Junipers are hardy shrubs that can take severe pruning, but it is possible to kill them by pruning them back too far.
How to Trim Silver Sheen Trees for a Privacy Screen. The dead and broken branches count toward the total 20 percent, and other branches should be chosen carefully so you don't disrupt the shape or leave gaping holes that allow you to see into the inner dead zone. Pruning them in warm weather also ensures that they heal before winter chill hits, as frost -- no matter how infrequent -- can kill off the new growths that pruning tends to spark. Though these evergreen trees rarely need pruning, careful trims give them a shapely elegance to grace your garden. Pyramidal junipers (Juniperus spp.
Leave at least a bit of green foliage on the branch, if possible, so it can produce vigorous new growth; sometimes a branch is completely dead, so you can simply cut it back to the trunk. Wait until dry weather to remove diseased limbs, as wet weather can encourage diseased spores to transfer more readily from pruning tools to other parts of a tree. We serve Longmont, Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, as well as the rest of Boulder County. Though many narrowleaf junipers tend to spread into large shrubs as they grow, upright junipers have a pyramidal structure, and you can keep them upright with regular pruning. We serve Longmont, Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, as … How to Prune Pyramidal Junipers. Overgrown specimens can be lowered up to 20 percent, but cuts must be above the dead zone.
Prune the pyramidal juniper in early spring after the last chance of frost and before buds set so that the new flush of growth has sufficient time to harden off over the summer before winter. Prune spreading and creeping junipers by selectively cutting back to vigorous, lateral side branches. A former cake decorator and competitive horticulturist, Amelia Allonsy is most at home in the kitchen or with her hands in the dirt. I think the last time I pruned it was about five years ago.
This ensures that all of the branches receive ample sunlight, so that lower branches don't experience dieback from lack of light.
Do not shear in a formal manner. If a few branches become too long, you can cut them back to maintain the shape at any time, but severe or more thorough pruning should only be done in early spring. Pyramidal junipers are most often cultivars of the Rocky Mountain juniper (J. scopulorum) and Chinese juniper (J. chinensis) species. Choose the healthiest and straightest of multiple leaders, and cut the remaining vertical stems back to the ground or point of origin with the main trunk. Step back from the juniper and observe its shape. Trimming back this mugo pine allows the owner to have a better eye line when pulling out of the driveway. Planting several in a row can make an attractive screen or a stately alternative to a stubby hedge. Cut any dead branches back to the point of origin on the parent stem or back to the central leader trunk. ), as the name suggests, feature an upright growth habit with a wide base that tapers to a point near the top. How to prune and reshape an overgrown bonsai tree I started a bonsai for Micky about twelve years ago by cutting up a dwarf procumbens juniper and potting it in a clay saucer. If you have overgrown shrubs or need tree pruning, give us a call.
This leaves their crowns exposed to damage, disease and decay. Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Technical Report: Pruning Junipers, University of Idaho Cooperative Extension System: How to Prune Coniferous Evergreen Trees, Kentucky State University Horticulture Report: All About Pruning, University of Missouri Extension: Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, How to Care for a Decorative Juniper Spiral. Only save extensive pruning for spring or summer. It was one of those things I kept meaning to … Avoid cutting a branch too far back because new growth develops on the green tips but rarely from the old wood in the interior of the plant. Plus, the shrub is just more attractive. Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images.
Cut the top of the pyramidal juniper back to its joint with a lateral branch, if needed, to control the height, but do not cut down into the dead zone. If possible, avoid cutting branches so far back that you expose the dead zone -- the area within a juniper in which branches are not actually dead, but they do not grow foliage because they are not exposed to light. Cutting back that juniper hedge will help it fill out without overwhelming the bed. Thin out as much as 20 percent of the total juniper foliage, cutting the branches back to the central leader or trunk to open up the remaining branches to airflow and sunlight. University of California Cooperative Extension: Pruning Trees; Donald R. Hodel, et al. Clipping the green tips of branches encourages a new flush of growth, but new growth will not develop from the tips of branches in the dead zone because this is old wood. If you cut only the green portion of the top, then a new central leader will develop; cutting into the dead zone leaves a flat top that is undesirable for pyramidal plants. How to Prune a Sprawling Juniper Bush. Here are several before and after photos to show you what a difference a little tree trimming or shrub pruning can make.
When shearing junipers, care should be taken to leave some new growth on the plant to avoid pruning back into the dead zone. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Never top junipers. You can safely perform a light trim at any time of year.
Though these evergreen trees rarely need pruning, careful trims give them a shapely elegance to grace your garden.
Cutting back this overgrown juniper hedge reveals the attractive rock bed beneath it. ), as the name suggests, feature an upright growth habit with a wide base that tapers to a point near the top. Another overgrown juniper (before) Another overgrown juniper (after) Cutting back this overgrown juniper hedge reveals the attractive rock bed beneath it. You also can remove crowded branches first, though be careful not to prune away too much, as conifers tend to retain bald spots more often than deciduous trees do. Cut broken branches back to the nearest point of intersection with a healthy, unbroken branch. Shear junipers along their sides once a year in late spring or early summer to maintain their shape.
If the juniper contains several dead branches, an option is to remove and replace the entire juniper with a new specimen. Junipers are widely planted for their evergreen foliage, but while junipers feature abundant green growth at the tips there is little foliage on branches toward the interior. However, if you’re not skilled to know how to cut it back, you might end up killing it. If a branch is completely dead so you can't leave a stub with green foliage to produce new growth, then you might wish to simply leave the dead branch in place to avoid opening up the tree to make the dead zone visible. At this time, you should see junipers' new growth and avoid snipping off too much. Fine Gardening: How to Prune Conifers; Bert Cregg. Her work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle and on other websites. Missouri Botanical Garden: How Do I Prune My Evergreens? Cut the top branches shorter than the lower branches, maintaing upright junipers' natural pyramid shape. Cut young pyramidal junipers to leave only a single vertical stem, known as the central leader. Or even save it altogether.
© Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Cut small branches, such as branch tips, with bypass pruners, cut branches larger than 1/2 inch in diameter with lopping shears and use a pruning saw for branches larger than 1 inch in diameter. Pruning can not only make a tree or shrub look more attractive, while giving you a clearer eye line, but also make a tree healthier. Trim any branches that stick out from the basic pyramidal shape, clipping each back to the intersection with a lateral branch so the cuts are not obvious and a new tip will develop.
If you have overgrown shrubs or need tree pruning, give us a call. Trim individual branches as needed to maintain the shape at any time throughout the year. Pyramidal junipers (Juniperus spp.
One of the services we offer in Longmont, Colorado and the surrounding area is tree pruning. She received her Bachelor's degree from West Virginia University. Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images.
Remove dead or diseased branches first.
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