention.
Mirror Drive: 1 tile of horizontal and diagonal range, inflicts Wind damage, comes out instantly. Moon Down: 1 tile of horizontal and vertical range, can inflict sleep, comes out instantly. The classical Chinese kung fu nature chapter, starring an old, dying Xin Shan Quan master and his potential successors Li, Yuan, and Sammo.
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